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Everything posted by RabbitHead

  1. I got it to work! Thank you very much for pointing me in the correct direction jastey! I think It'd be helpful for others, so I'll explain how I got it to work: // This is the block of code I added in my .tp2 file // BEGIN ~Erich Crossmod Content~ REQUIRE_COMPONENT ~MeErich_BGEE.tp2~ ~0~ ~Please install Karakos before additional content~ ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS_IN_GAME ~MEERIC.dlg~ AND FILE_EXISTS_IN_GAME ~MEKARA.dlg~ THEN BEGIN PRINT ~Adding content between Erich and Karakos...~ COMPILE ~Erich_BGEE/crossmod/MEEric_MEKaraContent.d~ END // This code went into a separate file in a new crossmod folder within Erich. I'm going to assume I will need to make a new file for crossmod banters between them... unless maybe I could just stuff them in the same file, under a BEGIN BMEERIC section? // I_C_T MEKARA 1 MEERICInterjectKara1 == MEERICJ IF ~InParty("MEERIC") InMyArea("MEERIC") !StateCheck("MEERIC",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~Hey man, what are you doing here?~ == MEKARA IF ~InParty("MEERIC") InMyArea("MEERIC") !StateCheck("MEERIC",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~Drinking.~ END
  2. Near Infinity is working a lot better for me, all the text and files are correct! I'm going through some of the mods I have trying to see how they do their interjections... The Vynd mod has: I_C_T ~%tutu_var%ANDARS~ 1 GV#VYNDInterjectAndarsson1 == GV#VYNDJ IF ~InParty("GV#VYND") InMyArea("GV#VYND") !StateCheck("GV#VYND",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~Oh, the poor thing had to work in the dark for a few months. And lo, Vynd's tears did flood the Cloakwood.~ == ~%tutu_var%ANDARS~ ~Would that they had.~ END But when I try it like that: I_C_T ~%tutu_var%MEKARA~ 1 MEERICInterjectKara1 == MEERIC IF ~InParty("MEERIC") InMyArea("MEERIC") !StateCheck("MEERIC",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~Hey man, what are you doing here?~ == ~%tutu_var%MEKARA~ ~Drinking.~ END I get an error: ERROR locating resource for 'CHAIN3' Resource [%TUTU_VAR%MEKARA.DLG] not found in KEY file: [./chitin.key] ERROR: preprocessing APPEND_EARLY [Erich_BGEE/dialogue/MEErich_main.d]: Failure("resource [%TUTU_VAR%MEKARA.DLG] not found for 'CHAIN3'") Stopping installation because of error. ERROR Installing [Erich for BGEE], rolling back to previous state Unable to Unlink [Erich_BGEE/backup/0/OTHER.0]: Unix.Unix_error(1, "unlink", "Erich_BGEE/backup/0/OTHER.0") [Erich_BGEE/backup/0/UNSETSTR.0] SET_STRING uninstall info not found Will uninstall 4 files for [MEERICH_BGEE.TP2] component 0. Uninstalled 4 files for [MEERICH_BGEE.TP2] component 0. Unable to Unlink [Erich_BGEE/backup/0/READLN.0]: Unix.Unix_error(20, "unlink", "Erich_BGEE/backup/0/READLN.0") Unable to Unlink [Erich_BGEE/backup/0/READLN.0.TEXT]: Unix.Unix_error(20, "unlink", "Erich_BGEE/backup/0/READLN.0.TEXT") MEHALLAM_BGEE.TP2 0 0 Installed MEKARAKOS_BGEE.TP2 0 0 Installed MEMAXEN_BGEE.TP2 0 0 Installed ERROR: Failure("resource [%TUTU_VAR%MEKARA.DLG] not found for 'CHAIN3'") My first assumption is that because MEKARA is a mod then maybe I don't need the %tutu_var% in front of it? But then I get this error: I_C_T MEKARA 1 MEERICInterjectKara1 == MEERIC IF ~InParty("MEERIC") InMyArea("MEERIC") !StateCheck("MEERIC",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN~Hey man, what are you doing here?~ == MEKARA ~Drinking.~ END ERROR locating resource for 'CHAIN3' Resource [MEERIC.DLG] not found in KEY file: [./chitin.key] ERROR: preprocessing APPEND_EARLY [Erich_BGEE/dialogue/MEErich_main.d]: Failure("resource [MEERIC.DLG] not found for 'CHAIN3'") Stopping installation because of error. ERROR Installing [Erich for BGEE], rolling back to previous state Unable to Unlink [Erich_BGEE/backup/0/OTHER.0]: Unix.Unix_error(1, "unlink", "Erich_BGEE/backup/0/OTHER.0") [Erich_BGEE/backup/0/UNSETSTR.0] SET_STRING uninstall info not found Will uninstall 4 files for [MEERICH_BGEE.TP2] component 0. Uninstalled 4 files for [MEERICH_BGEE.TP2] component 0. Unable to Unlink [Erich_BGEE/backup/0/READLN.0]: Unix.Unix_error(20, "unlink", "Erich_BGEE/backup/0/READLN.0") Unable to Unlink [Erich_BGEE/backup/0/READLN.0.TEXT]: Unix.Unix_error(20, "unlink", "Erich_BGEE/backup/0/READLN.0.TEXT") MEHALLAM_BGEE.TP2 0 0 Installed MEKARAKOS_BGEE.TP2 0 0 Installed MEMAXEN_BGEE.TP2 0 0 Installed ERROR: Failure("resource [MEERIC.DLG] not found for 'CHAIN3'")
  3. How would you go about creating interjections for two custom modded companions in BGEE. Two of my own custom mods that is. It's not essential, but it would add a lot of life to the mods if they could interact outside of just banters. For example... You already have mod A in your party and are talking to mod B for the first time. Mod A knows mod B so he'll interject to say "Hey fancy meeting you here" before the conversation continues to recruiting mod B, something like this: BEGIN XXXB IF ~NumTimesTalkedTo(0)~ THEN BEGIN FirstMeeting SAY ~Can I join your party?~ == XXXA IF ~InParty("Xxxa") InMyArea("Xxxa") !StateCheck("Xxxa",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~Oh hey B, are you stalking me?~ == XXXB ~A? Sweet! Can I tag along? I want to be with A.~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~Yes.~ DO ~SetGlobal("XXXB_Joined","LOCALS",1) JoinParty() SetGlobal("XXXA_Party","LOCALS",1)~ GOTO FirstMeeting_Join IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No.~ GOTO FirstMeeting_No END I'm super new to modding so please bear with me. From what I've seen you have to use Infinity Explorer or Near Infinity to search for the dialogue to get the correct line information to use in the INTERJECT code. I installed my mods and ran Infinity Explorer, their dialogue files show up in the list of Dialogs but it is filled with dialogue that doesn't even show up anywhere in my files and without showing the dialogue that's actually inside the file: "I would have done worse." shows up nowhere in the file MEERIC.d (or anywhere in the mod's files for that matter). Another odd thing to note is I don't have a MEERICP.d file, and yet it lists it as an option. Before I spend a long time writing my mods to be super involved with each other...Is it even possible to have crossmod interjections? I'm trying to think about mods I have tried, but off the top of my head I've only seen mods interject into base game dialogue and through banters.
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