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Everything posted by jmerry

  1. Short summary of the state of things: The initial list for Monster Summoning 5, on first installing the IWD spells, is a troll and a minotaur. The ininitial list for Monster Summoning 4 is an ogre mage and a yuan-ti. The initial list for Monster Summoning 3 includes an ogre mage. Your list for Monster Summoning 5 is the ogre mage from the MS4 list, a typoed version of the yuan-ti from the MS4 list, and the ogre mage from the MS3 list. While all of these are wrong, it's the typoed yuan-ti that causes the crashes you've been seeing. So, that changelog. Nothing outside SCS. I've looked at the IWD spell component, and didn't see anything wrong there. Now, the spell tweaks... that would be spell/adjust_monster_summoning.tpa. And I've spotted it. That file starts at high levels and goes down. For MS5, it edits the minotaur slightly, creates a greater yuan-ti (dw#ms5yt), and rebuilds the table with the minotaur, troll, and greater yuan-ti. Then for MS4, it edits the yuan-ti (dw#ms4yu), edits the ogre berserker (ogregrsu), and rebuilds the table with the ogre mage, ogre berserker, and yuan-ti. Only there are two typos in this line - it rebuilds the msummo5 table instead of msummo4, and it puts in the nonexistent dw#ms4yt instead of the correct dw#ms4yu. The problem (line 145): LAF spl_make_summoning_2da STR_VAR monsters="OGREMASU OGREGRSU DW#MS4YT" filename=msummo5 END The fixed version: LAF spl_make_summoning_2da STR_VAR monsters="OGREMASU OGREGRSU DW#MS4YU" filename=msummo4 END For a hotfix without reinstalling everything, edit the MS4 and MS5 tables as follows: msummo4: 2DA V1.0 0 RESREF Hit AreaHitAnimation 1 OGREMASU msumm1h msumm1x 2 OGREGRSU msumm1h msumm1x 3 DW#MS4YU msumm1h msumm1x msummo5: 2DA V1.0 0 RESREF Hit AreaHitAnimation 1 MS5MINO msumm1h msumm1x 2 DW#MS5TR msumm1h msumm1x 3 DW#MS5YT msumm1h msumm1x
  2. Yeah, a creature that's outright missing would break it. From the resource name, I think that's meant to be a yuan-ti of some sort. OGREMASU is an ogre mage, as you thought. Like OGREGRSU, it's present in vanilla. I mentioned MONSUM05.2DA because that's what's already there in BG2EE. But the higher monster summonings are taking cues from IWD, which has slightly different conventions. MSUMMO5.2DA is clearly the table being used here (there would be a reference to it in the summoning effect, if you wanted to be absolutely sure). So, trying to track things down... we start with the copied IWD resources, which provides this table: 2DA V1.0 0 RESREF HitAnimation AreaHitAnimation 1 MS5gspi MSumm1H MSumm1X 2 MS5jzom MSumm1H MSumm1X 3 MS5mino MSumm1H MSumm1X Now, those creatures could simply be copied, but the BG series is a different region with different ecology. We'll pick up a completely different set of monsters. Ignoring a cosmetic change (replace those "MSumm1H" effects with "spmonsum") which didn't seem to happen anyway, the main action is in summoned_monsters_arcane.tpa. That goes through all the lists, cloning new monsters as needed. So what does that have to say about MS5? First, make a troll. Basic troll01 cloned to dw#ms5tr. Then tweak the copied minotaur (MS5mino) creature a bit. And finally, run a function "spl_make_summoning_2da". Two creatures on it, the troll and the minotaur. File name msummo5. Wait. That's completely different from what you have. And if I look down a little farther, your table seems to mostly match the one from MS4. That does an ogre mage (ogremasu, refurbishing the unused creature in the base game) and a yuan-ti (dw#ms4yu, cloned from the basic icyuan01). No ogre berserkers; those are only in MS3. So, there's at least three things wrong with the table for Monster Summoning 5. First, that yuan-ti somehow got its resource name typoed to dw#ms4yt instead of ds#ms4yu. Second, your table merges parts of two different lists. And finally, none of the monsters involved are supposed to be on the MS5 list; they're all from lower spells. And looking at the code, I have no idea how any of those three things happened.
  3. All right. What, exactly, is the list of creatures that can be summoned by this spell? That list should be a 2DA file, probably MONSUM05.2DA. Which would be in the override, and it's an easily read plain text format. The ogre berserkers (resref = ogregrsu) aren't the problem. Likely, one of the other creatures on the list has a missing animation or something, and that's what's causing the crash. On the nature of the spell ... my feeling is that the niche "Monster Summoning N" spells fill is numerous fodder. If you want individually strong summons, there are other summoning spells. But then ... ogre berserkers are on the list for the vanilla Monster Summoning III (a level 5 spell). Still having them on the list at two spell levels higher feels off, even with the boost SCS gives them by making them actual berserkers.
  4. It does? So ... it varies a bit. The Talos dialog really doesn't imply a place to rest. But on the whole, it's probably OK. Implementing it would be similar to the paladin stronghold; you flip the area flags with a script action.
  5. Do you have Siege of Dragonspear, in a GoG or Steam distribution? Because this looks like a "DLC not merged" error; mods that change anything that SoD changes, including adding any game text or changing several parts of the interface, are not compatible with a clean BGEE+SoD install in those versions. This is because the instances of those changed files in sod-dlc.zip take priority over the files that the mod changes. If you have that "sod-dlc.zip" file, either in the game folder or a "dlc" subfolder, this is the issue. A number of mods check for the merge and don't let you do anything if it's needed. ToF does not appear to be among them at this time. Recommended fix: uninstall everything, then run DLC Merger before installing any other mods. Link: https://github.com/Argent77/A7-DlcMerger/releases/tag/v1.5
  6. Running the search for dead NPCs in BG2EE ... - CATP (Level 1, 1 HP, CON 9). Unused cruft copied from BG1. And apparently some version of Petrine's cat Angel was a mage. - DGTROL02 (Level 6, 1/100 HP, CON 9). Fallen troll left over from an older version of the mechanic, unused in the EE. - GORCH (Level 1, 1 HP, CON 9). Whoever has to explain this one to Renal Bloodscalp is going to have a very bad day. - WALLA (Level 10, 6 HP, CON 9). Wallace won't get the chance to open his shop again, even after you solve Trademeet's problems. Near misses: - GORARC (Level 15/14, 1 HP, CON 9). Would be dead, but the Archivist has a min-HP item. Well, more dead than he already is. - RIFTM01, RIFTM02 (Level 1, 2 HP, CON 9). These Diseased Ones have min-HP items, and are scripted to cast cure spells on themselves and play dead whenever they're below 2 HP. Which means that, with their maximum HP lowered to 1, they fall down and get cured every time they stand up. Truly a cursed existence. Not as many dead NPCs as in BG1, but the impact is worse - losing Gorch completely blocks a major quest.
  7. I'm pretty sure "on level up" is just another way to say the same thing - the bonuses/penalties apply at level 1 as well. I tested another related thing ... what happens if I create a pure mage (d4 base HP) with a -4 CON modifier to HP (CON 3, with the ToF tables)? Answer: Naturally, the game ends instantly. And when I click through the crumbling hand animation, BGEE gets stuck on a black screen with the Candlekeep ambient sounds. Indefinitely, until I force quit. No interface, no other visuals at all. The game really can't handle a protagonist that spawns in already dead.
  8. Wait, sorry. I was checking with an older instance of the IWD spells component (from SCS v34). Looking at current IWDification, Emotion Courage now shadows Enchanted Weapon. And that scroll ... does not appear at all before SoD, or in the quartermaster's shop. There are two instances in SoD: one in the troll cave (waylay encounter) and one in the upstairs area of Dragonspear Castle. So that's what's going on. An update to the SCS/IWDification spell insertion tables, which was incorporated into SCS with v35, moved Courage from shadowing Hopelessness (which appears in the main BGEE campaign) to shadowing Enchanted Weapon (which doesn't).
  9. The methods that can be used: - Script actions "AddStoreItem" and "RemoveStoreItem". EE only, does some quirky things with charged or stackable items (see thread in the IESDP forum). - Make two or more different stores, and swap between them based on story progression. Different arguments for the StartStore script action. This appears to be what Orrick's changes are based on.
  10. Emotion Courage shadows Emotion Hopelessness ... uh, that should show up. Hopelessness shows up in Durlag's Tower and in the Ulgoth's Beard shop. Plus again in the quartermaster's shop in SoD. If you're not getting Courage in the Ulgoth's Beard shop at least, something's wrong.
  11. Thanks for the clarification; I haven't used any of those spaces myself, so I wasn't up on the details. After thinking about it some more, you definitely want to save any data that you're passing between components to a file somewhere. After all, you can't even guarantee that two different components will be installed in the same session, unless you're using something like FORCED_SUBCOMPONENT. Saving to a permanent file of some kind is the only option that consistently works here.
  12. After searching an unmodded BGEE+SoD install, here are the CREs that go from alive to dead with the change to CON modifiers: - BAT_IN (Level 1, 1 HP, 9 CON). An epidemic has decimated the cave-dwelling bats of the Sword Coast. - BDHYRETH (Level 2, 3/14 HP, 6 CON). This follower of Ilmater refused healing, and has now succumbed to his wounds. - BDTHUG01, BDTHUG02, BDTHUG07 (Level 1, 1 HP, 9 CON). These idiots who like to get into fistfights with each other aren't getting up this time. - PRISM (Level 3, 4 HP, 7 CON). He didn't finish his masterpiece. - PRISON (Level 1, 1 HP, 9 CON). The Flaming Fist hasn't been taking care of their prisoners. Somebody should investigate. - XAN4 (Level 4, 8/12 HP, 7 CON). Xan didn't survive his captivity. You should have gotten there sooner. - XAN6 (Level 6, 12/17 HP, 7 CON). These higher-level versions of the NPCs appear in original BG1 if your party's average level is high enough when they first join. But not the EE, which has the lowest-level version of the NPC join and then adds XP instead.
  13. It's a bit more complicated than that, as the game engine ensures that a level N creature must have a maximum HP count of at least N. But that's maximum HP, and current HP is calculated before that rule is applied. So Prism's at 4/4 with a 0 CON modifier, 1/3 with a -1 CON modifier, and dead/3 with a -2 CON modifier. Confirmed, by the way. I tested it by tinkering with HPCONBON.2DA and cheat-traveling to the area in an otherwise vanilla install. As for why you aren't seeing other dead NPCs? CON modifiers are only applied for creatures with player classes. Commoners and most other people you see around town have the INNOCENT class, which doesn't get that. Prism is a mage, which does. Searching for CREs with player classes and less than 10 CON ... ouch. The bar gets about two thirds of the way through and then just stops. Near Infinity has failed me. (After about ten minutes, the "Error reading ****.CRE" boxes started popping up.) Update: I figured out how to do it. Working on the list...
  14. Well, obviously, you should have been resting inside the keep, where there are actual bedrooms. Going through the strongholds to evaluate the idea... Cleric strongholds: No. You don't own the temple, and there's nowhere appropriate to rest there anyway. Druid stronghold (AR1901): Resting is allowed, but it's the same area as before you own the stronghold. This might not be feasible. Fighter stronghold (AR1304 through AR1307): Yes, resting inside the keep should restore provisions. Well, at least in AR1306 and AR1307 where the bedrooms are. Mage stronghold: No. There may not be any monsters, but it's still far too wild in there. Paladin stronghold (AR0903): Resting is not allowed in the vanilla game, but there are beds there. Since this is the same area as the non-stronghold version, you'd need to change a flag during gameplay. Fortunately, that's feasible with the AddAreaType script action. Ranger stronghold (AR1107): Resting inside the cabin should restore provisions. Thief stronghold (AR0321 through AR0324). Resting is not allowed in the vanilla game, and Rattell (SHTHSTOR) doesn't sell rooms. Adding free basic inn service to Rattell's shop (similar to SIlence from BG1) feels like the best option here.
  15. From the documentation on ALWAYS: So, you define that array in the ALWAYS block, setting its values. In component 1, you redefine the array, setting new values. And then print them. Go to component 2. Run the ALWAYS block again, resetting the values of the array. And then print them. If you want to have one component modify variables that another component later uses, you can't go and define them in the ALWAYS block, because that'll just reset them every component. Instead, have that later component do conditional things; if VARIABLE_IS_SET, skip, otherwise define the variable. Or maybe you can save things as a 2DA file in "workspace".
  16. OS and UI mods? In my experience, the list of spells (with names) is on one "page" of the book, the description of whatever spell is selected is on the opposite "page", and the boxes with your spell memorization are in a horizontal bar below them. Your picture clearly isn't that - no names or descriptions, icons on one "page" and memorization on the other.
  17. Now that I think about it, it feels like an accessibility issue. The white spell icons have low contrast in the light-background spellbook interface, and that means some people will have difficulty reading them. Especially the "faded" versions of those icons when a spell needs to be refreshed. Hmm... maybe recoloring that part of the spellbook would be the way to go? What do some of the major UI mods do with that screen?
  18. There's a script action for it: ForceRandomEncounter. EE only, unfortunately. It gets used in several EE companion quests. The other tool you have to work with are the encounter probabilities associated with travel links in the world map structure. That has a SetEncounterProbability script action associated with it ... which works in BG2 and the EE, but not original BG1. You can set a link's probability to 100 in your mod and force an encounter every time; it's just changing that probability dynamically in-game that needs the script action. In original BG1, without either of those script actions available, about all you can do is manipulate which links are traversable by hiding and revealing areas.
  19. No, the chapter 3 fight with Bodhi is her alone, unless some other mod changes things. And in the SCS-enhanced version, you don't actually have to fight at all; she'll leave if you just wait out her timer (somewhere she can't see you).
  20. Looks like the same issue as this thread: https://www.gibberlings3.net/forums/topic/37739-scs-ai-install-issue/ And thus, the same request for further info applies: SAVEWIZ.2DA from your override folder (the table that broke things) and WEIDU.LOG (the list of mods you already have installed).
  21. Those particular commands - ReallyForceSpell and ApplySpell - are part of the base BCS/BAF scripting language, rather than the extensions SSL adds like that "RequireBlock". Which means that you can reference the IESDP page on script actions for what they do. So, these two actions are functionally very similar. Both will cast the spell instantly, ignoring memorization. Also, the syntax is the same - target first, spell second. The differences are in the casting level and projectile; ReallyForceSpell uses the active creature's caster level (so a level 20 mage will get a 20d8 Horrid Wilting) and ApplySpell uses the minimum caster level and no projectile (so a level 20 mage will do 16d8 damage to the target with no AoE). I don't think ApplySpell is a good idea here. As for targeting an enemy ... actions with no valid target shouldn't crash anything. Most likely, they just won't be executed. At worst, they might prevent any later actions in the same block from being executed. Still, you should include some form of "there's an enemy nearby" in the trigger conditions for a block like this that targets an enemy.
  22. SCS is balanced for play with the difficulty-based damage scaling off. There are plenty of other mechanisms in the mod to make high difficulty harder without simply resorting to bigger damage numbers.
  23. A complete list of those NPC mages in the main campaigns of the BG series: - Edwin (all), wearing "Edwin's Amulet" for +1 or +2 slots at each level. They're filled. - Ramazith (BG1), wearing "The Amplifier" for +1 level 2 slot. His vanilla version is a level 9 mage with 4/3/2/1 memorization; same as a level 7 mage with no boost from the item. - Sunin (BG1), wearing "Evermemory" for double level 1 slots. His vanilla version is a level 6 specialist mage with 5/4/2 memorization; an unfilled level 3 slot, an extra level 2 spell, and no doubling at level 1. - Winski Perorate (BG1), carelessly cloned from Sunin and not actually someone that can be fought. (His only purpose is to show up and kill you if you fail the Ducal Palace encounter) - Kherriun (SoD), wearing a "Ring of Wizardry" for double level 1 slots. Her vanilla version is a level 13 specialist mage with 12/6/6/5/5/3 memorization. Fully accurate with the item included. - Lavok (SoA), wearing the "Ring of Acuity" for bonus slots at levels 2, 3, and 4. In the version you fight, he's a level 21 mage with 5/4/5/2/3/4/3/2/2 memorization. Plenty of empty slots there. - Nadinal (SoA), wearing the "Reaching Ring" for one extra slot at each of levels 5, 6, and 7. His vanilla version is a level 10 specialist mage with 3/1/3/1/2 memorization - lots of empty spell slots no matter how you look at it. - Ribald (SoA), wearing an undroppable "Reaching Ring". His vanilla version is a level 16/14 fighter/mage with 6/6/8/3/2/3/3/1 memorization. Wait, you're saying that there are tables for how many spells a mage gets at each level? - Jon Irenicus from the first pocket plane challenge (ToB), wearing an undroppable "Reaching Ring". Level 20 mage, 0/0/0/0/6/10/6/5/5 memorization. Rules are only suggestions for your enemies. - Semaj from the second pocket plane challenge (ToB), wearing an undroppable "Reaching Ring". Level 20 mage, 4/5/3/4/6/5/5/3/3 memorization in both versions. Actually pretty close to living within his means; he only needs one more slot each at levels 7 and 9 to have those spells legitimately. So, verdict. It's a pretty manageable list if you want to implement it. And the vanilla game really doesn't care about matching memorization to the spell slots an enemy should have, most of the time.
  24. Yeah, that's lore identification. Your lore score is based on your class and level, with modifiers based on INT and WIS. Any variations from the standard rules here will show up in LORE.2DA (lore per level rates) or LOREBON.2DA (modifiers from mental stats). Now, that ring ... that sounds like an item that really shouldn't have dropped. There are lots of items that exist to apply some bonus to a monster (i.e. undead/construct immunities on RING95.ITM); these are traditionally rings that are undroppable so you'll never actually see them. They don't get proper names and descriptions because you're not supposed to ever be able to look at them anyway. And - well, sometimes mods make mistakes. Create a new item like that, forget to apply the undroppable flag, and you get something like this. Or maybe it's an item you're meant to see, and the mod forgot to give it a proper name and description. That can happen too.
  25. If the items are identified before even looking at them, a mod changed those items by either applying the "identified" flag or lowering the lore requirement to identify them to zero. (Aside from items that were already like this, such as mundane weapons and armor) If the items become identified when you inspect them, the character looking at them has a high lore score, at least compared to those items' lore requirement. In the standard rules, bards have very high lore scores (10 per level base, and nothing requires more than 100 to identify), thieves and mages have decent lore scores (3 per level base), and all other classes have poor lore scores (1 per level base).
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