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Enhanced Powergaming Scripts

Guest morpheus562

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Ok, after more reshearch :

In splstate.ids i had 

MAGE_ARMOR on 258 in splstate.ids and 260 in spwi102.spl

GOLEM_CURSE on 260 in splstate

I tried a lot of convoluted stuff then something simple, i reainstalled Enhanced Powergaming Script since GOLEM_CURSE was created by EPS. Now i have MAGE_ARMOR 258 in splstate and spwi102.spl

Am doing a new install to confirm.


Edit :

That was not it. ;'(

Edited by Exal
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31 minutes ago, Enigmajazz said:

I wonder if this issue is related to the max number of spellstates, which I think is 255.



Hmmm, found something on beamdog about SPLPROT opcode328 you can't go past 255. But only on SPLPROT. I think mage armor is linked to SPLPROT but would need confirmation by someone that know is stuff ^^


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18 minutes ago, morpheus562 said:

Probably over the limit. Additionally, do you have anything also assigning a spellstate to the same place as MAGE_ARMOR?

Sorry i don't understand, if you mean a mod that would assign another spellstate to mage armor, then no. I cheked doing a changelog for splstate.ids


So if i remove the golem mod i should be good?

Edit : i pasted quick and dirty an install and change manualy the spellstate for MAGE_ARMOR in splstate.ids and inside the spwi102.spl but it's not working.


change-log.zip splstate.ids

Edited by Exal
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7 minutes ago, morpheus562 said:

I don't have a game loaded with SR anymore, but if you get a fresh install you're welcome to test against it with the version of SR you are running. Removing the golem mod should resolve your issue, but it would be worth it to check first.

It works on a light install. It's just that i did not knew there could be a problem with too many spell :)


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It wooooooooooooorrrrrrrkkkkkks !!

@morpheus562 @Enigmajazz Thanks for the help !


First problem solved. Now, i would like to use Tome & Blood, the cantrip part. But looking at the Tome & Blood part of your script it seems it's only for a change in invisibility.


How complex would it be if i wanted my mage to cast Magic Missile by default when i click to attack an enemy (since magic missile has unlimited use but is nerfed with T&B). I could chose to cast something else in between 2 magic missile but once the other cast is finished it would default back to Magic missile.


I'd like my mage to use magic not a F**ing sling :)

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27 minutes ago, morpheus562 said:

I don't use Tome and Blood, so I have no idea how that all works.


Well that componant makes all lvl1 spells unlimited in use (while nerfing them). But the question is more general, is it possible to change how a character act when i click to attack something, so that instead of using any weapon the character use a spell?

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On 9/14/2023 at 1:12 PM, morpheus562 said:

At level 10, it is only 3 thac0 difference between warriors and priests (11 vs. 14). This gap narrows to only 2 thac0 difference when comparing 24 vs 25 STR. Below is a level 10 cleric (19 STR), one with and the other without Holy Power. Both character's have the following: Mace +2, Bless, DUHM, Righteous Magic, and 1APR. Without Holy Power, even with less thac0, has a better average damage range until they encounter an enemy with -6AC. At this point the Holy Power cleric starts to eek ahead. Note, this is for a character at level 10, so they will probably face few enemies at or better than -6 AC.

NOTE: If you are playing with IWDIfication, Recitation will improve thac0 by an additional 2 for both classes. Bard songs, and other buffs, improve this even further.


Very interesting!

Can you run the same test with lvl 12 characters, the thac0 difference is 5 (25% higher hit chance). And can you also graph average number of effective hits?

Only asking because you have a nice test suit going on lol.

Level 12 and onward seems a decent all-around spot to enable the logic I'm proposing.

Btw, i meant lvl 10ish thac0 difference:


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On 8/26/2023 at 1:15 AM, morpheus562 said:

Just wanted to call out something I'm excited about coming in the next release that will probably fly under most people's radar during actual play. The scripts will now have a check in place if a character is in need of Improved Haste and has no internal means to either cast IH (either through spell or items), use a similar ability via a kit, or use GWW. This will be seen during pre-buffing, so characters who have the means to improve their own APR will not receive IH from another character before they get to it within their own buffing cycle. Additionally, this will be seen prevalently with warriors with the GWW HLA so they do not use up a caster's IH when they will be ready to go with increasing their own APR once combat starts. Overall, the difference won't be too noticeable, but it will aid in overall efficiency for the party.

Awesome stuff. Can the same logic be applied to Mazzy's Invoke Courage? And tweak something in the process?

- Shouldn't Invoke Courage be excluded from long duration buff ai? It only lasts 5 turns, one fight at most.

Also, it's interaction with Remove Fear and Resist Fear:

Since Invoke Courage buffs thac0 and STs, it's ok for it to be cast on top of already existing Remove/Resist fear.

But, I think Remove/Resist fear should not be cast as short duration buffing whenever Invoke Courage is present.



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