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BGII:EE Rasaad and Aran, SoA and ToB


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In Honor of the Release of BGII:EE, Rassaad and Aran in SoA and ToB


/* SoA: Aran > Rasaad : Down Calimport Way  */
CHAIN IF ~CombatCounter(0) !Detect([ENEMY])
InParty("Rasaad") InMyArea("Rasaad") !StateCheck("Rasaad",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)
InParty(Myself) !StateCheck(Myself,CD_STATE_NOTVALID)
Global("c-aransoarassad1","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN C-ARANB a5112
~[ARAN] Calimport, eh? I spent some right pleasurable time in th' baths there, I did. Th' heatin' system were a wonder o' modern architecture an' magic combined.~
DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransoarassad1","GLOBAL",1)~
== BRASAAD ~[RASAAD] Calimport is a city of wonders, but it was not all enjoyable, I assure you of that.~
== C-ARANB ~[ARAN] You have a right fine gift for understatement. In some parts, it be a miracle to survive even one day. You must be a right sharp lad.~
== BRASAAD ~[RASAAD] My brother and I were... Yes. We were fortunate. In spite of what has now happened to us.~
== C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Now if you be talkin' about th' whole sun philosophy, an' moon goddess, an' fallin' from grace, or whatnot, well, hells... more'n once I have been on th' wrong side o' an employer. Sometimes doin' th' job right means doin' somethin' not quite in the rulebook, eh?~
== BRASAAD ~[RASAAD] Perhaps that is a comforting thought. But I was talking about the loss of my brother.~
== C-ARANB ~[ARAN] See, there you go again, thinkin' too much. That be an easy fix. We find th' bastard what did him in, an' then we do to him what been done to your brother. Simple problem, simple solution, an' all's well what ends well, eh?~
== BRASAAD ~[RASAAD] You seem to have reduced all of my seeking of vengeance to a short catch-phrase.~
== C-ARANB ~[ARAN] That be me. Aran Whitehand, sword an' scribe. Trade contracts written, caravans defended, an' complex things reduced to over-simplified generalizations. Some say it be a gift, but I say it be just second nature.~


/* SoA: Aran > Rasaad : Concentration */
CHAIN IF ~CombatCounter(0) !Detect([ENEMY])
InParty("Rasaad") InMyArea("Rasaad") !StateCheck("Rasaad",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)
InParty(Myself) !StateCheck(Myself,CD_STATE_NOTVALID)
Global("c-aransoarassad2","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN C-ARANB a5113
~[ARAN] Help a lad out, eh? I have seen you do some right interestin' moves. Can I learn 'em?~
DO ~SetGlobal("c-aransoarassad2","GLOBAL",1)~
== BRASAAD ~[RASAAD] That depends on your abilty to focus. To concentrate.~
== C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Aye, I can do that. What be first?~
== BRASAAD ~[RASAAD] First, take a deep breath, and calm your mind.~
== C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Aye. Done.~
== BRASAAD ~[RASAAD] Not if you are speaking. Take a deep breath, hold it... now gently exhale.~
== C-ARANB ~[ARAN] .... ~
== C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Done.~
== BRASAAD ~[RASAAD] You broke concentration too early. Try again. Take a deep breath, hold it... now gently exhale...~
== C-ARANB ~[ARAN] .... ~
== C-ARANB ~[ARAN] .... ~
== C-ARANB ~[ARAN] .... ~
== C-ARANB ~[ARAN] I think you just wanted to shut me up.~
== BRASAAD ~[RASAAD] Your path to enlightenment has already begun.~


/* SoA: Rasaad > Aran : Concentration and the Single Man */
CHAIN IF ~CombatCounter(0) !Detect([ENEMY])
InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)
InParty(Myself) !StateCheck(Myself,CD_STATE_NOTVALID)
Global("c-rasaadsoaaran1","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN BRASAAD a5114
~[RASAAD] How are your concentration studies progressing?~
DO ~SetGlobal("c-rasaadsoaaran1","GLOBAL",1)~
== C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Not well, to tell th' whole truth.~


IF ~~ a5115
 SAY ~[RASAAD] What is the challenge you face?~
 IF ~!Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ THEN GOTO a5116
 IF ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ THEN GOTO a5117
 IF ~Gender(Player2,FEMALE) !Name("c-aran",Player2) !Name("Viconia",Player2) !Name("Hexxat",Player2)~ THEN GOTO a5118
 IF ~Gender(Player3,FEMALE) !Name("c-aran",Player3) !Name("Viconia",Player3) !Name("Hexxat",Player3)~ THEN GOTO a5119
 IF ~Gender(Player4,FEMALE) !Name("c-aran",Player4) !Name("Viconia",Player4) !Name("Hexxat",Player4)~ THEN GOTO a5120
 IF ~Gender(Player5,FEMALE) !Name("c-aran",Player5) !Name("Viconia",Player5) !Name("Hexxat",Player5)~ THEN GOTO a5121
 IF ~Gender(Player6,FEMALE) !Name("c-aran",Player6) !Name("Viconia",Player6) !Name("Hexxat",Player6)~ THEN GOTO a5122

IF ~~ a5116 SAY ~[ARAN] I get as far as exhalin', start to concentrate... an' a picture o' that last barmaid's form as she walks away from me just pops into my head.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a5123 END
IF ~~ a5117 SAY ~[ARAN] I get as far as exhalin', start to concentrate... an' a picture o' <PLAYER1>'s form as she walks away from me just pops into my head.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a5123 END
IF ~~ a5118 SAY ~[ARAN] I get as far as exhalin', start to concentrate... an' a picture o' <PLAYER2>'s form as she walks away from me just pops into my head.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a5123 END
IF ~~ a5119 SAY ~[ARAN] I get as far as exhalin', start to concentrate... an' a picture o' <PLAYER3>'s form as she walks away from me just pops into my head.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a5123 END
IF ~~ a5120 SAY ~[ARAN] I get as far as exhalin', start to concentrate... an' a picture o' <PLAYER4>'s form as she walks away from me just pops into my head.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a5123 END
IF ~~ a5121 SAY ~[ARAN] I get as far as exhalin', start to concentrate... an' a picture o' <PLAYER5>'s form as she walks away from me just pops into my head.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a5123 END
IF ~~ a5122 SAY ~[ARAN] I get as far as exhalin', start to concentrate... an' a picture o' <PLAYER6>'s form as she walks away from me just pops into my head.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a5123 END

END // of append

~[RASAAD] That would tend to break your concentration.~
== C-ARANB ~[ARAN] Hells, no. It locks me on target right quick. Th' problem is, th' more I concentrate, th' less clothes she has on in my mind. Blighted hard on th' codpiece, that be. Makes it a mite bit difficult to stay focused.~


/* ToB: Aran > Rasaad : Meditating Sheep */
CHAIN IF ~CombatCounter(0) !Detect([ENEMY])
InParty("Rasaad") InMyArea("Rasaad") !StateCheck("Rasaad",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)
InParty(Myself) !StateCheck(Myself,CD_STATE_NOTVALID)
Global("c-arantobrassad1","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN C-ARN25B a5124
~[ARAN] I have been studyin' that whole concentratin' idea you use. You know, th' take a breath in, an' let it out slowly, thinkin' on centerin' down.~
DO ~SetGlobal("c-arantobrassad1","GLOBAL",1)~
== BRASAA25 ~[RASAAD] How do you feel about your progress?~
== C-ARN25B ~[ARAN] Sometimes it works right fine. But lately... I just fall asleep.~
== BRASAA25 ~[RASAAD] Relaxation is only part of the process. You have to be mentally awake while your body remains still.~
== C-ARN25B ~[ARAN] I get th' basic idea, I do. I just get all centered an' calm, an' then th' snores wake me up.~
== BRASAA25 ~[RASAAD] It takes years of detailed study and practice to achieve mastery over both body and mind. Keep working on it.~
== C-ARN25B ~[ARAN] I suppose you be right. Mayhap I'd do better apprenticin' somewhere instead o' tryin' to pick it up on th' trail. Though I do say th' naps be refreshin'.~
== BRASAA25 ~[RASAAD] They are indeed.~


/* ToB: Aran > Rasaad : Wealth */
CHAIN IF ~CombatCounter(0) !Detect([ENEMY]) Global("c-arantobrassad2","GLOBAL",0)
InParty("Rasaad") InMyArea("Rasaad") !StateCheck("Rasaad",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)
InParty(Myself) !StateCheck(Myself,CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN C-ARN25B a5125
~[ARAN] Hey, Rasaad, this whole poverty an' wealth thing. What be bad about havin' coin, an' spendin' it?~
DO ~SetGlobal("c-arantobrassad2","GLOBAL",1)~
== BRASAA25 ~[RASAAD] Having wealth is a state through which one passes. Wanting wealth is a distraction. Needing wealth is corruption.~
== C-ARN25B ~[ARAN] But if I have wealth, an' I use it to help friends out, how do it be corruption?~
== BRASAA25 ~[RASAAD] Transferring wealth is not bad or good. It just happens. Needing to do it, though, is just purchasing friendship.~
== C-ARN25B ~[ARAN] Right... so wealth has naught in th' way o' good or bad, and what you do wi' it can be good or bad. So why do so many different orders o' monks all take vows against material gain?~
== BRASAA25 ~[RASAAD] The real question to ask is 'Am I still true to myself when I am poor, when I am rich, when I am neither, and when I am both?'~
== C-ARN25B ~[ARAN] You know, for a vengeance-obsessed livin' weapon, you sure think things through right proper, you do.~

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