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I just downloaded/installed this mod last night (I like it already! Bards need new toys to play with...), and now whenever I start a new game, the Bridge district has a fog of war. If I remember right, no Athkatlan area save the Graveyard's supposed to have one. It's pretty easy to get rid of (ExploreArea takes care of it), but it's annoying to see anyways.

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Woo, first bug report.


I am fairly certain this is not due to S&S, because I can't think of why it would happen. All we do to that area is spawn in Raoul (unless he's in a different area; I mostly play Tutu so forget). I could be wrong, though. What else do you have installed, and it what order?

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Cam has told me it might be his spawning interferes with the OnCreation() script block in the area, causing the issue. So thanks for the heads-up; and I have made a note to fix it for whenever v2 comes out. :p

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