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Books and their content

Guest DendromutantX

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Guest DendromutantX

Not being a kind of person who would leave valuable historical artefacts behind me in a crumbling dungeon, I carried out all of the books from the Irenicus's library. Since I then I have been collecting books all over the world and bringing them to D'Arnise keep. So I'm thinking that It would be nice to have some sort of book collecting quest in the game-- for us, lunatics out there. For instance here's one suggestion: owner of Five Flagons (Samael Thunderburp, if I'm not mistaken) wants to open a trivia show as a customer attraction, so he asks you to bring him as many books as possible, rewarding you accordingly. After that you can participate in his show for some silly trophy which you can then proudly put on top of the shelf in your stronghold, instead of the books that now just stand there like jerks, doing nothing.

Thanks for taking your time to read this

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