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Planescape ee - how to change the font color in dialog box?


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I'am trying to changing this color  ^0xff7da58c (i assume most of the dialog texts) for let's say #DADADA.

And other colors. I need piece of code, or answer how it may look like, or where to find/learn about ;).

(In websearch... yes yes i know - searching for 4h)

To be more specific, few questions is mayby, this new post-process has to be in the same function as in the code below?

function getDialogEntryText(row)
		local text = dialogTable[row].text
		if (row == worldPlayerDialogSelection) then
			--Color the text white when selected
			text = string.gsub(text, "%^0xff212eff", "^0xFFFFFFFF")
		return text


Something must be instead worldPlayerDialogSelection ...

i'am clueless. Oh, well :D.

Edited by szef
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The easiest is probably to add the change in this function yes.

string.gsub is used to replace a substring by another one. The first argument is the string, the second the pattern and the third the replacement.

For example,

this to change all occurrences of '^0xff7da58c' (you have to escape the ^ with a % as otherwise it has a special meaning in regex) into '^0xFFC0CBFF':

text = string.gsub(text, "%^0xff7da58c", "^0xFFC0CBFF")

or this to replace all colors (^0x followed by 8 hex character) with '^0xFFC0CBFF':

text = string.gsub(text, "%^0x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x", "^0xFFC0CBFF")


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Okay, thanks, something's starting clearing up for me (i think).
But what about worldPlayerDialogSelection because this is for... select the choises lines (?).

What, I need enter for "text in the dialogue" - speaking the easiest.

Do you know this?

(Tomorrow will be next round of trying :) ).

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It is done. Full code:

function getDialogEntryText(row)
		local text = dialogTable[row].text
		if (not getDialogRowClickable(row)) then
			--Change color font for Characters name
			text = string.gsub(text, "%^0xff75a1b8", "^0xFF81c6d9")
		if (not getDialogRowClickable(row)) then
			--For dialogue lines
			text = string.gsub(text, "%^0xff7da58c", "^0xFFcad3d2")
		if (not getDialogHistory) then
			--For TNO name
			text = string.gsub(text, "%^0xffd5c885", "^0xFF5d6966")
		if (not getDialogHistory) then
			--For the lines said by TNO
			text = string.gsub(text, "%^0xffd7c8a0", "^0xFF5d6966")
		if (not getDialogResponses) then
			--For 1. 2. etc.
			text = string.gsub(text, "%^0xffcec471", "^0xFF111dd8")	
		if (not getDialogClickable) then
			--For list of answers
			text = string.gsub(text, "%^0xff212eff", "^0xFF111dd8")
		if (row == worldPlayerDialogSelection) then
			--For text when selected
			text = string.gsub(text, "%^0xFF111dd8", "^0xFFacacad")
		return text


Thank you lefreut for your help!!

Edited by szef
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Posted (edited)

How about adding an option to the dialog text, to make a previously selected answer become greyed out - just so I know what I've clicked on before.

My quess is that there something with: “worldPlayerDialogChoicesList” ??

Using again print_r(text) i see that there are double answers: 

^0xFF81c6d99.^- ^0xffcecec7"Nothing, Morte. Just checking to see if you were still with me."^-
^0xFF81c6d99.^- ^0xffcecec7"Nothing, Morte. Just checking to see if you were still with me."^-

The `0xFF81c6d9` is color for 1. 2. 3., and 9. is the position in choices list. (0xffcecec7 is color for highlithing) The question is: what function is responsible for doubling answers ? 


Made some progress. it's working...

BUT, the rows color, not saving after reseting the game. SetINI, and GetINI is seems not enough or idk where to put GetINI?

	function setDlgResponsesColor(row)
		Infinity_SetINIValue('Graphics', 'Dlg Responses Color', 1)
		setSaveOption("Dlg Responses Color", tostring(dialogTable[row].text),1)
		return text	



I managed, it was quite simple though, I was too combinatorial. Although it turns out that every txt string is saved in baldur.lua. So it can take a bit of weight. Will this affect the game itself? That's what I don't know.

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