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Bug Report - BG:EE - Spanish Traduction


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Looks like there is a character in the spanish translation of x#pcinit_tmp.tra that iconv cannot convert to UTF8. Currently, it stops when it hits an error, but WeiDU doesn't know it. I can set iconv to silently drop bad characters. A word might end up missing a letter, but it will still install.


Uninstall the mod, replace the conv_tra.bat file in your bg1npc directory with this file:




Then, reinstall the mod.

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Jastey - sorry if that wasn't clear what I meant by "drop".


I added the "-c" option to the iconv commands which convert the strings to UTF-8. That option does the following (from the iconv man page at GNU.org):


−c When this option is given, characters that cannot be converted are silently discarded, instead of leading to a conversion error.
So, when iconv hits an unconvertible character, it will skip that character and move on, rather than stopping with a conversion error (which leads to an incomplete converted .tra file).
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