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Symbol, Pain affects party members

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The symbols are a bit tricky in general; the versions of the three normally available to players in the BG series are party-unfriendly, but there are NPC versions of the spell that are party-friendly. This distinction is entirely handled through the projectile: ICEGLYP for the party-unfriendly versions, TRAPGLPN for the party-friendly versions.

There's an enemy-only version of Pain in the BG series already; it uses a different (party-friendly) projectile SPARMANP. And it doesn't have a proper description.

This, however, is a spell copied directly from IWD by the SCS/IWDification spells component. It uses the ICEGLYP projectile. The description is also copied directly from IWD. So, I see two possibilities here:

- The projectile has different properties between the two games.

- The description is inaccurate in IWD.

(I don't have IWD, so I can't test this)


There's another symbol spell copied over; Hopelessness. That one has a party-friendly description, and a new projectile not already in the BG series ... which is party-friendly. I'm leaning toward the description being inaccurate in IWD.


jmerry's first guess was correct for this. The ICEGLYP projectile in IWDEE has the "enemies only" flag, as well as larger area (symbols in IWD have a 15-ft. radius). The hopelessness projectile (idpro277) is similar, but plays a different animation.

One of the SCS spell tweaks already changes the stun/fear/death symbols to use OHSYMBOL.pro. Could probably just use that (assuming it gets added for games that don't have it, by default). OHSYMBOL is nearly identical to ICEGLYP (same animation/sounds), but it's party friendly in both BG2EE and IWDEE. They already have the same explosion size in each game as well (12-ft. for BG2EE, 15-ft. for IWDEE).

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