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Unstakable Vampires

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From BD:


If the protagonist sides with the Shadow Thieves, he or is sent to clean the vampires out of the cemetery. Three of the vampires (Durst, Gellal, and Lassal) have stakable coffins in a small room at the northwest of the area.


When they are killed and their coffins staked, it is at this time that Bodhi is supposed to appear. However, for some people, though all three vampires were dead, one or more coffins would not be stakable, preventing the game from being finished.


I found one of the causes of this: the Gaseous Forms that the vampires change into are not immune to all damage, and having one hit point, any damage would kill them, sometimes before their scripts had a chance to activate the trigger for the respective coffin. Perhaps there were other causes as well, such as the methods use to kill the vampires.


I resolved this by placing code into the area's script that constantly checks the status of the three vampires and makes their respective coffins stakable if they are dead or reduced to Gaseous Form.


This is added to ar0801.bcs:





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