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SCS Error Initialize AI Components

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Posted (edited)


I have gotten the below error when trying to install SCS. I am trying to use the new Talents of Faerun mod as well as item randomizer, tweaks anthology, bg1npc, bg1 unfinished business, Bubs spell menu, item revisions.

ERROR: Failure("resource [0.PRO] not found for 'COPY'")
Please make a backup of the file: Setup-stratagems.debug and look for support at: For help troubleshooting installation problems, go to the Sword Coast Stratagems forum at forums.gibberlings3.net.
Automatically Skipping [Initialise AI components (required for all tactical and AI components)] because of error.

Weidu log attached. Thanks for your help!

Strategems-Debug Log.txt

Edited by CommunistMage
Edited ‘traits’ to ‘Talents’

That’s enough mods that it’s hard for me to help - it’s a compatibility issue with some other mod, but you probably need to experiment with dropping some mods from your install.

Posted (edited)

Thanks for taking a look! I was able to install SCS with those mods before trying Talents of Faerun, but I’ll play around with it more and see what I can find. 

Edited by CommunistMage

Following up because I tried to install only Talents of Faerun and SCS on a fresh steam install, and still got the following error, as well as a few others in the attached document. I am using ProjectInfinity to install the mods.

//SFO: Cloning PRO file(s) 0=>dw#dsspw and applying patch(es)...
//ERROR Installing [Initialise AI components (required for all tactical and AI components)], rolling back to previous state
//Will uninstall 4730 files for [stratagems\setup-stratagems.tp2] component 5900.
//Uninstalled    4730 files for [stratagems\setup-stratagems.tp2] component 5900.
//ERROR: Failure("resource [0.PRO] not found for 'COPY'")
//Please make a backup of the file: Setup-stratagems.debug and look for support at: For help troubleshooting installation problems, go to the Sword Coast Stratagems forum at forums.gibberlings3.net.
//Automatically Skipping [Initialise AI components (required for all tactical and AI components)] because of error.
//Using Language [English]
//[.\lang\en_us\dialog.tlk] created, 73563 string entries
//NOT INSTALLED DUE TO ERRORS Initialise AI components (required for all tactical and AI components)
//WARNING: unpausing installation will continue from next component.
//WARNING: stratagems:5900 has encounter errors durring installation, exited with ExitCode = 2


WeiDU.log ToF and SCS Error Messages.txt Strategems Debug3.txt


I would suggest not to mod the original install game folder, but to make a copy of it, not in the Programfiles directory.

Then you can install mods in the copied folder, starting with DLC Merger if you also have the SoD expansion. 

Also for just installing ToF and SCS, you don't really need Project Infinity, you can do it manually. 


Thank you! It's been a year or so since I've modded the game so I forgot to put it outside of Program Files. I also switched from using ModMerge to DLC Merger.


That said, I have to do one big facepalm right now because I had a previous version of SCS in my extracted mods folder for Project Infinity. After following your advice and replacing SCS with the up to date version, I was just now able to install the following mods successfully:

EEX, Bubs Spell Menu, BG1NPC, BG1 Unfinished Business, Item Revisions, Item Randomizer, Tweaks Anthology, Talents of Faerun, SCS.


DavidW if you read this, I just want to say that your amazing work on SCS has provided me and countless others with literally decades of joy playing this wonderful game. You are actually a godsend to this community. Can't wait to try Talents of Faerun. Thank you so much!

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