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Black bar in BG

Guest Jess

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Hello there.

Well, first of all I read "Common problems" and believe that "Not all the GUIs are ported in the optimal way to the larger resolution. [...] might display black bars" is my issue. And then you say "Nicer GUIs for BG1 and PST are available via an external mod" but there's list of resolutions which haven't one of mine.


So let me begin once more time. I have notebook with wide screen wich uses resolution 1366x768. Earlier I installed old and strange mod "Baldur's Gate Trilogy" and tried to play from the beginning. Your Widescreen worked fine. After that I had some problem and installed newest version of this "Trilogy". And now I have black bar instead of portraits:


There's no such black stripe with 800x600 and game looks normal in windowed 800x600. But I want normal fullscreen. :\ Is there something I can do?


And, yeah, your Widescreen have some problems with russian language. When asking coordinates and later there're weird symbols instead of cyrillic.


Thank you in advance.

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And now I have black bar instead of portraits:
You probably just closed the right "portrait" GUI, so the button to push in the English keyboard is U... the input can be found in the Keymap.ini file in the game folder when you open it with the Notepad, among:
[Keymap Miscellaneous]

Quick Load=

Hide Interface=H

Right Interface=U

Chat Window=T


Don't know how that translates to Russian keyboard.


Or then you just need to uninstall the setup-gui.exe to fix the GUI mess up... as the BGT-WeiDU doesn't touch that. But then again the plain old BGT does, and you really should use that with the Widescreen mod. ...

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the bigg, yep. Well, I delete and reinstall whole thing before I read you - and now I have portraits but something wrong with shadows. I mean this:


Image of big location while scrolling awfully blink. And cursor itself blinks too. I tried to click buttons at graphic options but it didn't work. :\

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