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Posts posted by DavidW

  1. OK, I have the following list of issues culled from this forum and Beamdog:


    Main character gets transform power before SH (main thread: Christian, 8/12)
    Imoen keeps repeating her 'almost jumping at player's throat' and 'becoming the reaper' conversations (main thread: Drakensang, 8/14)
    Non-EE install: warning because SPERMEL isn't being modified (main thread: Heeb, 2/15)
    Improved Slayer transformation gets granted 52x/day (main thread: InKal, 3/2)
    Very weird install-time problem with iconv (31315-installation-error)
    Are we shipping the W64 exe, and if so, do we need to? (30891-win32)
    Some challenge rewards may not be being granted (beamdog thread: histaminii, August 2019)

    Probably not bugs:

    Can't find splstate (main thread: Guest vic, 12/19) - probably too-early a version of EE


    Problems with Iylos, Edwin, Wheels(!), LR being unable to find BALTH2 (main thread: Arthas, 9/27)
    Issue with Imoen Romance (main thread: Austin, 5/9)
    Install issue with 'cdheld.eff' missing, on a stack of mods (30894-installation-error)

    If you read this in the next day or two and see something I've missed, call it out.

    Also, if someone who uses Imoen Romance can give me a reliable URL for the current (or latest) version, it would be helpful (I recall previously having some trouble working out which it was).

  2. On 4/24/2020 at 2:30 PM, Guest Guest Oob said:

    Sorry that sounded harsher than I meant it. Just trying to say that Ascension 2.0.9 has quite a few nasty bugs right now and can't be left in a state like this for so long, being one of Baldur's Gate's main mods. Since the author has much better shit to do right now, it should be up to *other people* to at least provide a lab branch for Ascension so that some people can fix and eventually use it, but more importantly so that David Gaider will only need to verify and pull the code changes with little effort when the time will come. I don't think we should expect parenting a newborn not to suck out energy and most modding time for the next two years, especially since there are other things more important than modding responsibilities when a break can be taken from both kids and work, namely taking care of the couple, friend relationships and generally changing pace.
    As an outsider with little involvement in this and no trust from the author, it's not my place to take an initiative, but I would contribute reporting and then fixing the bugs I noted down in a way the community feels like it's the right approach.

    I'm not David Gaider. (He led the team that wrote the mod, but hasn't been involved in maintaining it for about 20 years.)

    I may have a window in the next few days to do an Ascension fix. No promises though. Just going through the buglist now. (The more egregious bugs here are with Wheels of Prophecy, which of course is also my mod but which is going to require a rather more systematic set of fixes.)

  3. 2 hours ago, Guest Gwaihir said:


    Oh ok. I have installed the tweaks anthology component 'Alter multiclass restrictions' so that anyone could potentially multiclass, therefore i thought i could change her with your NPC customization.

    Thanks for the quick reply :)

    I’m not at all sure how compatible they are TBH.

  4. 58 minutes ago, Arthas said:
    • Slightly improved Bhaalspawn cutscenes, by DavidW 

      hey, what's this component for?

    It makes some very small cosmetic tweaks to two cutscenes (both associated with the arrival of one of the Ascension-modified Bhaalspawn). 

    - In the vanilla version of Gromnir's intro cutscene, the party stand around watching passively while Gromnir and Melissan banter and Mel is taken away. In this version, they arrive just after she's been removed. (As a matter of implementation, they're present but invisible).

    - In the vanilla version of the scene with Yaga-Shura's soldiers and fleeing peasants that you see just before confronting Yaga-Shura, there are three soldiers and three lines that they speak, but it's random which lines are spoken. In this version, you get each line once.

    Trivial really, but I watched both cutscenes a lot while testing the battles, and the minor problems with them started to irritate me.

  5. - if Angelo isn’t using his Detonation arrows, it’s a bug; will address

    - it’s possible IP is overnerfed now. Possibly with the new nerfs (which make it match the spell description) the others are overkill. Will muse.

    - Inquisitor has been around for ages and different people have different views. No plans to change it, since in any case it’s a separate component.

    - I’m not sure what the “extra invis” is. It’s some ordinary spell, not something scripted for Angelo/Semaj. Probably mislead (SCS hides the spell name). Are you sure an illusionary version wasn’t around somewhere?

  6. OK, thanks for this. What’s going on is that the L2 Spell is the IWD version, and IWD Cure spells don’t affect outsiders and undead. In hindsight that’s going to lead to anomalies when the rest of the IWD spells aren’t present: I should be cloning and tweaking a BG spell instead.

    Given joinable tieflings (esp. Haer’dalis) I should probably be removing the no-outsiders thing anyway.

    I think the 3.5 framework has advantages (and SR does it) but I don’t want to mess to quite that degree with the system, especially as IWD has spells at all five levels. And I don’t have a problem with a 25th level caster being able to use a 5th level slot to heal (on average) 47 hp

  7. Replying to a few points:

    - ok, clearly something is still going wrong with the “customize NPC” thing, but it seems erratic. If you’re using that component and it’s fine, can you let me know? 

    - will have a look at the Baresh/Selaad encounter when I get a chance. (I’m relocating atm and have limited time.)

    - yes, I’m leaving SoD alone at least until I have a chance to play it. Its AI is totally different from the rest of the game and it wouldn’t make sense to mess with it blind (and reviews suggest it’s pretty good).

    - ITEM_MM is set on items that give immunity to Magic Missile.

    - Although they’re listed in their descriptions as L10, HLAs are actually L9 iirc; in any case I’m pretty sure SCS doesn’t mess with their level.

    - fwiw there are no “SCS authors” other than me: it’s not a collaborative project.

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