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TDD on BG EET is missing objects and companions

Guest Jerbubu

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Guest Jerbubu

Hi there,

So after many hours, I finally reached BG2 in EET, I started playing some quests from The darkest day mod. I m currently playing thought a quest where I go to a map that is the same as the bandit camp from BG1 an then I travel to kesselrak tomb from IWD1, according to the walkthrough I found( http://www.geocities.ws/oriordan3001/tdd.html ), I should be getting a two handed sword Blade of  the Tyrant +4 but it's nowhere to be found, I also checked on SK and it's not on the list of objects...
Other than that, the walkthrough also mentions Robillard from the RA Salvatore novels, he is supposed to be in the docks district near the Shadow Thieves guild, but again he is nowhere to be found...
Did I miss something during the installation of the mod?? I used  EE mod setup to install all the mods I m playing with.

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The version available through that tool is an unofficial version and I'm aware it cut content prior but it is quite possible that TDDz itself a fair amount of issues it had from TDD via cutting content. TDD is an old abandoned mod and TDDz probably needs a recode to suit modern knowledges and all that, but the community has no capacity to keep up with it.

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