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Question to EET_End: tagging PID from BG1 with "Global("EndofBG1","GLOBAL",0)"

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If BG1NPC is installed directly to EET, I see a strange behavior of how PIDs are tagged by EET_End.

The BG1NPC PID are usually triggered by ~IsGabber(Player1) %BGT_VAR%~, where %BGT_VAR% translates to "GlobalLT("ENDOFBG1","GLOBAL",2)" for EET.

With this, EET_End does not add a "BG1 only" check to these PIDs.

I then replaced the %BGT_VAR% - for BG1NPC only, because it only adds to BG1 - with "!GlobalGT("BD_PLOT","GLOBAL",0)", instead.

Now, the PID after EET_End has the following triggers:



With "Global("EndofBG1","GLOBAL",0)" making my addition of "!GlobalGT("BD_PLOT","GLOBAL",0)" mute.

I checked this several times by installing with "GlobalLT("ENDOFBG1","GLOBAL",2)" or !GlobalGT("BD_PLOT","GLOBAL",0) in the PID triggers.

I guess there is logic behind this, but in my opinion, all IsGabber dialogue states from the BG1 dialogue should be disabled in SoD in EET, no matter what the additional triggers are? Because if they are not and are true in SoD, they lead to stutter when SoD dialogues should run.



I'm no longer sure what my problem was here. :huh: Global("EndofBG1","GLOBAL",0) is perfectly fine for BG1-only content and could be seen as equivalent to !GlobalGT("BD_PLOT","GLOBAL",0).

I'll come back to this in case I'll encounter a problem where PIDs for BG1-SoD get disabled or something.

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