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Posts posted by Morywen

  1. Ist's not too easy, the Sucubi and Lilithus are more difficult. When you don ' t know what' s ahead, the own fighter kill your party. I don' t do every protection spell all the time. 

    2 hours ago, morpheus562 said:

    Similarly, she'd be the only one who would know how to use it to ascend to godhood.

    That' s right, but is it written in stone? Bhaal und Cyric became gods without this kowledge. So why not try? Or the followers was promised something, and the MC can propose something better? Dealing with evil gives opportunities, poisoned of course 

  2. Today i have found some time to test. I have taken Jan, Aerie an Imoen with me, but they could use some more spells. Some more shopping would have been wise. The first groupe was deadly, first to Arie. second time to Jan. Even on normal difficulty high level thieves are dangerous. After that  it was fine. Maybe after playing Solasta i had adjust my palystyle to BG 2 and the second edition. Inside the tower it seems a little bit strange that the minions are more difficult than the boss. The mod add some flavour to the final stage of ToB, I would like to see some more story elements, like a soul to set free,  or some extra riddle which tells something about Bhaal or his most trusted priestess. Why are these people loyal to her? Why not try to grab godhood themselve and betray her? 

  3. @AL|EN I like your work. But people who do an installation once a year or twice in four struggles with PI. Especially when they have no IT Background or do how techs think.

    I know IE Games very well. I like Testing if something  goes wrong, well i try again. Most people lack the time and will to do so.

    @Alonso I am a Casual Player and my last programm was written under Dos. Yeah, i' m old. So PI is useable with try and error. The EET Tool Setup is only for EEs. Both Tools have good and bad pieces. If people want a faithfull expericence, they have to go with PI. The Setup Tool is Roxannes World.  I do like her? devotion and accrieby. The change of others peoples Work without consent is a nogo.

    Pleased excuse the poor english.


  4. @Nathan82 You can run the Fixpack in your seperate download folder. You have to extract the mods which is necessary for the PI also. If the tp2 is in this folder,  the BWPFixpack do its job.  I think, you have to put them on the same level as the bwpfixpack.bat After the patching remove the Fixpack folder. I have put the tps than inside the modfolder. This works better with the PI. 

    Best take a weidu.exe 246 in the folder. This is not necessary but the Fixpack is happier.

  5. @Nathan82 The BWPFixpack runs fine without the installpack. There is no need to change the bat. The Fixpack will ask for the newest weidu.exe and start. You have to unpack all mods beforte runnig it. I think bwpfixpack.bat and mod.tp2 has to be in the same folder level.  But i am not sure.Last time i have used it, everything necessary was patched. 

    Using the PI with old mods ist a little bit tricky. I recommend to pause the installation at the beginning to make sure all mods are copied and the exes are named right. It's not the PI fault some very old mods don't follow todays conventions. Modfolder and tp2 have different names, or inside the folder there ist another with the same name. The PI asumes it's a master folder which is not the case. So there ist some caution necessary to get a working Installation. 

    Something i forgot in the morning. Before starting installation remove the BWP Fixpack Folder and  make sure, ever tp2 is only once in the download folder. I presume it's logic and clear. But first time i used the PI, i ignored the warnings. The outcome was interesting, naturally with some errors during the install.

  6. If you use the BWPFixpack in the download folder, it should work fine. Some mods will not be patched, because they have been updated. During the summer i tested the PI and made some BGT installs. They work fine, but i didn't  play much with them. 

    So if you prefer the PI, run the Fixpack in the download folder. If you use an old WeiDulog, you should check, if some mods has changed component numbers.

    The BWP PDF is a very helpfull guide 

    Hopefully my english isn' t to incomprehensible.


  7. I should have done this years before.

    I like to thanks the modders and the great community here for their efforts keeping this great game alive.

    I am lurking quietly in this forum for years. I never made a account because my english isn't great. 

    Over the years I have found here lot of solutions and great informations. So thanks to all of you!

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