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Wide Screen Mod for PS:T


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I just installed this and the game looks gorgeous! Just a couple of things I'd like to check:


1. What happened to the cutscenes? When I started a new game I went straight to the mortuary where TNO wakes up and Morte starts talking to him.

2. Is it normal for the splash/loading screen to occupy the top left hand corner of the screen? I set the game res to 1280 x 1024 to match my desktop settings.



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You should be reading this forum, and then ask the questions there... but anyway:

2. Is it normal for the splash/loading screen to occupy the top left hand corner of the screen? I set the game res to 1280 x 1024 to match my desktop settings.
Yes, it's "normal" without a GUI mod that centers the view, like this one. It's installed on top of the Widescreen mod, cause it was made that way.


And welcome to the community.

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