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hpclass.2da clastext.2da kitlist.2da - How this is all connected?

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I'm trying to connect class/kit description to hptable and I'm having hard time.


hpclass.2da file "externalizes which HP table to use for each class/kit". We have there entries like:

FIGHTER             HPWAR
CLERIC              HPPRS
TALOS               HPPRS

I learned somewhere else that kit entry can be missing and then probably class entry is used. So far so good.


Then we have clastext.2da that "defines class/kit related descriptions". We have there entries like:

                     CLASSID              KITID                LOWER                DESCSTR              MIXED                BIOGRAPHY            FALLEN               BRIEFDESC
FIGHTER              2                    16384                7201                 9556                 1076                 15881                0                    31252
BERSERKER            2                    1                    24239                24284                24261                15881                0                    31252
WIZARD_SLAYER        2                    2                    24240                24285                24262                15881                0                    31252
BEAST_MASTER         12                   9                    24247                24300                24269                15888                0                    31257
BLACKGUARD           6                    32                   28604                28606                28605                31492                0                    31256
CLERIC               3                    16384                7204                 24230                1079                 15884                0                    31255
GODTALOS             3                    19                   24254                24307                24276                15884                0                    31255
BARBARIAN            2                    1073741824           24226                24235                24229                31493                0                    31268

We can see that this is almost working, but only almost. In hpclass we have TALOS, but here GODTALOS.


So, I was thinking that I would use HELP column form kitlist.2da thet also contains description strref. KITID columns in clastext.2da seems to be total mess, sometimes it is kit.ids value and sometimes is row number in kitlist.2da. But I could try to check kitlist.2da agains classes from hpclass.2da. We have there entries like:

                 ROWNAME          LOWER            MIXED            HELP             ABILITIES        PROFICIENCY      UNUSABLE         CLASS            KITIDS
1                BERSERKER        25298            25329            24284            CLABFI02         29               0x00000001       2                0x00004001
2                WIZARD_SLAYER    25299            25330            24285            CLABFI03         30               0x00000002       2                0x00004002
9                BEASTMASTER      25306            25337            24300            CLABRN04         37               0x00020000       12               0x00004009
19               TALOS            24254            25347            24307            CLABPR02         47               0x01000000       3                0x00004013
30               WILDMAGE         25327            24282            24283            CLABMA01         52               0x80000000       1                0x80000000
31               BARBARIAN        25328            24229            24235            CLABFI05         51               0x40000000       2                0x40000000
32               Blackguard       28604            28605            28606            CLABPA06         53               0x00000021       6                0x00004020

And this is also not matching because we have BEASTMASTER while in hpclass.2da we have BEAST_MASTER (putting aside Blackguard which can be easily converted to uppercase).


Then I noticed in kitlist.2da there is KITIDS column so I could have map of kit.ids values to description strrefs. In kit.ids we have:

0x4001 BERSERKER                    
0x4002 WIZARDSLAYER                 
0x4009 BEASTMASTER                  
0x4013 GODTALOS                     
0x40000000 BARBARIAN                    
0x4020 Blackguard

This doesn't match neither hpclass.2da (WIZARDSLAYER, BEASTMASTER, GODTALOS) nor kitlist.2da (WIZARDSLAYER, GODTALOS). This is pretty much when my brain exploded.


I guess game code uses numeric ids instead of those string values. But in hpclass.2da there is no numeric ids of class/kit. So how to translate classes from hpclass.2da to some numeric values I could match agains KITID column of clastext.2da or KITIDS column of kitlist.2da? One of my supposition is that many values in hpclass.2da are in fact invalid, but since only barbarian and dragon disciple use different hp table then base class, this not results with bug during game, because those kits has consistent naming.



It’s just a mish-mash of things added at different times. Mostly it works as you expect it should work, with one or two small exceptions (WIZARDSLAYER vs. WIZARD_SLAYER). If you are getting caught up trying to implement something particular for a mod I’m sure someone can give you the particular answer. 

But in general, don’t let these small inconsistencies explode your brain. If you want to add entries to HPCLASS.2da, then the name should match kit.ids… then in KIT.ids it matches a hex number… then that hex number matches up to other kit characteristics in KITLIST.2da. (CLASTEXT.2da only controls some description text, you generally don’t need to worry about it.)


CLASTEXT.2da runs off it's own KITID/CLASSID columns. Most other 2da's run off the kit's "ROWNAME" from KITLIST.2DA, excepting case.

The "BEAST_MASTER" entry in HPCLASS.2da is ignored, it needs to be "BEASTMASTER", matching KITLIST.2DA.



1 hour ago, kjeron said:

CLASTEXT.2da runs off it's own KITID/CLASSID columns. Most other 2da's run off the kit's "ROWNAME" from KITLIST.2DA, excepting case.

The "BEAST_MASTER" entry in HPCLASS.2da is ignored, it needs to be "BEASTMASTER", matching KITLIST.2DA.

That makes sense. Thank you! I can only add that BLACKGUARD entry in hpclass is working, so matching is case insensitive, at least with this table.

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