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Unable to initiate talk with Amber

Guest Kenzeitak

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Guest Kenzeitak

Hi there again, i think ive encountered another bug.


I cant talk to Amber and if i wait a couple of seconds she runs to the PC seeming to initiate dialog but doesnt do it. She targets PC, standing close without anything happening.


Setting M#AMBERROMANCE = 1 speeds up and the next romance banter starts without problems!


Just rescued her from the place in the slums using the map after i finished the underdark.

Viconia, Aerie and Jaheira are all in party if thats any help.


Ive uploaded my save here if its any help, i dont think you can load it in the game since i have many other weidu mods installed. Shadowkeeper should be well enough to see the variables though!




I hope it helps, really great work put down on the rescue subplot! Other mods can cowel in fear! :p




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M#AmberMatch is set to 4 (=neither player1 or player2 were an eligible bachelor), which it should be seeing that your main char is female. What it does not add up with is the M#AmberRomanceActive being set to 1. I don't yet know which talk (probably a floating talk or a chapter talk) is causing the stutter, but before I look any further to it I'd like to know if you have at any point changed the M#AmberRomanceActive manually?

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Guest Guest_Kenzeitak_*

Ah yes ive changed the M#AmberRomanceActive to 1 since it changed to 3 after i changed the main character (and the gender). Its the same as for the official NPC romances right?



2=In Love

3=Romance Inactive


If player 1 is an eligible character is the "M#AmberMatch" value supposed to be 1 then?

Hm keep asking if theres anything more you need to know, ill check back reporting more bugs if i encounter them.



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The dialogue that is causing the stutter is a a floating love/friendship talk. It's triggering because the conditions in the script are true:




But since the conditions in the dialogue for either the the two versions are not met you have stutter:








To fix the stutter you should set the M#AmberRomanceActive GLOBAL variable back to 3 and M#AmberDreamTalk LOCALS variable to 0. In order to avoid further complications please don't manually change the variables. Amber has a bit more complicated talk structure than Bio-NPCs and thus she's much more vulnerable to manual tweaking. The M#AmberRomance timer is relatively safe to mess with, but it's not solution to everything.

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Guest Guest_Kenzeitak_*

I changed


and the stuttering stopped.

She continued the romance and asked if i was ok in my dreams.


Thanks for your help! Again, Amber is a wonderful mod! Keep up the good work, im looking forward to the ToB part if you decide to finish it :p



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I changed


and the stuttering stopped.

She continued the romance and asked if i was ok in my dreams.


Thanks for your help! Again, Amber is a wonderful mod! Keep up the good work, im looking forward to the ToB part if you decide to finish it :p




If your protagonist is still female, you are going to run into trouble later on, since you have changed the M#AmberMatch variable to a value that requires a male PC fulfilling certain conditions.


The variables are not something that can be used to alter the progress of the relationship between the PC and Amber; they merely keep track of what is going on with the code. If you insist on changing the variables manually to values which they should not (and from the point of view of the code, cannot) have, we really cannot help you with the problems you encounter.


As Meira pointed out, Amber's variable structure is quite a bit more complicated than that of the Bioware NPCs, and although many variables with similar names do in fact do similar things, there is also a number of additional variables which are interdependent on each other, and if out of sync, will cause problems (stuttering, talks not triggering, wrong dialogue appearing, etc.).

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