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Change Avatars in Baldur's Gate I

Guest John

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In Baldur's Gate 1, how do I change my avatar to that of a mage? I'm a multiclass elf, warrior/thief/mage.


But my avatar is a warrior's avatar. So, when I walk around in mage robes, it just looks like I'm a naked warrior. It's aesthetically annoying. Can anybody help?




In Baldur's Gate 1, how do I change my avatar to that of a mage? I'm a multiclass elf, warrior/thief/mage.
Well, you can use a save game editor to do that, unfortunately the effect will probably revert itself when you gain levels, but you can redo the edit.

GateKeeper can do that ~easily.

In Baldur's Gate 1, how do I change my avatar to that of a mage? I'm a multiclass elf, warrior/thief/mage.
Well, you can use a save game editor to do that, unfortunately the effect will probably revert itself when you gain levels, but you can redo the edit.

GateKeeper can do that ~easily.

Thank you, Jarno. It worked. Now my guy looks cool, hacking off hobgoblin heads with a bastard sword and archmagi robes. He looks like sith lord.


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