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Dynaheir romance stopped?

Lord of Al

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So, probably not a bug, but perhaps needing a little explanation and maybe some variables advice for kicking it back into gear.


The last LT was probably 16, where she says she's in love with <CHARNAME> and must leave the party - I chose the one, top option where it says something about an oath and she has to stay, the one option which sorta says I want her to stay. She wasn't hostile in answering so I thought nothing of it, ages down the track, nothings happened and I've noticed flirts are gone so I think this is where I went wrong.


Variables are:





If you need any more info, I'll oblige, any explanation of what happened and what to perhaps do to the variables would be greatly appreciated,


Thanks in advance.

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Guest Malevolent

My Dynaheir romance has also stopped, though at a different location. I am at love talk 5, and hours have passed since love talk four. Each time I go to sleep, and wake up, her avatar becomes busy and faces me, as though she is getting ready to engage me in dialogue, but the love talk never comes. I've tried sleeping various places as well, and it hasn't worked there, either.

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X#DYNAHEIRROMANCEINACTIVE = 1 is the key. This is set by:


Winski stealing her away or taking her away (your character failed at love, if not life, by not rescuing her in time)


Branwen's romance goes fully committed (she goes t0 Global("P#BranwenRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) )


She has discovered your parentage and while thinking/pondering/asking questions about it before she committs has discovered Daddy left you with some rather evil tendencies (you answered some questions wrong)



or any one of 46 (forty-six) replies across her files where she said "whoa... nope. This guy is just not my type. Better start thinking about whether I want to back him up or stuff a fireball where the sun don't shine".


Sorry, that last bit should be "If thou art consideringmine own self thine, thou'd best think a second on thy choices. Death by drowning would be nothing, compared to mine treatment of thou after thy current words!" (Rephrased from BG1NPC\bg1npc\tra\english\x#dyint.tra line 25 tra reference @24 )

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