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NTotSC v2.1.0 for BGT, BG:EE, and EET!

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NTotSC Updates to v2.1.0 for BGT, BG:EE, and EET!


NTotSC adds several quests to the BG1 part (with TotSC) to the game. Some are minor encounters with no further impact, but some are larger quests that are also partly connected to each other.


This is a BGT, BG:EE, and EET version of the original mod. As of version 2.0, NTotSC is no longer dependent on DSotSC. If you want to play the two mods together, install DSotSC first. The versions supported are:

-for BGT/EET: version by k4thos

-for BG:EE: version by Red Carnelian (this mod is still beta, too).


To reach the new areas via worldmap, you need to install BP-BGT-worldmap for BGT after NTotSC an start a new game. For BG:EE, as of v2.1.0 the BP-BGTWorldmap mod is no longer needed for the mod areas to be accessible via the worldmap. Thank you to AstroBryGuy for this tweak!


Since v2.0, the quests are less restrictive in their order, especially in the order of when to talk to whom. The only restrictions remaining are: The Northern Citadel Quest will be handed out from Duke Eltan when he summons the PC in the original game. The Temple of the Black Hand will only be revealed after the demon in Ulgoth's Beard is defeated.

All other quests can either be "walked into", received from multiple persons (e.g. "The Field of the Dead"), or received by killing the quest giver instead of going on his fedex quest (e.g. the Ice Slamander or Eldod - they will have the appropriate keys on them.) Also, the mod now uses the prefix "NT". The package comes with a detailed list of Changes including altered variable names. If your mod has crossmod content with NTotSC and you are nervous about the changes, let me know and I will help you concerning compatibility with v2.0.


Download NTotSC latest Release from jastey's GitHub

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