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Everything posted by stekraut

  1. Installing the latest version of the mod (main from 3 days ago) on a blank BG2EE i got the following failure installing the main component: [enhanced-powergaming-scripts/baf/upload/mocore.baf.BAF] PARSE ERROR at line 850 column 1-22 Near Text: PC syntax error [enhanced-powergaming-scripts/baf/upload/mocore.baf.BAF] ERROR at line 850 column 1-22 Near Text: PC Parsing.Parse_error ERROR: parsing [enhanced-powergaming-scripts/baf/upload/mocore.baf.BAF]: Parsing.Parse_error ERROR: [enhanced-powergaming-scripts/baf/upload/mocore.baf] -> [override/bddefai.bcs] Patching Failed (COPY) (Parsing.Parse_error) Stopping installation because of error. Stopping installation because of error. Stopping installation because of error. SETUP-ENHANCED-POWERGAMING-SCRIPTS.DEBUG
  2. I have a question concerning another mod you are working on: https://github.com/UnearthedArcana/B_Spells When i try to install the mod (on SOD without any other mods installed) i got the following failure: [B_SPELLS/B_SPELLS.TP2] LEXER ERROR at line 811 column 1-0 Near Text: unterminated comment I don't know where to address else; so maybe you can still help me. SETUP-B_SPELLS.DEBUG
  3. I your last version 0.9.29 in the file "setup_multiclass_sorcerers.tpa" in line 199 is written "ACTION_INCLUDE ~%MOD_FOLDER%/lib/fnp_compat.tpa~". The filename is in the folder ist now "fnp_compatability.tpa"; so you have to correct this.
  4. I just installed the last version 0.83.1 on a blank BG2:EE. When i tried to installed the "Ranger Kits" i got the following error: ERROR: Unix.Unix_error(20, "stat", "might_and_guile/lib/markers/d5__echan.d5") It seems that the file "d5__echan.d5" does not exist. Uninstalled 901 files for [FAITHS_AND_POWERS/FAITHS_AND_POWERS.TP2] component 37. Unable to Unlink [faiths_and_powers/backup/37/READLN.37]: Unix.Unix_error(20, "unlink", "faiths_and_powers/backup/37/READLN.37") Unable to Unlink [faiths_and_powers/backup/37/READLN.37.TEXT]: Unix.Unix_error(20, "unlink", "faiths_and_powers/backup/37/READLN.37.TEXT") FAITHS_AND_POWERS/FAITHS_AND_POWERS.TP2 0 21 Installed ~oFnP: the original Faiths & Powers sphere system~ FAITHS_AND_POWERS/FAITHS_AND_POWERS.TP2 0 30 Installed ~Give Option to Cast Like Sorcerers (do not install if planning to use 5E casting)~ FAITHS_AND_POWERS/FAITHS_AND_POWERS.TP2 0 31 Installed ~Install Cleric kits~ FAITHS_AND_POWERS/FAITHS_AND_POWERS.TP2 0 33 Installed ~Install Druid kits~ FAITHS_AND_POWERS/FAITHS_AND_POWERS.TP2 0 35 Installed ~Install Paladin kits~ ERROR: Unix.Unix_error(20, "stat", "might_and_guile/lib/markers/d5__echan.d5") Please make a backup of the file: SETUP-FAITHS_AND_POWERS.DEBUG and look for support at: SubtleD and Grammarsalad Using Language [English] [English] has 4 top-level TRA files [faiths_and_powers/language/english/setup.tra] has 1317 translation strings [faiths_and_powers/language/english/IWD_spells.tra] has 177 translation strings [faiths_and_powers/language/english/new_spells.tra] has 179 translation strings [faiths_and_powers/language/english/HLA.tra] has 75 translation strings
  5. I have the same problem when installing the latest Version of the "Tome and Blood" Mode V0.9.25 component "Multiclass Sorcerer".
  6. Sorry, the failure is when i try to install the last component "NPC class/stat/kit choices".
  7. Hi, i just installed the latest version of the mode 5.0b4.I always get the following error: "ERROR: Unix.Unix_error(20, "stat", "NPC_EE/lib/semi_spont/xsorc.itm")" see attatched debug file I tried this with a blank version of BG2:EE (no other mods). SETUP-NPC_EE.DEBUG
  8. That means that i do not get the option to install anything (on a blank BG2:EE).
  9. Yes, that is what i tried. As mentioned before, the component is not shown, when i try to install any of the BG games (only for IWD). // ----------------------------- // 12: CHANGE ARCANE OPPOSITION SCHOOLS (Subtledoctor) // 1201: no opposition schools // 1202: iwd opposition schools // 1203: bg2 opposition schools // -----------------------------
  10. The "COMPONENT 95: Ability Score-Based Bonus Spells" is working correctly as you described. But i can install your new component "Rebalanced Arcane Opposition Schools" only on IWD:EE and not on BG:EE, SOD, BG2:EE. Is this intended?
  11. Thanks for the quick answer. I have checked the files before and understood the mechanism you described. My probelms seems to be that the effect is not re-applied after the rest. I will check this again.
  12. I have a question about the COMPONENT 95: Ability Score-Based Bonus Spells. Looking at the two attatched pictures (from a shaman in IWD:EE) you can see the "bonus priest spell slots" (first picture) under "Effects". Every time i am resting, these spell slots are removed (second picture). Do you have an i idea what can cause this?
  13. If you have the problems with the "Multiclass Scorcerer" component fixed, i would really linke to try it out. I will also say "Thank you" for all your efforts with this mod (and the others); it is good that after this long time there is still someone working on mods for those games (i won't be able to to this).
  14. Hello, i just made a blank install (BG:EE and IWD:EE) with just the "Multiclass Sorcerer" component of the mod. I got the same problems as "Guest RelentlessImp" pstet on the 30th of august. "Something funky happens now; straight Sorcerers don't get their spellcasting initialized, so they can't pick any spells. Multisorcerers get the ability, but it doesn't function, and it has a dialog.tlk error: (see picture).(In IWD:EE it reads "Ettin".) Do you have any idea what this problem can be?
  15. Hi again. I wanted to try out the "Multiclass Sorcerers" component (even if you said it is not correct working). I saw that there are some spell included in the sorcerers spell list, which i think should not (Chaos Shield/Improved Chaos Shield) and some are not included which should (Dimension Door). And when i install other mods with new spell, these are also not castable. Is there a file, where you can add/remove spells, before you install the component (so that they are selectable)? I just installed the mod V0.9.13 with a blank BG2EE an noticed, that the "COMPONENT 45: Arcane Crafting" is not selectable during the installation. And i was not able to install the "Multiclass Sorcerers" component because of errors (i will install V0.9.12 of the mod until this is fixed). SETUP-TOMEANDBLOOD.DEBUG
  16. I will keep that in mind. What about the last component "COMPONENT 95: Ability Score-Based Bonus Spells"? Is it working? I was checking it and hope that i understood how it worked. There are some minor problems i hope i can correct on my own.
  17. With your comments i was able to solve the problem. I just installed a blank BG2EE and then only the Multiclass Sorcerer component; but still the same problem. Looking into "splprot.2da" i just saw: D5_KIT_IS 152 -1 1 D5_SLOTS_1_7 108 -1 7 D5_SLOTS_8_9 109 -1 7 D5_FATIGUE_IS 30 -1 1 The i installed the Arcanist component and get the needes entries in "splprot.2da": D5_WIZ_1_7 108 -1 7 D5_WIZ=1_7 108 -1 8 D5_WIZ_8_9 109 -1 7 D5_WIZ=8_9 109 -1 8 D5_DIV_1_7 134 -1 7 D5_DIV=1_7 134 -1 8 So i have to install the Arcanist mod (even if i do not want) or is it sufficient when i add the lines above by hand?
  18. I have changed the two files by hand; replacing Opcode 25 (Poison) with the EFF file for "moderate" / "strong" poison; i will see how all this will work.
  19. Hello, i have a question concerning the COMPONENT 93: Bonus Spell Slot Items Work With Arcanists and Multiclass Sorcerers Trying to install it, i got the following message: 1 1 2 1 AMUL16 Copying and patching 1 file ... [TOMEANDBLOOD/lib/semi_spont/d5_base.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [TOMEANDBLOOD/lib/semi_spont/d5_base.spl] to [override/d5z#12.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [TOMEANDBLOOD/lib/semi_spont/d5_base.spl] loaded, 154 bytes Copied [TOMEANDBLOOD/lib/semi_spont/d5_base.spl] to [override/d5z_12.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/d5sslot.spl] loaded, 250 bytes ERROR: cannot convert fake_sorc_equal_1_7 or %fake_sorc_equal_1_7% to an integer ERROR: [d5sslot.spl] -> [override/d5sslot.spl] Patching Failed (COPY) (Not_found) Stopping installation because of error. I think the error is referring to "semi_spontaneous.tpa" (line 2710): COPY_EXISTING ~d5zlots.spl~ ~override~ ~d5sslot.spl~ ~override~ PATCH_IF (%ind_2% = 1) BEGIN ... END END IF_EXISTS BUT_ONLY It seems that the mod did not find the file "d5sslot.spl"; also it is in the override folder. SETUP-TOMEANDBLOOD.DEBUG
  20. I just tried to install "Component 240: Poison Overhaul (MRO): Revised Poisons" from the mod and get the following error: Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/U#DAGG01.ITM] loaded, 658 bytes INSERT_BYTES out of bounds - file is long 658, point given is 1186 ERROR: [U#DAGG01.ITM] -> [override/U#DAGG01.ITM] Patching Failed (COPY) (Failure("INSERT_BYTES out of bounds")) Stopping installation because of error. This ITM (and the other attatched ITM with the same error) are from the Mod "Ruad Ro'fhessa Item Upgrade Mod" (latest Version 29.4.0). https://github.com/SpellholdStudios/RuadRofhessaItemUpgrade I have this problem trying to install the mod on BG2; on SOD i can install the mod without any problem. So this seems to be a problem with this to specific ITM. Do you have any idea? u#dagg01.itm u#sw1h02.itm SETUP-SCALES_OF_BALANCE.DEBUG
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