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Question to "Repair Imoen's banter file"


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This is the fixpack code (well, part of):


APPEND ~interdia.2da~ ~IMOEN BIMOEN2~ // fixes SoA version



If I understand it correctly, the banterfile is patched to a script name "imoen"? But for BGII(+ToB) at least, the Imoen's script name is imoen2. Is this different for pure SoA, is this a typo or don't I understand what the APPEND command does (probably)?

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My bad - Imoen indeed has the script name "imoen" before she gets captured, i.e. in Irenicus Dungeon. Since I was only interested in npc-npc banter files I never really noticed!

EDIT: Unless we are talking bgt, of course, where her script name is imoen2 all along.


...nothing to see here...

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