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[solved] REPLACE_TRANS_ACTION: tra-references do not get compiled - weidu leaves the @xxx reference in?


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I need a second pair of eyes.


I define the OUTER_SPRINT variable:





In the .d file, I use:


REPLACE_TRANS_ACTION ~%tutu_var%oublek~ BEGIN %BGT_DiffState% END BEGIN 0 END ~GivePartyGold(150)~ ~GivePartyGold(150) TakePartyItem("abgfEyeL") TakePartyItem("abgfEyeR") %ERASEJOURNALENTRY_PRISM_0%~


In the tp2, I compile the .d with


COMPILE EVALUATE_BUFFER ~bg1ub/abPrismEmeralds/oublek.d~


But in the game, if I now decompile oublek.dlg, I get:


IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 30 // from: 10.9
SAY #100053 /* ~Well, it is good to see you attempting to earn honest gold, even if it is through the unsavory task of bounty hunting. I shall pay you, though less that the posted amount. We shall store the extra in case you decide to... alter the facts in any further dealings.~ */
IF ~~ THEN DO ~(...)


There is no error or warning in the debug upon installing. Neither weidu nor the game have a problem with "@210" obviously not being a string reference? - The OUTER_SPRINT variable seems to work, but why is the string reference to the tra-file not being evaluated? Weidu doesn't even replace it with an own, new string reference.. So I guess it's a spelling error somewhere, but I do not spot it.


(I use the same syntax (OUTER_SPRINT "ERASEJOURNALENTRY_0" "EraseJournalEntry(@0)") in all my BG1 mods, and there, it works.)

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