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help with black (too black) fonts


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No, I've tried talking to numerous NPCs, name (and only name) is always so black that it's unreadable unless I buff up gama/contrast - but then the whole screen gets very hard to look at. Anyhow, it seems 1ppv4 doesn't like if all colours aren't installed - thus reinstalling fixed it.

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I remember messing around character colors with ShadowKeeper; everytime you set the main color to non-BG2-standard palette value, the dialogue box will render it black. 1PP removes this engine limitation.


I've also noticed something else: the color choices from the extended palette added by 1PPv4 aren't saved properly and the game won't restore them on load. I'm not sure if all choices are affected, but I definitely remember the character hair color always reverting to standard palette. I've only installed compatibility option since then. Have you encountered this as well? Is there a known workaround for this?

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Still, what's up with that guy's helmet?

I don't know, apart that it's vividly red. It's a guard from SCS.



I've also noticed something else: the color choices from the extended palette added by 1PPv4 aren't saved properly and the game won't restore them on load. I'm not sure if all choices are affected, but I definitely remember the character hair color always reverting to standard palette. I've only installed compatibility option since then. Have you encountered this as well? Is there a known workaround for this?

Yes, I have. Unfortunately, I don't really know how to fix it other than changing the colour every time you load. On my install, usually minor colour gets swapped for another (or major, can't remember which but it's always only one of the two that changes). Kind of cool actually, as if you're changing underclothing (or wigs).

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