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Allowing non-warriors to benefit from (item-granted) proficiencies beyond proficient?

John McCain

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It's bugged me for quite a while that Black Blade of Disaster is not as good as it should be for single-class Mages and Sorcerers because of their single base attack and the fact that even though BBoB grants Grandmastery in Long Swords, they don't seem to benefit. Is there any way (elegant or not) to allow them to benefit from proficiencies higher than proficient in weapons?


I've tried modifying WEAPPROF.2DA - changing the LONGSWORD entry in the MAGE column to 5 - but it doesn't seem to allow a single-class Sorcerer to benefit from the Grandmastery granted by BBoB (it's my understanding that Sorcerers use the Mage proficiency table). An ideal solution would allow Mages and Sorcerers to benefit from the item effect without changing what proficiencies they can assign at level-up, but I'd be happy at this point with just allowing them to benefit, period.


Anyone have any thoughts?

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It's bugged me for quite a while that Black Blade of Disaster is not as good as it should be for single-class Mages and Sorcerers because of their single base attack and the fact that even though BBoB grants Grandmastery in Long Swords, they don't seem to benefit. Is there any way (elegant or not) to allow them to benefit from proficiencies higher than proficient in weapons?
Yes, install the ToBEx patch.
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