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CoM: The Undying V3 Progress

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Version 3 of The Undying is going quite well. A lot of content has been done, but there is still more to do. I am always looking for comments and input so don't hesitate to pay the forums a visit. The updates thread will keep you updated on the progress of this mod.


A recap on what the new content is:


This mod will be greatly expanded to include many new areas to explore, quests to under take and plenty of enemies to fight. One of the main encounters will deal with the return of a Baldur's Gate villain who is manipulating others to do his/her bidding.


The other main encounter deals with an individual's return. Information on this encounter will basically stay in secrecy. Who this person is, well they have not appeared in any of the Baldur's Gate games but they are known in the Forgotten Realms setting.


Now for the bulk of the new content. The new areas of The Undying's expansion deal with the Stonecrusher clan. This will kick off when Magnus Stonecrusher, the owner of The Dwarven Hammer, asks for help when his clan is in trouble. There are also other minor quests to take in the Stonecrusher Delve besides the main quest for a total of four so far. There is a minor new quest unrelated to the dwarves. A new NPC, Shi'nayne Auvryndar a drow mage, may join your group if you complete the main Stonecrusher quest. There will be another joinable NPC, a dwarf named Taer Onyx. He will join you after you do the main Stonecrusher quest. Since you helped the dwarf king out, he has permitted his best battlerager to join your quest to stop Irenicus. But remember he is on loan, once you defeat Irenicus he returns home. Also in the Stonecrusher Delve you will find Charsi who will upgrade armor and weapons if you happen to have the right combination of items. Other revelations will be revealed as progress goes.

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