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[ANDROID] GemRB crashing after launch on Galaxy Nexus.. What have I done wrong?


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When launching GemRB with Icewind Dale Complete from GOG.com I see the splash screen for a brief second or two with a button to allow me to configure the settings, but then the app just closes immediately.


This is the contents of my log..

W/ActivityManager(  174): Activity destroy timeout for ActivityRecord{420fe308 org.jtb.alogcat/.LogActivity}
I/ActivityManager(  174): START {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10000000 pkg=net.sourceforge.gemrb cmp=net.sourceforge.gemrb/.MainActivity bnds=[360,585][520,785]} from pid 438
I/WindowManager(  174): createSurface Window{41c2d010 Starting net.sourceforge.gemrb paused=false}: DRAW NOW PENDING
D/dalvikvm( 9341): Late-enabling CheckJNI
I/ActivityManager(  174): Start proc net.sourceforge.gemrb for activity net.sourceforge.gemrb/.MainActivity: pid=9341 uid=10068 gids={3003, 1015}
I/dalvikvm( 9341): Turning on JNI app bug workarounds for target SDK version 12...
I/InputReader(  174): Reconfiguring input devices.  changes=0x00000004
I/InputReader(  174): Device reconfigured: id=6, name='Melfas MMSxxx Touchscreen', surface size is now 720x1280, mode is 1
I/ActivityManager(  174): Config changed: {1.0 302mcc220mnc en_US layoutdir=0 sw360dp w598dp h360dp nrml land finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h s.54}
D/OpenGLRenderer(  250): Flushing caches (mode 0)
D/OpenGLRenderer(  250): Flushing caches (mode 0)
D/OpenGLRenderer(  250): Flushing caches (mode 0)
D/OpenGLRenderer(  438): Flushing caches (mode 0)
I/System.out( 9341): libSDL: Creating startup screen
D/dalvikvm( 9341): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 63K, 2% free 14064K/14339K, paused 14ms
I/dalvikvm-heap( 9341): Grow heap (frag case) to 14.267MB for 486264-byte allocation
D/dalvikvm( 9341): GC_CONCURRENT freed <1K, 3% free 14538K/14855K, paused 2ms+1ms
D/dalvikvm( 9341): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 0K, 3% free 14538K/14855K, paused 12ms
I/dalvikvm-heap( 9341): Grow heap (frag case) to 16.122MB for 1945008-byte allocation
D/dalvikvm( 9341): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 0K, 3% free 16438K/16775K, paused 9ms
I/System.out( 9341): libSDL: Loading libraries
I/System.out( 9341): libSDL: loaded GLESv2 lib
I/System.out( 9341): libSDL: loading lib /data/data/net.sourceforge.gemrb/files/../lib/libsdl-1.2.so
D/dalvikvm( 9341): Trying to load lib /data/data/net.sourceforge.gemrb/files/../lib/libsdl-1.2.so 0x41825f40
D/dalvikvm( 9341): Added shared lib /data/data/net.sourceforge.gemrb/files/../lib/libsdl-1.2.so 0x41825f40
I/System.out( 9341): libSDL: loading lib /data/data/net.sourceforge.gemrb/files/../lib/libsdl_mixer.so
D/dalvikvm( 9341): Trying to load lib /data/data/net.sourceforge.gemrb/files/../lib/libsdl_mixer.so 0x41825f40
D/dalvikvm( 9341): Added shared lib /data/data/net.sourceforge.gemrb/files/../lib/libsdl_mixer.so 0x41825f40
D/dalvikvm( 9341): No JNI_OnLoad found in /data/data/net.sourceforge.gemrb/files/../lib/libsdl_mixer.so 0x41825f40, skipping init
I/System.out( 9341): libSDL: loading lib /data/data/net.sourceforge.gemrb/files/../lib/libsdl_ttf.so
D/dalvikvm( 9341): Trying to load lib /data/data/net.sourceforge.gemrb/files/../lib/libsdl_ttf.so 0x41825f40
D/dalvikvm( 9341): Added shared lib /data/data/net.sourceforge.gemrb/files/../lib/libsdl_ttf.so 0x41825f40
D/dalvikvm( 9341): No JNI_OnLoad found in /data/data/net.sourceforge.gemrb/files/../lib/libsdl_ttf.so 0x41825f40, skipping init
I/System.out( 9341): libSDL: loading lib /data/data/net.sourceforge.gemrb/files/../lib/libopenal.so
D/dalvikvm( 9341): Trying to load lib /data/data/net.sourceforge.gemrb/files/../lib/libopenal.so 0x41825f40
D/dalvikvm( 9341): Added shared lib /data/data/net.sourceforge.gemrb/files/../lib/libopenal.so 0x41825f40
I/System.out( 9341): libSDL: loading lib /data/data/net.sourceforge.gemrb/files/../lib/libpython.so
D/dalvikvm( 9341): Trying to load lib /data/data/net.sourceforge.gemrb/files/../lib/libpython.so 0x41825f40
D/dalvikvm( 9341): Added shared lib /data/data/net.sourceforge.gemrb/files/../lib/libpython.so 0x41825f40
D/dalvikvm( 9341): No JNI_OnLoad found in /data/data/net.sourceforge.gemrb/files/../lib/libpython.so 0x41825f40, skipping init
I/System.out( 9341): libSDL: Loading settings
I/System.out( 9341): libSDL: Settings.Load(): enter
W/ActivityManager(  174): Activity destroy timeout for ActivityRecord{41b4b6f0 com.android.vending/.AssetBrowserActivity}
W/ActivityManager(  174): Activity destroy timeout for ActivityRecord{4185ea88 com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.activities.MainActivity}
D/OpenGLRenderer(  438): Flushing caches (mode 1)
D/OpenGLRenderer(  438): Flushing caches (mode 0)
I/System.out( 9341): libSDL: old cfg version 701, our version 701
I/System.out( 9341): libSDL: Settings.Load(): loaded settings successfully
I/System.out( 9341): libSDL: 2000-msec timeout in startup screen
I/WindowManager(  174): createSurface Window{41d609d8 net.sourceforge.gemrb/net.sourceforge.gemrb.MainActivity paused=false}: DRAW NOW PENDING
W/IInputConnectionWrapper(  438): showStatusIcon on inactive InputConnection
I/ActivityManager(  174): Displayed net.sourceforge.gemrb/.MainActivity: +682ms
V/PhoneStatusBar(  250): setLightsOn(true)
D/dalvikvm(  250): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1322K, 30% free 17544K/25031K, paused 2ms+4ms
I/System.out( 9341): libSDL: Timeout reached in startup screen, process with downloader
I/System.out( 9341): libSDL: Starting data downloader
I/System.out( 9341): libSDL: Starting downloader
I/System.out( 9341): libSDL: Initializing video and SDL application
I/WindowManager(  174): createSurface Window{41d609d8 net.sourceforge.gemrb/net.sourceforge.gemrb.MainActivity paused=false}: DRAW NOW PENDING
I/WindowManager(  174): createSurface Window{4201d6c0 SurfaceView paused=false}: DRAW NOW PENDING
V/SDL	 ( 9341): GLSurfaceView_SDL::EglHelper::start(): creating GL context
D/libEGL  ( 9341): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLES_android.so
D/libEGL  ( 9341): loaded /vendor/lib/egl/libEGL_POWERVR_SGX540_120.so
D/libEGL  ( 9341): loaded /vendor/lib/egl/libGLESv1_CM_POWERVR_SGX540_120.so
D/libEGL  ( 9341): loaded /vendor/lib/egl/libGLESv2_POWERVR_SGX540_120.so
V/SDL	 ( 9341): GL config 0: R5G6B5A0 depth 0 stencil 0 type 1 (GLES) caveat none nr 0 pos 1
V/SDL	 ( 9341): GL config 1: R5G6B5A0 depth 24 stencil 8 type 1 (GLES) caveat none nr 0 pos 5
V/SDL	 ( 9341): GL config 2: R5G6B5A0 depth 24 stencil 8 type 1 (GLES) caveat none nr 0 pos 5
V/SDL	 ( 9341): GL config 3: R8G8B8A8 depth 0 stencil 0 type 1 (GLES) caveat none nr 0 pos 17
V/SDL	 ( 9341): GL config 4: R8G8B8A0 depth 0 stencil 0 type 1 (GLES) caveat none nr 0 pos 9
V/SDL	 ( 9341): GL config 5: R8G8B8A8 depth 24 stencil 8 type 1 (GLES) caveat none nr 0 pos 21
V/SDL	 ( 9341): GL config 6: R8G8B8A0 depth 24 stencil 8 type 1 (GLES) caveat none nr 0 pos 13
V/SDL	 ( 9341): GL config 7: R8G8B8A8 depth 24 stencil 8 type 1 (GLES) caveat none nr 0 pos 21
V/SDL	 ( 9341): GL config 8: R8G8B8A0 depth 24 stencil 8 type 1 (GLES) caveat none nr 0 pos 13
V/SDL	 ( 9341): GL config 9: R5G6B5A0 depth 0 stencil 0 type 1 (GLES) caveat SLOW nr 1 pos 5
V/SDL	 ( 9341): GL config 10: R5G6B5A0 depth 16 stencil 0 type 1 (GLES) caveat SLOW nr 1 pos 10
V/SDL	 ( 9341): GL config 11: R8G8B8A0 depth 0 stencil 0 type 1 (GLES) caveat SLOW nr 1 pos 13
V/SDL	 ( 9341): GL config 12: R8G8B8A0 depth 16 stencil 0 type 1 (GLES) caveat SLOW nr 1 pos 18
V/SDL	 ( 9341): GL config 13: R8G8B8A8 depth 0 stencil 0 type 1 (GLES) caveat SLOW nr 1 pos 21
V/SDL	 ( 9341): GL config 14: R8G8B8A8 depth 16 stencil 0 type 1 (GLES) caveat SLOW nr 1 pos 26
V/SDL	 ( 9341): GL config 15: R0G0B0A8 depth 0 stencil 0 type 1 (GLES) caveat SLOW nr 1 pos 29
V/SDL	 ( 9341): GL config 16: R0G0B0A8 depth 16 stencil 0 type 1 (GLES) caveat SLOW nr 1 pos 34
V/SDL	 ( 9341): GLSurfaceView_SDL::EGLConfigChooser::chooseConfig(): selected 0: R5G6B5A0 depth 0 stencil 0 type 1 (GLES) caveat none nr 0 pos 1
V/SDL	 ( 9341): GLSurfaceView_SDL::EglHelper::createSurface(): creating GL context
I/System.out( 9341): libSDL: DemoRenderer.onSurfaceCreated(): paused false mFirstTimeStart true
I/System.out( 9341): libSDL: DemoRenderer.onSurfaceChanged(): paused false mFirstTimeStart false
I/libSDL  ( 9341): Physical screen resolution is 1196x720, virtual screen 1196x720
I/System.out( 9341): libSDL: DrawLogo
D/dalvikvm( 9341): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 818K, 6% free 16031K/16967K, paused 13ms
D/dalvikvm(  174): GC_EXPLICIT freed 1180K, 32% free 22394K/32583K, paused 3ms+8ms
D/dalvikvm( 9341): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 2K, 3% free 16503K/16967K, paused 10ms
I/dalvikvm-heap( 9341): Grow heap (frag case) to 16.650MB for 486264-byte allocation
D/dalvikvm( 9341): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed <1K, 3% free 16978K/17479K, paused 10ms
D/dalvikvm( 9341): Trying to load lib /data/data/net.sourceforge.gemrb/lib/libapplication.so 0x41825f40
D/dalvikvm( 9341): Added shared lib /data/data/net.sourceforge.gemrb/lib/libapplication.so 0x41825f40
D/dalvikvm( 9341): No JNI_OnLoad found in /data/data/net.sourceforge.gemrb/lib/libapplication.so 0x41825f40, skipping init
D/dalvikvm( 9341): Trying to load lib /data/data/net.sourceforge.gemrb/lib/libsdl_main.so 0x41825f40
D/dalvikvm( 9341): Added shared lib /data/data/net.sourceforge.gemrb/lib/libsdl_main.so 0x41825f40
D/dalvikvm( 9341): No JNI_OnLoad found in /data/data/net.sourceforge.gemrb/lib/libsdl_main.so 0x41825f40, skipping init
D/dalvikvm( 9341): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 1414K, 11% free 16225K/18055K, paused 10ms
D/dalvikvm( 9341): GC_CONCURRENT freed 578K, 10% free 16372K/18055K, paused 1ms+1ms
D/dalvikvm( 9341): GC_CONCURRENT freed 814K, 10% free 16295K/18055K, paused 1ms+1ms
D/dalvikvm( 9341): GC_CONCURRENT freed 728K, 10% free 16314K/18055K, paused 1ms+2ms
D/dalvikvm( 9341): GC_CONCURRENT freed 660K, 10% free 16340K/18055K, paused 2ms+2ms
D/dalvikvm( 9341): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 564K, 10% free 16355K/18055K, paused 25ms
D/dalvikvm( 9341): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 600K, 10% free 16366K/18055K, paused 10ms
D/dalvikvm( 9341): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 635K, 10% free 16378K/18055K, paused 9ms
D/dalvikvm( 9341): GC_CONCURRENT freed 678K, 10% free 16400K/18055K, paused 1ms+2ms
D/dalvikvm( 9341): GC_CONCURRENT freed 746K, 10% free 16415K/18055K, paused 2ms+2ms
I/System.out( 9341): libSDL: setting envvar LANGUAGE to 'en_US'
I/System.out( 9341): libSDL: accelerometer start required: false
I/libSDL  ( 9341): Changing curdir to "/mnt/sdcard/app-data/net.sourceforge.gemrb"
I/libSDL  ( 9341): Calling SDL_main("GemRB")
I/libSDL  ( 9341): param 0 = "GemRB"
I/printf: ( 9341): [1m [37;40m
I/printf: ( 9341): GemRB Core Version v0.7.0-git Loading...
I/GemRB   ( 9341): Initializing the Event Manager...
I/GemRB   ( 9341): Initializing Lists Dictionary...
I/GemRB   ( 9341): Initializing Variables Dictionary...
I/GemRB   ( 9341): [OK]
I/GemRB   ( 9341): Trying to open
I/printf: ( 9341): [1m [37;40m
I/printf: ( 9341): GemRB.cfg
I/GemRB   ( 9341): [OK]
I/printf: ( 9341):
I/printf: ( 9341): **contains another dir**
I/GemRB   ( 9341): Cache path ./Cache doesn't exist, not a folder or contains alien files!
I/GemRB   ( 9341): Trying to open
I/printf: ( 9341): [1m [37;40m
I/printf: ( 9341): /mnt/sdcard/app-data/net.sourceforge.gemrb/.GemRB/GemRB.cfg
I/GemRB   ( 9341): [NOT FOUND]
I/GemRB   ( 9341): Could not load config file
I/GemRB   ( 9341): [ERROR]
I/printf: ( 9341): Press enter to continue...
I/printf: ( 9341): [0m
I/WindowManager(  174): WIN DEATH: Window{41d609d8 net.sourceforge.gemrb/net.sourceforge.gemrb.MainActivity paused=false}
W/WindowManager(  174): Force-removing child win Window{4201d6c0 SurfaceView paused=false} from container Window{41d609d8 net.sourceforge.gemrb/net.sourceforge.gemrb.MainActivity paused=false}
I/ActivityManager(  174): Process net.sourceforge.gemrb (pid 9341) has died.
W/ActivityManager(  174): Force removing ActivityRecord{41dc1ec0 net.sourceforge.gemrb/.MainActivity}: app died, no saved state

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I am so thankful for the quick response. You got me past that.. I have been trying to figure out now what this means:


I/libSDL  (10889): Changing curdir to "/mnt/sdcard/app-data/net.sourceforge.gemrb"
I/libSDL  (10889): Calling SDL_main("GemRB")
I/libSDL  (10889): param 0 = "GemRB"
I/printf: (10889): [1m [37;40m
I/printf: (10889): GemRB Core Version v0.7.0-git Loading...
I/GemRB   (10889): Initializing the Event Manager...
I/GemRB   (10889): Initializing Lists Dictionary...
I/GemRB   (10889): Initializing Variables Dictionary...
I/GemRB   (10889): [OK]
I/GemRB   (10889): Trying to open
I/printf: (10889): [1m [37;40m
I/printf: (10889): GemRB.cfg
I/GemRB   (10889): [OK]
I/GemRB   (10889): Starting Plugin Manager...
I/GemRB   (10889): Loading Plugins from plugins/
I/GemRB   (10889): Plugin Loading Complete...
I/GemRB   (10889): [OK]
I/GemRB   (10889): GemRB Core Initialization...
I/GemRB   (10889): [OK]
I/GemRB   (10889): Initializing Video Driver...
I/GemRB   (10889): [OK]
I/GemRB   (10889): Initializing Search Path...
I/GemRB   (10889): Invalid path given: ./portraits (Portraits)
I/GemRB   (10889): Invalid path given: ./CD4/data (CD4/data)
I/GemRB   (10889): Invalid path given: ./CD5/data (CD5/data)
I/GemRB   (10889): Invalid path given: ./CD6/data (CD6/data)
I/GemRB   (10889): [OK]
I/GemRB   (10889): Initializing KEY Importer...
I/GemRB   (10889): Opening ./chitin.key...
I/GemRB   (10889): [OK]
I/GemRB   (10889): Checking file type...
I/GemRB   (10889): [OK]
I/GemRB   (10889): Reading Resources...
I/GemRB   (10889): 
I/printf: (10889): BIF Files Count: 268 (Starting at 24 Bytes)
I/GemRB   (10889): RES Count: 19992 (Starting at 7579 Bytes)
W/ActivityManager(  174): Activity destroy timeout for ActivityRecord{418f6800 org.jtb.alogcat/.LogActivity}
W/ActivityManager(  174): Activity destroy timeout for ActivityRecord{4221f7f0 com.metago.astro/.SplashActivity}
W/ActivityManager(  174): Activity destroy timeout for ActivityRecord{41865500 com.metago.astro/.FileManagerActivity2}
W/ActivityManager(  174): Activity destroy timeout for ActivityRecord{41f58f30 com.metago.astro/.FileViewer}
I/GemRB   (10889): Resources Loaded...
I/GemRB   (10889): [OK]
I/GemRB   (10889): [OK]
I/GemRB   (10889): Initializing GUI Script Engine...
I/GemRB   (10889): [OK]
I/GemRB   (10889): Reading Game Options...
I/GemRB   (10889): Searching for gemrb.ini...
I/GemRB   (10889): [GemRB Override]
I/GemRB   (10889): Loading game type-specific GemRB setup...
I/GemRB   (10889): override/bg2/gemrb.ini
I/GemRB   (10889): [OK]
I/GemRB   (10889): Creating Projectile Server...
I/GemRB   (10889): Searching for gemprjtl.ids...
I/GemRB   (10889): [GemRB Override]
I/GemRB   (10889): Searching for projectl.ids...
I/GemRB   (10889): [ERROR]
I/GemRB   (10889): Checking for Dialogue Manager...
I/GemRB   (10889): [OK]
I/GemRB   (10889): Searching for gender.2da...
I/GemRB   (10889): [GemRB Override]
I/GemRB   (10889): Loading Dialog.tlk file...
I/GemRB   (10889): [OK]
I/GemRB   (10889): Loading Palettes...
I/GemRB   (10889): Searching for MPALETTE...
I/printf: (10889): MPALETTE.bmp...
I/GemRB   (10889): [chitin.key]
I/GemRB   (10889): Searching for MPALETTE...
I/printf: (10889): MPALETTE.bmp...
I/GemRB   (10889): [chitin.key]
I/GemRB   (10889): Searching for MPAL256...
I/printf: (10889): MPAL256.bmp...
I/GemRB   (10889): [chitin.key]
I/GemRB   (10889): Palettes Loaded
I/GemRB   (10889): Initializing stock sounds...
I/GemRB   (10889): Searching for defsound.2da...
I/GemRB   (10889): [GemRB Override]
I/GemRB   (10889): [OK]
I/GemRB   (10889): Broadcasting Event Manager...
I/GemRB   (10889): [OK]
I/GemRB   (10889): Initializing Window Manager...
I/GemRB   (10889): [OK]
I/GemRB   (10889): Searching for cursors.bam...
I/GemRB   (10889): [chitin.key]
I/GemRB   (10889): Loading Cursors...
I/GemRB   (10889): [OK]
I/GemRB   (10889): Searching for fogowar.bam...
I/GemRB   (10889): [chitin.key]
I/GemRB   (10889): Loading Fog-Of-War bitmaps...
I/GemRB   (10889): [OK]
I/GemRB   (10889): Loading Ground circle bitmaps...
I/GemRB   (10889): [OK]
I/GemRB   (10889): Loading Fonts...
I/GemRB   (10889): Searching for fonts.2da...
I/GemRB   (10889): [GemRB Override]
I/GemRB   (10889): Searching for NORMAL...
I/printf: (10889): NORMAL.bam...
I/GemRB   (10889): [chitin.key]
I/GemRB   (10889): Constructing BAM font normal.bam:
I/printf: (10889):  223 characters...
I/GemRB   (10889): Searching for FLOATTXT...
I/printf: (10889): FLOATTXT.bam...
I/GemRB   (10889): [Override]
I/GemRB   (10889): Constructing BAM font Floattxt.BAM:
I/printf: (10889):  223 characters...
I/GemRB   (10889): Searching for NUMBER...
I/printf: (10889): NUMBER.bam...
I/GemRB   (10889): [chitin.key]
I/GemRB   (10889): Constructing BAM font number.bam:
I/printf: (10889):  11 characters...
I/GemRB   (10889): Searching for INITIALS...
I/printf: (10889): INITIALS.bam...
I/GemRB   (10889): [chitin.key]
I/GemRB   (10889): Constructing BAM font initials.bam:
I/printf: (10889):  223 characters...
I/GemRB   (10889): Searching for NUMBER2...
I/printf: (10889): NUMBER2.bam...
I/GemRB   (10889): [chitin.key]
I/GemRB   (10889): Constructing BAM font number2.bam:
I/printf: (10889):  11 characters...
I/GemRB   (10889): Searching for NUMBER3...
I/printf: (10889): NUMBER3.bam...
I/GemRB   (10889): [chitin.key]
I/GemRB   (10889): Constructing BAM font number3.bam:
I/printf: (10889):  11 characters...
I/GemRB   (10889): Searching for REALMS...
I/printf: (10889): REALMS.bam...
I/GemRB   (10889): [chitin.key]
I/GemRB   (10889): Constructing BAM font realms.bam:
I/printf: (10889):  223 characters...
I/GemRB   (10889): Searching for STONEBIG...
I/printf: (10889): STONEBIG.bam...
I/GemRB   (10889): [chitin.key]
I/GemRB   (10889): Constructing BAM font stonebig.bam:
I/printf: (10889):  223 characters...
I/GemRB   (10889): Searching for STONESML...
I/printf: (10889): STONESML.bam...
I/GemRB   (10889): [chitin.key]
I/GemRB   (10889): Constructing BAM font stonesml.bam:
I/printf: (10889):  223 characters...
I/GemRB   (10889): Searching for TOOLFONT...
I/printf: (10889): TOOLFONT.bam...
I/GemRB   (10889): [chitin.key]
I/GemRB   (10889): Constructing BAM font toolfont.bam:
I/printf: (10889):  223 characters...
I/GemRB   (10889): Searching for STONESM2...
I/printf: (10889): STONESM2.bam...
I/GemRB   (10889): [chitin.key]
I/GemRB   (10889): Constructing BAM font stonesm2.bam:
I/printf: (10889):  223 characters...
I/GemRB   (10889): Searching for TOOLTIP...
I/printf: (10889): TOOLTIP.bam...
I/GemRB   (10889): [chitin.key]
I/GemRB   (10889): Constructing BAM font tooltip.bam:
I/printf: (10889):  3 characters...
I/GemRB   (10889): Searching for STONSML...
I/printf: (10889): Tried
I/printf: (10889): STONSML.ttf
I/printf: (10889): STONSML.bam
I/GemRB   (10889): [ERROR]
I/GemRB   (10889): Unable to load font resource: STONSML
I/GemRB   (10889): [WARNING]
I/GemRB   (10889): Searching for STATES...
I/printf: (10889): STATES.bam...
I/GemRB   (10889): [chitin.key]
I/GemRB   (10889): Constructing BAM font states.bam:
I/printf: (10889):  255 characters...
I/GemRB   (10889): Searching for STATES2...
I/printf: (10889): STATES2.bam...
I/GemRB   (10889): [chitin.key]
I/GemRB   (10889): Constructing BAM font states2.bam:
I/printf: (10889):  255 characters...
I/GemRB   (10889): Fonts Loaded...
I/GemRB   (10889): [OK]
I/GemRB   (10889): Searching for toolscrl.bam...
I/GemRB   (10889): [ERROR]
I/GemRB   (10889): Initializing Tooltips...
I/GemRB   (10889): [ERROR]
I/printf: (10889): Press enter to continue...
I/printf: (10889): [0m
I/ActivityManager(  174): Process net.sourceforge.gemrb (pid 10889) has died.
I/WindowManager(  174): WIN DEATH: Window{41f14860 net.sourceforge.gemrb/net.sourceforge.gemrb.MainActivity paused=false}
W/ActivityManager(  174): Force removing ActivityRecord{41c28320 net.sourceforge.gemrb/.MainActivity}: app died, no saved state
W/WindowManager(  174): Force-removing child win Window{41fa2018 SurfaceView paused=false} from container Window{41f14860 net.sourceforge.gemrb/net.sourceforge.gemrb.MainActivity paused=false}

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GemRB is using two directories with additional game resources - GUIScripts and override. They are included in APK file (present on downloads menu). I recommend unpack APK file as ZIP and, get them manually - then in [APP_ROOT] replace GUIScripts directory with new one and copy override over old one replacing files. Alternatively you can delete libsdl-DownloadFinished-X.flag files from [APP_ROOT] and mark resources in Downloads menu - they will be updated from APK.

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Hmm, the tooltips are original game resources... I'm puzzled about this problem.



Ok, the problem is you try to start an icewind dale game with bg2 gametype set in config.

You gotta pick one of these: iwd, how, iwd2.

Only one of them is the right one for you :)

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