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WeiDU highlighters

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Am I missing something? I have tried downloading the WeiDU highlighter from here, but nothing happens. I looked for the highlighters in the downloads section, and all I found was this, which doesn't look like the right one (I'm using the Crimson, not Notepad++). When I download the Notepad++ (which doesn't seem to be the right one, since I'm using crimson), it gives me an HTML document which just says "problem loading page" when I open it.


I'm interested in writing a mod, and I have read how useful the highlighters are.

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We don't really have an up-to-date syntax highlighters available for download, especially if you're looking for one for Crimson Editor. The original WeiDU highlighter package that cmorgan made in 2007 based off of Idobek's work is still available here. It includes support for Crimson Editor, Notepad++, and Textpad. I believe cmorgan released updated versions of these highlighters, but the latest one he posted officially was the one you linked to, and that's only for Notepad++. It's possible he or someone else has a Crimson Editor highlighter stored locally that is more recent than 2007.


I have my own personal Notepad++ highlighter, based on cmorgan's but with some extra love for the .tp2 format (reorganizing the groups based on syntax). I don't really do much .baf or .d editing, and I don't like resources from the base games to be highlighted, so when I update, it's mostly to add the new WeiDU commands. cmorgan may have integrated some of my .tp2 changes in 2009 or so.


Separate from my stuff, Argent77 has been releasing updates to the Notepad++ highlighter cmorgan posted in 2011. I believe his files are up to date with the latest WeiDU release, version 231. He has a lite version available here and a full version here.


At the start of this year, I made a google-code-prettify version of my highlighter for the web, in the hope that we could get syntax highlighting working in

 tags on the forum.  One of the cool things that came out of that was that I could easily test out colouring schemes made by other people.  One of the ones I liked best was this dark one (sample), but I haven't remade my Notepad++ one to match yet.  If I did any updates in the future, I'd like to turn all my syntax highlighting stuff into a program that could be fed in the latest WeiDU commands and pump out highlighters for the different editors, and maybe use some of these more professional colour schemes.  Right now, it's a real chore to update highlighters because all of the different editors have their own silly formats and capabilities, and you have to reorganize everything into the right category if you don't keep your old sources handy.
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