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Everything posted by MikeX

  1. Thank you. Is there anything particular you had in mind for this, or is it just a missing string/strref?
  2. Some component (Smarter Priests?) adds the unused string 'minimum_healing_level' to dialog.tlk. Not an issue per se but maybe a hint that something is off elsewhere?
  3. web_and_the_large.tpa, line 17: new:=@221 @22 -> @221
  4. But in a BGT/EET game you can get two of them, can't you? This is basically my main concern, two copies of what should be a unique item, but otoh it's not IR(R)s 'fault'. IR(R) only changed what was already there and I'm fine with the item changes itself. So, yes, it's not really within IR(R)s scope.
  5. Sorry, i might not be clear enough. I've just installed AI initialization and improved general AI (component 6000). I think, 6000 creates all the npc scripts and many of them have 'DisplayStringHead' lines and these lines referencing an English strings from shared.tra on my German install. Example from d1melas.bcs. DisplayStringHead(Myself,133241) // *quaffs potion of magic protection*
  6. @Bartimaeus More of a question or clarification... Regarding hamm04.itm: TOSC added this unique item to a dwarf (Hurgan Stoneblade) in Ulgoth's Beard and you can get from him via dialog. In TOB you can get it from somwhere around d'Arnise (just looked it up in NI). So in a BGT game you could end up with two of them, of what should be unique. IR(R) changed it to another unique item and I wonder, if the original could stay with Hurgan and the changed one to d'Arnise? I know, you mentioned it before, that Demi did not care much about BG1, but maybe this could somehow be solved...
  7. I don't know how much help it is, but only for a test, I added this (tra=shared): BEGIN @61 DESIGNATED 6000 GROUP @6 REQUIRE_PREDICATE MOD_IS_INSTALLED "setup-stratagems.tp2" 5900 || IS_AN_INT stratagems_component_5900_installed @16025 REQUIRE_PREDICATE !GAME_IS iwdee @50009 LAF run STR_VAR files=genai location=genai tra=shared END As expected, it fails when the only line from genai.tra, @217, is called, but installs the lines from shared.tra according to the selected language. Is there somewhere a with_tra block missing?
  8. @DavidW Could you treat all the other items in this section like you did for enchantment = 1? I mean, if already set different from 0 leave them alone. I've checked my unmodded TOSC istallation and all but one had their enchantment set to 0, the only other one was already set to the right value. That means, if enchantment for these items is already different from 0, another mod (e.g. IR(R)) changed it and one could assume, it knows what it was doing. One example, IR(R) changed hamm04.itm to a +1 weapon and set enchantment accordingly , so enchantment = 4 would not be approbriate anymore.
  9. Tested again with offical release v35.11, first post updated
  10. I don't know, how helpful this will be, but here it is: spell.tra: -artifacts removed General: -Strings from shared.tra are installed in English although German is selected (e.g. *quaffs elixir of health*) friendly_fiends_core.tpa, line 137: LAF return_detectable_string STR_VAR type="DW_POWER_UPGRADE_M1" RET string_low=string END missing " carsa_add.baf, line 64: DisplayStringHead(Myself,%carsa_say_strref_8%) missing strref? SPWI101.spl: Text "3 Phasen" / "3 turns" added to the end of the spell description
  11. stratagems_master, bg1fix.tpa, line 178: Shoudn't it be : WRITE_LONG 0x60 (THIS=0)?1:THIS 0x64 -> 0x60
  12. Once more, thank you for your continuous support.
  13. @Bartimaeus I've installed the latest IRR on a BGT game and it looks like the 319s on the Equalizer are still there.. Did I miss anything?
  14. @dark0dave I've tried this, because none of the other tools I'm aware of, has the option to take an existing weidu.log into consideration and skip already installed mods/components. So, I've tried the option '--skip-installed', because I want to add some mods/components to the end of an existing install. Unfortunately with this option set, I always get a fault from the first existing mod component, in my case: ... thread 'main' panicked at src\mod_component.rs:30:32: Could not find tp2 file, from: ~TOBEX/TOBEX.TP2~ #0 #100 // TobEx - Core: v28 ... I'm on Windows 10. My batch file to launch mod_installer: This is my current weidu.log (the install was created using mod_installer): Mod_installer seems to can not install BGT, probably because at some point this mod expects the input of the path to the BG1 install. So, I want to install it manually and than continue with the rest from this log file: Any help on whether and how this can be achieved would be greatly appreciated.
  15. @Bartimaeus Sorry to bother you again. SR(R?) installs on a BGT game SPIN733.SPL with EE only Opcode 324.
  16. @Bartimaeus IR(R?) installs on a BGT game OHSW1H55.ITM (appears to be unused) and SW1H54.ITM with EE only Opcode 319.
  17. This looks like an unresolved item ('WIZARD_SCROLL_...') installed by SCS...
  18. Yes, I saw the major overhaul and restructuring and was wondering whether it's already in shape for testing or not. Ok, that makes perfect sense for the purpose it's used (to reset a bit), I should have looked closer. It just caught my attention, because 'BIT6' was not highlighted by your excellent NPP highlighter...
  19. May I ask, what the actual state of the BG2 Fixpack on Github is? It's a little bit confusing, the latest release is V13, but there are quite a few commits and a major overhaul since then in development, which, when downloaded is called V11. Can/should this version being tested? Also, I've found a little typo in 'core_item_bulk.tph, line 447': PATCH_IF (IS_AN_INT params_2) BEGIN // add/remove magical flag PATCH_IF (params_2 = 0) BEGIN WRITE_BYTE 0x18 THIS & `BIT6 END // remove magical flag PATCH_IF (params_2 = 1) BEGIN WRITE_BYTE 0x18 THIS | BIT6 END // add magical flag There's a char in front of BIT6. Thanks
  20. Thank you very much. Could you please also include the current necessary hotfix mentioned earlier in this thread?
  21. Yes it is, with this: ~BG2IMPROVEDGUI\BG2IMPROVEDGUI.TP2~ #0 #3000 // Innate/Ability/Spell Description Screen on Right Click (includes Icon/Item Abilities/Tooltip fixes and Innate/Ability text update by Prozh): 5.5 But neverthless it wouldn't hurt (I think) to see the description at least in NI...
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