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[Repaired] Xan: Adorable Duplicate Dialog


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I had an experience where Xan repeated himself in Ice Island. Upon entering the dungeon and conversing with the first mage, Xan has the discussion where he asks the PC if they could stay there away from harm. [so sweet and so very sad!] He asked me it again when the user is prompted to respond to the mad mage's dialog. Question: was Xan only supposed to have one interjection in this conversation or am I missing what he was supposed to say? If so, what was it?


Thank you!

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Yep - duplicate dialog - as per Daulkmayan's report, too.


/*  Xan */
I_C_T ~%tutu_var%ANDRIS~ 1 X#XANANDRIS1
== ~%XAN_JOINED%~ IF ~InParty("xan") InMyArea("xan") !StateCheck("xan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("X#ANDRIS2","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN @116

// I_C_T ~%tutu_var%ANDRIS~ 2 X#X#XANANDRIS1b
// == ~%XAN_JOINED%~ IF ~InParty("xan") InMyArea("xan") !StateCheck("xan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN @116
// END

I_C_T ~%tutu_var%ANDRIS~ 3 X#XANANDRIS1
== ~%XAN_JOINED%~ IF ~InParty("xan") InMyArea("xan") !StateCheck("xan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("X#ANDRIS2","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN @116

I_C_T ~%tutu_var%ANDRIS~ 4 X#XANANDRIS1
== ~%XAN_JOINED%~ IF ~InParty("xan") InMyArea("xan") !StateCheck("xan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("X#ANDRIS2","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN @116

and later

/* Andris */
/* passback not required - no trans actions */
I_C_T3 ~%tutu_var%ANDRIS~ 2 X#ANDRIS2
== ~%ALORA_JOINED%~ IF ~InParty("alora") InMyArea("alora") !StateCheck("alora",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN @11
== ~%XAN_JOINED%~ IF ~InParty("xan") InMyArea("xan") !StateCheck("xan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("X#XANANDRIS1a","GLOBAL",0) Global("X#XANANDRIS1c","GLOBAL",0) Global("X#XANANDRIS1d","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN @116


moved to


/* Andris */
/* passback not required - no trans actions */
I_C_T3 ~%tutu_var%ANDRIS~ 2 X#ANDRIS2
== ~%ALORA_JOINED%~ IF ~InParty("alora") InMyArea("alora") !StateCheck("alora",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN @11
== ~%XAN_JOINED%~ IF ~InParty("xan") InMyArea("xan") !StateCheck("xan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("X#XANANDRIS1","GLOBAL",0) Global("X#XANANDRIS2","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN @116


Repaired in v19 09.17.2011

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