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SoA FriendTalks: Ch-ch-ch-changes


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/* New FriendTalk  : Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes */
 SAY ~[ARAN] I have naught in th' way o' figurin' how so many creatures get in your way. There be a fair number of things what have challenged you so far, an' they all done lost. At some point you'd think they would just stand aside, on account o' not wantin' to be crushed.~
 ++ ~[PC] It would be better for them if they took your advice.~ + <<CONDITION_CLOSED>>~ + a4749
 ++ ~[PC] I do not "crush' those that stand in my path. I defend myself, and I try to do what is necessary.~ + <<CONDITION_CLOSED>>~ + a4750
 ++ ~[PC] Oh, now there is an idea. I'll send you on ahead and you can tell them "stand aside! <CHARNAME> is coming through!".~ + <<CONDITION_CLOSED>>~ + a4751
 ++ ~[PC] I am not happy so many have lost their lives, but most of adventuring seems to be about combat.~ + <<CONDITION_CLOSED>>~ + a4752
 ++ ~[PC] You do not become an adventurer if you shrink from battle.~ + <<CONDITION_CLOSED>>~ + a4753
 ++ ~[PC] I think I would rather just carry on with what we are doing, and not have a long philosophical discussion right now.~ + <<CONDITION_CLOSED>>~ + a4759

IF ~~ a4749
 SAY ~[ARAN] Mayhap you be right. But would it be better for you?~
 ++ ~[PC] Well... no. I may not enjoy the death and blood, but working through these challenges has changed me. Strengthened me.~ + a4754
 ++ ~[PC] I can feel the battles changing me, hardening me. And I do not think that is a positive change.~ + a4755
 ++ ~[PC] What, we get something from all this wandering about and poking sticks into dark places? I mean, something more than foot fungus?~ + a4756
 ++ ~[PC] Of course it would be better for me. Most of the creatures we face seem not to understand the regard in which I hold my own life!~ + a4757
 ++ ~[PC] Things are as they are. If I could change it, I would, but since I seem to be unable to escape the fights, I will use them to strengthen myself as best I can.~ + a4758
 ++ ~[PC] Look, battle is part of what we do. Like it, hate it, avoid it, dismiss it... just around the corner, the next one will be waiting.~ + a4758
 + ~!Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2) !Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I think that is none of your business.~ + a4759
 + ~Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] I know we seem to be getting closer than just friendship... but I think that is really my own concern, not one for discussion.~ + a4759
 + ~Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I know we mean more to each other than just friends. But this is something that I need to decide for myself. You really can't help me talk it through like this.~ + a4759

IF ~~ a4750
 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, true enough. But th' effect be th' same... we be here, an' they, well... they have naught in th' way o' stoppin' you from accomplishin' what you want to accomplish. An' each battle leaves you a little stronger, I think.~
 ++ ~[PC] That is true. I just wish it were because I have learned more about the world, and not twenty ways to kill something.~ + a4754
 ++ ~[PC] No. Each battle leaves me more convinced there has to be another way. But you are right. I am stronger.~ + a4755
 ++ ~[PC] Each battle leaves me one step closer to the real enemy, the bane of any campaign... foot fungus.~ + a4756
 ++ ~[PC] I wish they would have a greater appreciation for my body. I rather prefer it be left intact, and preferably unbruised.~ + a4757
 + ~Global("c-heartwarder","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] I am a Heartwarder of Sune. She would not send me more than my heart could bear, even if it changes who I am. ~ + a4754
 + ~Global("c-feywarden","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] I am a Feywarden of Correlon. The Seldarine do not fear change, they manage it. Even when it changes what they are, and what I am.~ + a4754
 + ~Global("c-strifeleader","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] I am a Strifeleader of Cyric. Change is the greatest gift His followers can receive.~ + a4754
 + ~Global("c-firewalker","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] I am a Firewalker of Kossuth. Kossuth's fire changes everything, forging a new soul from the old.~ + a4754
 + ~Global("c-painbearer","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] I am a Painbearer of Ilmater. We do not think about our own suffering. If what we do saves others, then the changes needed to accomplish that task are acceptable.~  + a4754
 + ~Global("c-lorekeeper","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] I am a Lorekeeper of Oghma. Part of preserving knowledge is not to lock it away. It is to experience it, gather it, and save it to help inform the changes everyone faces. I am no different.~ + a4754
 + ~Global("c-silverstar","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] I am a Silverstar of Selune. Her light protects me and changes me each night, giving me the power to go on.~  + a4754
 + ~Global("c-strategist","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] I am a Holy Strategist of the Red Knight. I must seek to win battles in the most efficient way, and to do that I need to experience the battles we fight, and try to understand the changes that I make to adapt to new conditions.~ + a4754
 + ~Global("c-nightcloak","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] I am a Nightcloak of Shar. If She did not wish me to change, She would stop it.~ + a4754
 + ~Global("c-battleguard","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] I am a Battleguard of Tempus. As long as I draw breath, I can fight. And each fight will serve Tempus. For Him, I embrace change.~ + a4754
 + ~Global("c-authlim","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] I am a Authlim of Iyachtu Xvim. We do not question His ways, on pain of hideous torture. If He did not want me to change, I would not.~ + a4754
 ++ ~[PC] I can feel the battles changing me, hardening me. And I do not think that is a positive change.~ + a4755
 ++ ~[PC] Look, battle is part of what we do. Like it, hate it, avoid it, dismiss it... just around the corner, the next one will be waiting.~ + a4758

IF ~~ a4751
 SAY ~[ARAN] I can see that right clear, I can. "Pardon me, mister evil undead thing o' horror wi' blood-drippin' fangs. Stand aside. This here be <CHARNAME>!"~
 ++ ~[PC] I have definitely changed. When I was first starting out, I would have thought you were crazy, saying things like that. Now, things have definitely changed.~ + a4754
 ++ ~[PC] I wish I could find that funny. Unfortunately, the way things have changed, it is actually a possibility.~ + a4755
 ++ ~[PC] At least I got you to lighten up, and talk about something other than spoiled food, walking everywhere, and your current favorite topic - foot fungus.~ + a4756
 ++ ~[PC] Aran... I can feel the battles changing me, hardening me. And I do not think that is a positive change.~ + a4755
 ++ ~[PC] I may not enjoy the death and blood, but working through these challenges has changed me. Strengthened me.~ + a4754
 ++ ~[PC] I think we will avoid that tactic. They may decide that I am a worthy adversary. I prefer to remain in one piece, thank you very much.~ + a4757
 ++ ~[PC] Look, battle is part of what we do. Like it, hate it, avoid it, dismiss it... just around the corner, the next one will be waiting.~ + a4758
 ++ ~[PC] Next time we meet an undead dragon, I will let you run right out there and try that tactic. I will even raise you, unless you are completely destroyed.~ + a4759

IF ~~ a4752
 SAY ~[ARAN] That be true enough. Well, actually, it be about findin' new an' excitin' foods an' drink, mayhap gatherin' a bit o' coin, an' all. But mostly, it be about killin' things.~
 ++ ~[PC] I think we are rising to the challenges very well. And we are changing because of it.~ + a4754
 ++ ~[PC] Killing things is a means to an end. Unavoidable, and necessary. But yes, this much destruction does change a person.~ + a4755
 ++ ~[PC] What did you think we would be doing, wandering about adding to Volo's Guide to Faeruinian Foot Fungi?~ + a4756
 ++ ~[PC] Aran... I can feel the battles changing me, hardening me. And I do not think that is a positive change.~ + a4755
 ++ ~[PC] I may not enjoy the death and blood, but working through these challenges has changed me. Strengthened me.~ + a4754
 ++ ~[PC] What, we get something from all this wandering about and poking sticks into dark places? I mean, something more than foot fungus?~ + a4756
 ++ ~[PC] I kill things before they kill me. Usually. Actually, always. But it does not stop them from trying.~ + a4757
 ++ ~[PC] Look, battle is part of what we do. Like it, hate it, avoid it, dismiss it... just around the corner, the next one will be waiting.~ + a4758

IF ~~ a4753
 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, mayhap not. But there be adventurers what do more in th' way o' stealin', or conquerin', or mayhap bribin' their way through. We seem to be fallin' more on th' killin' side, so to speak.~
 ++ ~[PC] I think we are rising to the challenges very well. And we are changing because of it.~ + a4754
 ++ ~[PC] Killing things is a means to an end. Unavoidable, and necessary. But yes, this much destruction does change a person.~ + a4755
 ++ ~[PC] What did you think we would be doing, wandering about adding to Volo's Guide to Faeruinian Foot Fungi?~ + a4756
 ++ ~[PC] I kill things before they kill me. Usually. Actually, always. But it does not stop them from trying.~ + a4757
 ++ ~[PC] Look, battle is part of what we do. Like it, hate it, avoid it, dismiss it... just around the corner, the next one will be waiting.~ + a4758
 ++ ~[PC] I think I would rather just carry on with what we are doing, and not have a long philosophical discussion right now.~ + a4759

IF ~~ a4754
 SAY ~[ARAN] Do you think th' changes... do you think they be for th' better?~
 ++ ~[PC] I think I have become stronger, more capable. Yes, I think the changes are for the better.~ + a4759
 ++ ~[PC] No. There is a part of me that wishes I could roll back time and go back to Candlekeep. I would go into the back tower with my books, and never come out.~ + a4759
 ++ ~[PC] You seem to think so.~ + a4759
 ++ ~[PC] For better, for worse... does it really matter? Change is change.~ + a4759
 ++ ~[PC] I don't think I am qualified to make that determination. The gods alone know what I will achieve, and sometimes I am not sure they actually know, either.~ + a4759
 ++ ~[PC] We all change. If we do not, then we will not be ready for what comes next. Battle is part of what we do. Like it, hate it, avoid it, dismiss it... just around the corner, the next one will be waiting.~ + a4758  

IF ~~ a4755
 SAY ~[ARAN] I don't rightly agree. You have kept yourself upright an' movin' forward in spite o' everythin' that has been thrown on top o' you. Mayhap you needed a little hardenin', on account o' th' tasks fate seems right insistent on pushin' your way.~
 ++ ~[PC] Thank you for the analysis, but I know what my limits are better than you do.~ + a4759
 ++ ~[PC] You have greatly over-estimated my powers.~ + a4759
 ++ ~[PC] That's me. The Fates throw a mountain or two my way, and I juggle them.~ + a4759
 ++ ~[PC] Perhaps you are right.~ + a4759
 ++ ~[PC] What, we get something from all this wandering about and poking sticks into dark places? I mean, something more than foot fungus?~ + a4756
 ++ ~[PC] Agreeing with me or not has no relevance. I have to accept the changes, whether they are positive or negative.~ + a4759  

IF ~~ a4756
 SAY ~[ARAN] Hells, if it were all about th' foot fungus, we could o' stayed in some inn down by th' docks in any major city an' done th' job right proper!~
 ++ ~[PC] I know we are not a regular adventuring party. Most of what we do is not really by choice. But I think at least we are getting better at winning battles.~ + a4759
 ++ ~[PC] Any change is both positive and negative, Aran. Foot fungus and wholesale slaughter aside, if we do not change, we get run over by the world. It never stops. Not even when we wish it would slow down a little.~ + a4759
 ++ ~[PC] No, sorry... you would get us thrown out or put in jail too quickly. But to answer your original question, yes. I think that the changes are for the better.~ + a4759
 ++ ~[PC] Too many healers around. We would need to find some quiet little dungeon somewhere and leave all our supplies behind.~ + a4760
 ++ ~[PC] And on that note, I think we had better stop talking. So far, we have death and destruction for creatures not recognizing me, and foot fungus. If we go any farther, you are going to find some way of working food, religion, sex, and Waterdeep politics in here, too.~ + a4759  

IF ~~ a4757
 SAY ~[ARAN] They do seem to have a right cavalier attitude when it comes to keepin' your skin intact. But each battle does give you more understandin', more power.~
 ++ ~[PC] More power is good. All the power would be better.~ + a4759
 ++ ~[PC] I don't need more power. I need more sleep.~ + a4759
 ++ ~[PC] And yet I do not seem to have the power to get you to just walk with me, instead of starting an odd conversation...~ + a4759
 ++ ~[PC] I will trade the power and knowledge gained for a few moments of peace and reflection.~ + a4759
 ++ ~[PC] I understand what you are saying. I just wish that life were more about working together and less about senseless loss and destruction.~ + a4759
 + ~Global("c-heartwarder","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] I am a Heartwarder of Sune. She would not send me more than my heart could bear, even if it changes who I am. ~ + a4759
 + ~Global("c-feywarden","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] I am a Feywarden of Correlon. The Seldarine do not fear change, they manage it. Even when it changes what they are, and what I am.~ + a4759
 + ~Global("c-strifeleader","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] I am a Strifeleader of Cyric. Change is the greatest gift His followers can receive.~ + a4759
 + ~Global("c-firewalker","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] I am a Firewalker of Kossuth. Kossuth's fire changes everything, forging a new soul from the old.~ + a4759
 + ~Global("c-painbearer","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] I am a Painbearer of Ilmater. We do not think about our own suffering. If what we do saves others, then the changes needed to accomplish that task are acceptable.~  + a4759
 + ~Global("c-lorekeeper","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] I am a Lorekeeper of Oghma. Part of preserving knowledge is not to lock it away. It is to experience it, gather it, and save it to help inform the changes everyone faces. I am no different.~ + a4759
 + ~Global("c-silverstar","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] I am a Silverstar of Selune. Her light protects me and changes me each night, giving me the power to go on.~  + a4759
 + ~Global("c-strategist","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] I am a Holy Strategist of the Red Knight. I must seek to win battles in the most efficient way, and to do that I need to experience the battles we fight, and try to understand the changes that I make to adapt to new conditions.~ + a4759
 + ~Global("c-nightcloak","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] I am a Nightcloak of Shar. If She did not wish me to change, She would stop it.~ + a4759
 + ~Global("c-battleguard","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] I am a Battleguard of Tempus. As long as I draw breath, I can fight. And each fight will serve Tempus. For Him, I embrace change.~ + a4759
 + ~Global("c-authlim","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] I am a Authlim of Iyachtu Xvim. We do not question His ways, on pain of hideous torture. If He did not want me to change, I would not.~ + a4759
 ++ ~[PC] At least I get something out of each one. You just get more opportunities to exercise you vocabulary of oaths and swearwords. By the way, that last one... I think it was anatomically impossible without magical intervention..~ + a4759

IF ~~ a4758
 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye. You have a point there. Me, though... I find myself a bit more resistant to th' concept o' "inevitability" these days. There be a powerful large amount o' change I done seen in myself. Some good, some bad, some indifferent. It makes me wonder if just dealin' wi' battle all th' time really changes who we be, or if it just builds a core o' armor around who we be.~
 ++ ~[PC] Battlefield philosophy? I learn something new about you each day.~ + a4759
 ++ ~[PC] Wasting time wondering if the experiences you have are going to make you a different person or if they are going to simply be a new set of tools that you can use is a waste of time. In the end, you are what you present to the outside wold, no matter what goes on inside.~ + a4759
 ++ ~[PC] What is inside is what counts. Finding ways of killing our enemies has little to do with who you are as a person. It is just a set of skills that help you move through life.~ + a4759
 ++ ~[PC] I think you will find a balance. I may not. But then again, you are not me.~ + a4759
 ++ ~[PC] You resist the concept of inevitability because you want to think that you have freedom. But the gods are the ones with freedom. We just play around the edges.~ + a4759
 ++ ~[PC] You can let what you do define you, or you can choose what you do to accomplish your goals. Killing things does not change who you are. Thee is nothing inevitable about life, except that we all move on. And some liches have even put a semi-permanent stop to that.~ + a4759  

IF ~~ a4759 SAY ~[ARAN] Why, sure enough. I can see th' whole bloodshed thing might have put you off thinkin' or talkin', so I be right happy you let me chatter on. Passes th' time, it does.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a4761 END
IF ~~ a4760 SAY ~[ARAN] You do have an active imagination, eh? No matter. You successfully got me clean off topic an' now I forgot what we be talkin' about.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a4761 END
IF ~~ a4761 SAY ~[ARAN] I'd best be gettin' on wi' what we are doin', anyways.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END

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