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Will it work ?


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There is at least 2 of those 4 in 1 Boxsets, so there is no THE 4 in 1 boxset. But anyway, if you patch the games to the latest official patches and not to the DX8patches, this mod will work.

The fully patched game versions will be v1.3.5512 BG1+TotSC, and v2.5.26498 BGII - SoA+ToB.

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There is at least 2 of those 4 in 1 Boxsets, so there is no THE 4 in 1 boxset. But anyway, if you patch the games to the latest official patches and not to the DX8patches, this mod will work.

The fully patched game versions will be v1.3.5512 BG1+TotSC, and v2.5.26498 BGII - SoA+ToB.


Thx for the input Jarno

I noticed I wasn't patched to the latest ,can I install the latest patches and then run the Mod again or must I remove both versions of BG and then re-install the Mod and BG ?

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I noticed I wasn't patched to the latest, can I install the latest patches and then run the Mod again or must I remove both versions of BG and then re-install the Mod and BG ?
Yes, but you should start a new game, not load already started game/save...


But... if the mod was already installed(successfully), you shouldn't patch the game... open the WeiDU.log file from the game directory and see if the mod was installed, you open the WeiDU.log with Notepad.


If you don't see the mod mentioned there, you just need to patch the game, then run the setup-widescreen.exe that should already be in the game directory, if you ran the downloaded self-extracting archive(widescreen-v2.31.exe).

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Hi Jarno (and others )

Its still not working ,all I get is awful resolution and black blocks on the outside of the screen

Let me explain what I've done


1. Removed and re-installed games with latest patches (I haven't started playing yet so no big deal)

2. Installed the widescreen mod from the default directory and run the config at 1680 x 1050 (my monitor resolution) .This runs successfully

3. Run the setup-nvidia_fix.exe (Im have a Geoforce 8800 GTS video card) . This runs successfully

4.I go into BG1 and still no changes to screen resolution


Any advice would be appreciated

One question ,if Im copying the widesceen mod only into the BG2 directory how would that effect BG1 ?Does BG1 know about the Mod

The result from the log says


Log of Currently Installed WeiDU Mods

// The top of the file is the 'oldest' mod

// ~TP2_File~ #language_number #component_number // [subcomponent Name -> ] Component Name [ : Version]

// Recently Uninstalled: ~WIDESCREEN/WIDESCREEN.TP2~ #0 #0 // Widescreen Mod -> for the original Infinity Engine (CHOOSE THIS!): Widescreen Mod v2.31

~WIDESCREEN/WIDESCREEN.TP2~ #0 #0 // Widescreen Mod -> for the original Infinity Engine (CHOOSE THIS!): Widescreen Mod v2.31


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I do recommend that you do install the game in a non-Program Files sub-folder, especially if you have Vista or W7. Then in that case disable the UAC, and the PCA(answer #3) 'ses too for the period you do the installation, at least. And when you are about to reinstall the game, make sure the install folder is empty, so there is no previously installed mods/files in there so your installs is actually a clean one.


1. Removed and re-installed games with latest patches (I haven't started playing yet so no big deal)

2. Installed the widescreen mod from the default directory and run the config at 1680 x 1050 (my monitor resolution) .This runs successfully

What you should do between those two points is to run the game (without the widescreen mod).

Then make the right kind of configuration for the game so you don't see the black boxes etc./install the setup-nvidia_fix.exe... in the normal default resolution(640x480)... so you have to install the mods in different order. And test it in windowed mode if you have to so it works, and then remove the windowed tag from the configuration.

The install the Widescreen mod...


3. Run the setup-nvidia_fix.exe (Im have a Geoforce 8800 GTS video card) .
Hmm, was it successfully installed? Cause the WeiDU.log doesn't have it installed. Open the file called SETUP-NVIDIA_FIX.DEBUG with notepad and copy-paste it's content.


One question ,if Im copying the widesceen mod only into the BG2 directory how would that effect BG1 ?Does BG1 know about the Mod
What are you copying? Cause the 'widescreen-v2.31.exe' is a self-extracting archive (and thus an .exe) which extracts a file called 'setup-widescreen.exe' that is the real installer and the 'widescreen' folder that the installer needs. So you can actually run the 'widescreen-v2.31.exe' again and make it to extract and run the installer in another folder(in your BG2 folder). Do not copy the already installed files cause it will cause bad things to happen.
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Yay it worked

I was doing something really stupid ,I wasn't running the Mod in the BG1 folder only the BG2 so none of the BG1 files were being updated

Im going to now reinstall to get the NVDIA and black block issues resolved

Thanks for the informative help Jarno

One more thing ,the starting screen outside the tavern appears in the top left of the sceen at the correct resolution I want but doesn't full the entire screen ?Is this normal

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One more thing ,the starting screen outside the tavern appears in the top left of the sceen at the correct resolution I want but doesn't full the entire screen ?Is this normal
Well, some of the BG1 maps are so small that parts of them are just blank black because they have to be made bigger in the installation so they can fill the whole screen. So it's normal...

In BG1, the filling is done so there is blank black in the right and on the lower parts of the map if the map is too small... while in BG2, the programming has been made so the blank black is equally spread to the both directions so the original map is in the center... it should be much harder to do in BG1, so the Widescreen Mod doesn't do that, and probably never will... as the BG1 conversion mods can make everything better(BGT and EasyTutu).

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Hi Jarno

I have just started playing on 1680 x 1050 and right in the begining I walk into the tavern and the game crashes with the following error ...any idea's ?


" An assertion failed in D:\Dev\Baldur\Cvisibility.cpp at line number 1484"


And D: is the Cdrom

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" An assertion failed in D:\Dev\Baldur\Cvisibility.cpp at line number 1484"
Well, google gave me this: Link, I wish I knew a meaning of a word of German, but I don't, so... though I don't think there is any help in there either.
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" An assertion failed in D:\Dev\Baldur\Cvisibility.cpp at line number 1484"
Well, google gave me this: Link, I wish I knew a meaning of a word of German, but I don't, so... though I don't think there is any help in there either.




Maybe someone on this forum will kindly translate for me :p

The weird thing is this only happened after the widescreen mod was installed ?

I'll try the official forums as well

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Okay issue solved :p

I used a German English translator and basically they were saying issue is related to save files

So I restarted the game and doesnt crash anymore

That forum was saying that the widesreen mod effects save game but if I stop changing the resolution settings and save in one format it should be fine

Anyway I'll continue ..wish me luck :down:

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