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Installation Problem

Guest Zucabr

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I think I may be doing something wrong, but L1NPCs won't install at all for my BG/TotSC only install. I downloaded and redownloaded from different mirrors, and the extraction process goes fine... but the actual install doesn't seem to like my dialog.tlk. It reads:


ERROR: error loading [dialog.tlk]


FATAL ERROR: Unix.Unix_error(1, "open", "dialog.tlk")


Press ENTER to exit.


...and the DEBUG file reads:


WeiDU v 21300 Log


E:\Program Files\Black Isle\Baldur's Gate\setup-level1npcs.exe

[./Chitin.key] loaded, 238496 bytes

[./Chitin.key] 159 BIFFs, 16694 resources

ERROR: error loading [dialog.tlk]


FATAL ERROR: Unix.Unix_error(1, "open", "dialog.tlk")


WeiDU Timings

load TLK 0.000

unmarshal KEY 0.031

loading files 0.282

stuff not covered elsewhere 1.516

TOTAL 1.829


Should this be installed before other mods? The only other mod I've installed is BG1 Tweaks... Hmm.

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I think I may be doing something wrong, but L1NPCs won't install at all for my BG/TotSC only install.
It's a BG2 mod.


Ah bugger. Should've read the fine print better. I saw it was "FOR BG1 NPCS TOO" and mostly forgot about Tutu. Right, sorry folks!

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