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german version in 1024x768?

Guest NiXPhoE

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Guest NiXPhoE


last I asked here for help, I came to the clou, that the german version of Baldurs Gate with add on, runs well under 1024x768, or 1280x1024, I can't remember exactly, only has the green water problem and the startscreen was not correct. Now, with the 2.31version, I gave it a second try. and the problem is that the(don't now how to name) quikbar or formationbar, that keeps the selected weapon and spells, is only half-wide of regular? I'm sorry if this is a double post, and is though already mentiond, but I don't know what to search for...

please let me ask, if it is better to choose 1280x1024?

also I like to ask, witch skills are needed to contributefor a german version?

thank you, nixphoe

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Guest NiXPhoE

hello again,

first I am sorry for my broken english. feel free to ask what I did mean. :)

I now have tryed the higher resolution, and the bottom bar is to small anyway. but when I loaded the SC savegame the water was okay :laugh:

if I could help on a german version, let me know please. will try it with the black box on the bottom, tomorrrow.

thank you in advance, nixphoe

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Guest NiXPhoE

thank's for your answer!

could it be an idea to move the bar into the middle and fill up the black boxes with the regular texture?

however, I will take screenshots and use the ctrl+L or ctrl+X cheat, if I come across a bug.

thank you for this mod! :)

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could it be an idea to move the bar into the middle and fill up the black boxes with the regular texture?

I know it'd be better that way, it's just "too hard" to code (and I especially dislike spending time on BG1, given that most people play Tutu or BGT).

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Guest NiXPhoE

do you mean tales of the swordcoast? that's the one I would like to play and the one I installed with the 6 cd's version, and the 2 last regular patches; and then WSM.

I ever only like to play original games without mods and cheats, because this is my understanding of the art in games! :) anyway a widescreenmod or a translation or a patch that takes bugs away, are very good needs! :laugh:

thanks again!

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(Easy)tutu and BGT are two mods that allow you to play BG1 & TotSC using BG2's game engine. Unless you are a strong traditionalist, installing Tutu, Tutufix and BG1NPC doesn't remove anything crucial from the "BG1 experience" and makes for a more interesting game.

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do you mean tales of the swordcoast? that's the one I would like to play and the one I installed with the 6 cd's version, and the 2 last regular patches; and then WSM.
The BGT is reference to Baldur's Gate Trilogy, a 'total' conversion mod that copies the BG1 data to the BG2 game folder and then makes them usable in the BG2, so that it continues into the BG2 - SoA etc. . It's 'total' conversion only in name as it works with most, if not all BG2 mods, if it's installed in the right order. And all but very few BG1 mods are also made available into the BG2 with it. The Tutu is actually two projects, the BG1Tutu; a mod that does the same as the BGT, but it can only play the BG1 part, and EasyTutu; a mod that's based on the first, it only has English install, but it comes with easy installer, it makes it's own install directory if that's wanted... (a lot more could be said).


Ninjaed by the bigg. :)

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Guest NiXPhoE

okay, may be in the future... I will stay simple with only WDM, to get max out of the original team's intention. :)

thank you anyway!

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