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G3: Sword Coast Stratagems updates to version 35

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Sword Coast Stratagems is a collection of interconnected mini-mods for Baldur's Gate (on the BGT/BGTUTU/BGEE versions) and Baldur's Gate II. It is primarily a tactical and AI-enhancement mod: the idea is to make the game's combat more interesting, tactically challenging, and realistic by more effective use of, and choices of, creatures' abilities. It also contains a few rule tweaks and ease-of-use features.

Version 35 is a fairly substantial release, with the following main features:

  • 60-odd bugfixes and compatibility fixes
  • (Provisional, experimental, partial) support for Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition
  • New 'revised handling of death effects' component
  • New 'revised elementals' component
  • New 'revised resting' component
  • New 'revised inns' component
  • Reorganization of spell tweaks components along with some new optional tweaks
  • 15 new spells (9 mage, 6 cleric) with the mage spells mostly focused around elemental effects and the cleric spells mostly borrowed from Divine Remix
  • Multiple changes to achieve compatibility with my forthcoming 'Talents of Faerun' mod
  • New component, 'Include bard songs from IWD:EE' (identical to the IWDification component)
  • 'Make spell sequencers and contingencies into innate abilities' restored
  • A few dozen more minor tweaks

 Grab it direct here. You can also visit the extensive project pages, readme, or SCS forum for more information.

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