Born in the famed city of Silverymoon , Peony often says that the ruler of her native city - Lady Alustriel- is her role-model. The gravity of these words is somewhat undermined by a giggle and a story of some mad endeavor that the gnomish maiden attempted to impress the Lady. Without exception, the scheme either did not work, or was undermined by Grandma - a mage almost as formidable as any of the Seven Sisters in Peony's words. Perhaps it is so, since you get a distinctive impression that you'd place someone formidable in charge of raising a willful and magically gifted child. Peony's talent seems to be considerable, but sporadic and largely untrained, despite Grandma's best efforts. She obviously prefers casting spells with flashy, bright emanations of the magical energy, and those that come easy to her. "Sheesh, because I wanted to!" is the best reason you can get out of her for leaving Silverymoon or setting out for Icewind Dale.