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Assistance needed with EET/EE Mod Setup.

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I just need to know what I did wrong. Previously I had installed EET with EE Mod Setup on my computer with no issues, but when I attempt to install more mods with the same program, I keep receiving the same error message:

ERROR: [EET/SOD_GUI/CH01AJON.MOS] -> [EET/SOD_GUI/CH01AJON.MOS] Patching Failed (COPY) (Unix.Unix_error(20, "stat", "EET/temp/biff/mos1315.pvrz"))
ERROR: Unix.Unix_error(20, "stat", "EET/temp/biff/mos1315.pvrz")
Enhanced Edition Trilogy (Enhanced Edition Trilogy) was not installed due to errors.

I have no idea what to do, and any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

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EE Mod Messup is a hostile BWP fork, with it's maintainer abusing the editing ability to

  • encourage shoddy mod versions filled with edits tailored towards their Mary Sue project
  • hides mods/components (SCS Better Calls for Help, for example) based on personal opinion
  • spammed multiple fake users on community forums to overplay their own knowledge and give themselves more credibility

You did wrong via starting it up.

Also, this is a bad report, because it doesn't provide any info on what have happened with the folders themselves.

Edited by Graion Dilach
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The problem is that EE Mod Setup uses modified or obsolete versions of mods in some cases, so it's quite difficult to find the issue you're running into...

And for the reasons mentioned by GraionDilach, forum members aren't very eager to look into it...

You can always post your weidu.log,  SETUP-SOD_GUI .DEBUG and  SETUP-EET .DEBUG (present in your game folder), but there's no guarantee that anyone will be able to help you.

You can also try to reach the autor of EE Mod Setup via the github Issues in the repository where you downloaded the tool.

You can also try ProjectInfinity !

Edited by JohnBob
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I've downloaded ProjectInfinity off GitHub with no issue, but now when I try to run it, nothing happens. I don't get any sort of notification that my security has blocked the file, my computer settings allow for non-Microsoft verified apps to be run, and nothing happens. I try to run it as an administrator, and nothing happens. What should I be doing?

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I'm trying to mod my BG but encountered exactly same problem.

Short story: I have Project Infinity 0.10.6, In installation order first was DLCmerger 1.5, second EET V13.4. On DLC merger I choose first option only (merge only SoD, I don't have any others DLC I would know about) and during EET installation I have same problem as in original post.

Longer story: this is my second try. In first, I installed DLC merger by hand before using PI. After this, I installed EET with milion mods, and in the end installation was "successful". But I had problem with invalid numbers (like this 

Couldn't track what was wrong, so decided to try another way of instaling EET, based on this guide, in "one go" (with DLC merger installed by IP, not by hand) https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/comment/1044426/#Comment_1044426
So I copied fresh install from Steam, and started from scratch, with the result above.

In conclusion:

when I install DLC merger by hand, I got Invalid number problem.
when I install DLC merger with PI in one go I have,

ERROR: [EET/SOD_GUI/CH01AJON.MOS] -> [EET/SOD_GUI/CH01AJON.MOS] Patching Failed (COPY) (Unix.Unix_error(20, "stat", "EET/temp/biff/mos1315.pvrz"))
ERROR: Unix.Unix_error(20, "stat", "EET/temp/biff/mos1315.pvrz")

during EET instalation

Right now, I try again with DLC merger installed "by hand" (and again no errors during EET instalation). It will take me a while to get everything in order. After this, I will check if invalid numbers problem is there again. If there is, I will probably tomorrow come back here with something more?

For now, I just want to ask, if anyone knows why would problem above happen, during instalation DLC merger with PI, but not when I install it by hand?

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36 minutes ago, Hiperon said:

when I install DLC merger by hand, I got Invalid number problem.

Invalid numbers instead of text lines can (if you did use DLc Merger) be a sign that you installed the mods to a different game language than the one you are playing the game in. If you open the weidu.conf file with a text editor, you can see which game language the mods are installed to.

I can't help with the other problem other than guesssing that it might be a permission problem of sorts?

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On 7/15/2023 at 5:54 PM, GrumpyLagiacrus said:

ERROR: [EET/SOD_GUI/CH01AJON.MOS] -> [EET/SOD_GUI/CH01AJON.MOS] Patching Failed (COPY) (Unix.Unix_error(20, "stat", "EET/temp/biff/mos1315.pvrz"))
ERROR: Unix.Unix_error(20, "stat", "EET/temp/biff/mos1315.pvrz")
Enhanced Edition Trilogy (Enhanced Edition Trilogy) was not installed due to errors.

For me, installing DLCmerger manually, and than using PI for rest, helped with above error.

Game still doesn't work (it freezes after I make the character and want to start playing) and it would be great to know why this problems occurs, but for now this is good enough workaround for me and hopefully for others with same problem.

Thank you for help, I'm going to fight with other problems now, but hopefully I'm out of this thread.


Update, it didn't solve the problem, it probably only somehow hide it. Game doesn't work, with only DLCmerger and EET used.

Edited by Hiperon
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