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SHS: Wizard Slayer Rebalancing Released


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Spellhold Studios


This mod was largely inspired by several other Wizard Slayer revision mods which came before it, most notably Gray Acumen's Kit Improvements, Konalan's Tweaks, Ashes of Embers and Kitanya's fixes (by SixOfSpades). This version is a bit more conservative and attempts not to stray too far from the original kit design. In summary, it tries to enhance the Wizard Slayer's inherent strong points while adding some of the best features from the aforementioned mods. This should make the kit a bit more balanced and fun to play while staying mostly true to Bioware's original concept. The mod works on normal Baldur's Gate II games as well as either of the two Baldur's Gate conversion projects: (Easy)Tutu and Baldur's Gate Trilogy (BGT).


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