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Posts posted by Ardanis

  1. The "Assassin Route" came about a bit later, as a result of some musing about how a character who has no real interest in either rescuing Imoen or going out of his or her way to take revenge on Irenicus might want to avoid the whole decision entirly and get the hells out of Amn.


    I've been seriously tempted to mess with scritps and cut down that arrogant peasant nasher jerk pig for so many times!


    I mean to say, great way to go :):D:)

    Well, okay, BG2 isn't NWN2 and I don't feel like leaving sis alone there, but the mere existance of alternative motivation, if bottlenecking in the end all the same, reflected in game's reaction to player's decisions, is a day of joy already.




    PS It's sure good to play once in year at most, some good stuff usually comes out for the next try.

  2. Called Shot

    It's not that effective as Kai or Rage, so I guess it may be allowed at 1st level.


    +1 crit chance, hmm. Kit indeed isn't weak, but it progresses in levels at a slower pace than kensai; later in game it's generally melee that pwns people, not shooting; and kensai can have both damage bonus and extra crit bonus from weapon styles. All together, it probably can justify that +1.



    1, 3, 4 - indeed. 2 - has a logic, but imo goes to being too close to F/T.


    No clues about new features, though...

    For both the Archer and Stalker can you not allow the use of shields or would you have to take away shield use from the basic ranger as well?
    Basic class has it's own bit, so yes. I support the idea too.
  3. But the problem become with BGT etc, large mods that do not have the flags and if you use the count of creatures, there are several mods that alter the areas creature counts, and to me, the desciption should be somewhat unique to area...
    Check tracking.2da in iesdp. Coding wise, one only needs to read area's actors's data and generate a string. What can be problematic is how to handle creatures added by the script. It looks difficult to me to differentiate those spawned 'OnCreation()' and those who're a part of a quest.
  4. The harder matter is that not all maps have the map flag that says what the ranger or anyone else is able to see in the tracks about the areas inhabitants.
    That's not a difficult matter. Frankly speaking, to a certain degree it can be algorithmized to attend every area present in game.



    1) I'd start with the 1st level, yes

    2) 12th - just as with STR it can prove itself disappointing. What about lowering ApR by 1/2?

  5. Charm Animal/Animal Empaty


    How often would make a sense to charm furries instead of killing them for 500XP?


    BG1 has large outdoors areas where bears and their kin might be useful

    SoA - Copper Coronet's beastmaster releases several cats and bears from their cells and they might be tough by the moment you get there.

    ToB - are there any animals at all there?


    I'm thinking about replacing Charm/Empathy with a Summon Animal. At least it can provide some fodder. Times when we might be in a need of fodder are slightly greater (even in ToB).

  6. Because that's meatgaming, surely you know that. RPing wise, I probably wouldn't expect a honorable man to applaud helping an scoundrel (whom he might have already met in BG1, to boot). Ok, the scoundrel does offer valuable info in exchange, and harpers are dubious by themselves, so talk about gray morals here.


    PS Meatgaming... one nice typo that is :lol:

  7. Ardanis, honestly, I don't understand your comment...
    That's what choices and consequences (C&C) are about. One can't do all the stuff, as it's logical that some quests will exclude each other. Those who like both Jaheira and the subj would disapprove the idea though, so admittedly you make a point too.
  8. Are you referring to me?
    Rather to Senka.


    Can anyone tell me what happens in the Jaheira romance after / during that quest?
    After you run into a poisoned man and deliver him to Harper's Hold Xzar appears and asks for a favor. Xzar's quest must be completed in order to continue the Jaheira's 'harper' quest plotline. Once he dies (and when in romance, there's an extra condition - the bandit encounter has to be resolved as well) a harper appears and snatches Jaheira away. A while later the latter returns and takes PC to the Hold, where some unpleasant people are almost literally begging for death. Until they die neither romance nor her quest will progress any further, and they can't spawn (and consequently die) unless Xzar's quest was taken care of.


    Here's where Senka's comment comes in - if party is refused the possibility to deal with Xzar then no continuation in Jaheira's quest, and thus no romance, which is tied very closely to her quest.


    QuestPack allows the possibility to resolve the Xzar's quest using good means, without lying or sneaking.


    EDIT spelling

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