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Changing BAM Source: Display Issue

Bill Bisco

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I have the following code here, from my mod where I am trying to add a new item to the game, but I am having trouble getting it to work. The proper Inventory Icon is not displaying.


COPY ~Erevain/Bams/DBIITM01.BAM~ ~override~
COPY ~Erevain/Bams/IBIITM01.BAM~ ~override~
COPY ~Erevain/Items/BIITM01.ITM~ ~override~
SAY NAME1 ~Erevain's Elven Plate +2~
SAY NAME2 ~Erevain's Elven Plate +2~
WRITE_ASCII 0x003a ~IBIITMT01.BAM~ // 8 (resref) Inventory icon
WRITE_ASCII 0x0044 ~GPLAT01.BAM~ // 8 (resref) Ground icon
WRITE_ASCII 0x0058 ~DBIITM01.BAM~ // 8 (resref) Description icon
I used NearInfinity, copied CHAN19.ITM and its associated BAMs, modified the .ITM properties, and renamed the ITM and BAMs. Now, I am telling the mod to use these renamed BAMs and map the new BAMs to the ITM.
The Inventory Icon is not appearing correctly as you can see:
The original ToB ICHAN19.BAM displays fine, but for some reason. Copying it is failing me. Can anyone tell me why?

You seem to be including file extension into the strref - which likely corrupts the file because you didn't specify the write length.

WRITE_ASCII offset ascString [ #requiredSize ]


The ASCII ascString is written to the file starting at offset. If you specify a requiredSize then exactly that many bytes are written (if ascString is smaller, it is padded with NULs; if ascString is larger, it is truncated). If you do not specify a requiredSize, the terminating NUL is not written.

WRITE_ASCII 0x003a ~IBIITMT01~ #8 // 8 (resref) Inventory icon

WRITE_ASCII 0x0044 ~GPLAT01~ #8 // 8 (resref) Ground icon

WRITE_ASCII 0x0058 ~DBIITM01~ #8 // 8 (resref) Description icon


Also note that "IBIITMT01" is 9 characters long, rather than 8 max.


Thank you Ardanis! I changed the characters back to 8 and added #8 and the display error is gone! For some reason GPLAT01 doesn't display correctly, but I can correct this in NearInfinity with no issue.


Sincere thanks. I really appreciate it.


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