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Beador buglet (BGtutu)


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Not a bug, but a buglet! When rescuing Beador from the shadow druids a minor fault occurs. After defeating the druids the rescue cutscene occurs where Jaheira heals Beador. Then dialog occurs... and if Khalid is in the party and has been 'Silenced', when his dialog turn comes up you get this option; "NO VALID REPLIES OR LINKS". Then dialog stops. Once Khalid's 'Silenced' condition is over, you can click Beador and dialog resumes as normal.


No biggie once I figured out that the Silence spell caused the problem, but for a while there I thought it was a Quest Buster.


Be well.

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/* If Beador is healed by Jaheira (set from BAF) */
CHAIN IF WEIGHT #-2 ~%BGT_VAR% Global("X#JaheiraHealsB","GLOBAL",4)~ THEN ~X#BEADOR~ OldFlame1
== ~X#BEADOR~ @63
IF ~InParty("khalid") InMyArea("khalid") !StateCheck("khalid",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ DO ~SetGlobal("X#JaheiraHealsB","GLOBAL",5)~ EXTERN ~%KHALID_JOINED%~ KhalidBeadorTalk
IF ~OR(2) !InParty("khalid") Dead("khalid")~ DO ~SetGlobal("X#JaheiraHealsB","GLOBAL",5)~ EXTERN ~%JAHEIRA_JOINED%~ JaheiraBeadorNoKhalidTalk


I think I found it. If Khalid is in the party, alive, but fails the state check, there is no pathway forward from this. I think the coverage should be



/* If Beador is healed by Jaheira (set from BAF) */
CHAIN IF WEIGHT #-2 ~%BGT_VAR% Global("X#JaheiraHealsB","GLOBAL",4)~ THEN ~X#BEADOR~ OldFlame1
== ~X#BEADOR~ @63
IF ~InParty("khalid") InMyArea("khalid") !StateCheck("khalid",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ DO ~SetGlobal("X#JaheiraHealsB","GLOBAL",5)~ EXTERN ~%KHALID_JOINED%~ KhalidBeadorTalk
IF ~OR(3) !InParty("khalid") Dead("khalid") StateCheck("khalid",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ DO ~SetGlobal("X#JaheiraHealsB","GLOBAL",5)~ EXTERN ~%JAHEIRA_JOINED%~ JaheiraBeadorNoKhalidTalk


Or probably even the good old-fashioned


OR(3) !InParty("khalid") !InMyArea("khalid") StateCheck("khalid",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)


since being dead makes Camdawg's CD_STATE_NOTVALID true...


I just have to check to see if the dialog makes sense if Khalid is standing there silenced while his wife speaks with an old flame three feet away.

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