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Posts posted by Oloriniel

  1. On 7/17/2022 at 12:20 PM, Graion Dilach said:

    BGEEspawns uspport BGEE and EET, BGSpawns support BGT and EET.  Both are compatible and stack on top of each other when mixed. BGEESpawns allows stacking on top of the vanilla game (and/or the Enemy Randomizer), BGSpawns disables vanilla spawns currently as part of it's install.

    [C:\Downloads\Tools\WeiDU\249.00\weidu.exe] WeiDU version 24900
    Using .\lang\en_us\dialog.tlk
    SKIPPING: [BGEE Leveling Spawns Mod]
        Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition could not be detected.

  2. Scrolling through the debug file, I see this error:

    SCS's 'mage_edits_main' function has encountered a file it doesn't know how to patch, DADROW13.CRE (probably the file was broken by a previous mod). The error message was 'Unix.Unix_error(20, "stat", "weidu_external/workspace\\ssl_out\\dw#mage.baf")'. SCS has skipped it and continued with installation, but this may cause instabilities.

    The error appears twice.

    Repeated for:

    HENVIS.CRE (this one appears 4x, not twice)
    OHBGIT04.CRE (this one also appears 4x not twice)

    While I was typing this, the installation succeeded manually, so the issue may be Project Infinity.

  3. 20 hours ago, Nathan82 said:

    @Olorinielare you trying to play the game with the stutterdebug tool installed?

    From the weidu log you've uploaded, its installed in about the middle of your install. It isn't mean to be used while playing the game and could well be the cause of things not working, like cut scenes.

    From the readme;

    "The tool functions like a normal WeiDU mod and can be installed and completely deinstalled like one. It is supposed to be installed directly onto your game. For EET, it can be installed after EET-end.
    The tool is not meant to be included into a normal playthrough."


    Yeah, I goofed there, and that's why I'm halfway through a 36 hour reinstall.  If you're installing some 1500 components from a few hundred mods, and don't read every readme and take notes to make sure you don't miss incompatibilities PI doesn't flag, or triple-check that you didn't copy/paste something into a bad spot, that's what can happen, and you've no one to blame but yourself.

  4. Thank you!

    (man, it's been decades since I had to remember how to change directories at the command prompt :) )

    This is the current install:


    And this is my prior install:

    So, it looks like it's either "Stutterdebug" or the higher framerates support.  My guess is Higher Framerates, but I don't have any knowledge to back up that opinion.  But I'm going to remove both; Stutterdebug adds a LOT of clutter to the text window, so I guess if I need it I can add and then remove it when necessary.

    As for the higher framerate support, I don't suppose I actually need that.

  5. The cutscene after joining the party and fighting illusions is "cutobe."

    Here's the cutobe.bcs file from a different install:


        RESPONSE #100
            ActionOverride("Obe",ForceSpell(Player1,DRYAD_TELEPORT))  // SPWI995.SPL (Dimension Door)
            LeaveAreaLUAPanic("BG2600","",[3127.2983],E)  // Candlekeep
            LeaveAreaLUA("BG2600","",[3127.2983],E)  // Candlekeep

    And, here it is from this install, in which it hangs:


        RESPONSE #100
            DisplayStringHead(Myself,898331)  // Running block 1 of CUTOBE.BCS
            ActionOverride("Obe",ForceSpell(Player1,DRYAD_TELEPORT))  // SPWI995.SPL (Dimension Door)
            LeaveAreaLUAPanic("BG2600","",[3127.2983],E)  // Candlekeep
            LeaveAreaLUA("BG2600","",[3127.2983],E)  // Candlekeep

    The differences, then, are the first line in the new install (DisplayStringHead(Myself,898331)  // Running block 1 of CUTOBE.BCS), and two instances of "WaitSync" instead of "Wait".  Unless I'm missing something like an open bracket.

    Now, that top line doesn't prevent the dimension door effect from appearing.  But it looks like that's all that's happening, the 'wait' never ends.  That new line, if I understand, is just making a line of text visible on the screen.  But what's it tied to?  @Jastey, I'm wondering if this is something to do with the stutterdebug tool?

  6. Okay, but if the lore issues are broader--at least for those who read the Driz'zt books--then I can see how continuity could be a bigger deal for some.  I mean, I didn't read Salvatore's books, but there are enough fandoms where I am--or at least was--a stickler for canon that I get it.

    Of course, the simple solution is, if you're a modder, make your mods the way you want; if you're a player, install what you like, don't install what you don't, be grateful to the modders who gift you with their work, and don't pester them with requests to devote their time and attention to other projects (or making changes, aside from resolving bugs, to their own).

  7. Actually, cutscenes in general might be broken; the one with Gorion doesn't work either.  He leaves me standing at the doors to the library, I see the text of his speech near the gate, and then....nothing.

    So the install took about 36 hours.  Looks like I'll be deleting and starting over, but before I do, any idea what might be messing with cutscenes?

  8. Okay, I'm going to go ahead and chip in here.

    I can't speak to tipun's IWD2, but his IWD is just fine.  I've played through it twice, once as part of Roxanne's setup and once not.  Aside from a few items with the undroppable flag (such as Orrick the Grey's enchanted Beetle Shield), everything works as intended.  XP *is* nerfed; if you do the whole IWD-How-TotLM, you'll wind up with, I think, about 400k XP.  Which, YMMV about whether or not that's too high as an add-on for BG1, but it's not the millions you'd get playing IWD/IWDEE standalone.

    Now, when I played this outside of Roxanne's setup, the mechanism to *get* to Easthaven from Ulgoth's Beard (and back, at the end of the mod) was missing, I had to use the console to travel.  But once there, the locations were part of the worldmap; the only quibble I had is that the travel times were much higher than in IWD (it could take 80 hours or more to get from Kuldahar to the Severed Hand or Dorn's Deep). 

    I gather, now, that tipun has that in a separate mod, one that takes away your gear both going to and from IWD

    Now, I don't think the time travel thing is necessarily a big deal.  There aren't a lot of in-game references and it's entirely possible to not know the games are set a century apart.  And Belhifet?  At the end of IWD he's banished from the Prime for a century, but he doesn't come to the Prime during SoD.  And a devious devil like him doubtless has many schemes.  But it might be simple enough to change his name in one place or the other.

    Of course, while it's been about 20 years since I've played IWD2 and I don't remember it well, I suspect it's a lot more difficult to square the 20 year gap, and changes to Kuldahar/Dragon's Eye etc.  I'm sure it can be done, but it does require being done.

    But here's the thing.  While tipun's provided these mods for testing, and they work fine, there's no extra meat on these bones.  None of your party members have a thing to say about where you are or what you're doing.  Tipun has a plan, a story to tell, that integrates these into EET.  Is it good, is it bad?  No idea.  But I think the respectful thing to do is to let him finish it, before anyone else starts adding, changing, tweaking.

  9. I was able to fix Item Revisions.  But not Spell Revisions.


    ERROR: [CA#DASTR.CRE] -> [override/CA#DASTR.CRE] Patching Failed (COPY) (Invalid_argument("String.sub / Bytes.sub"))
    Stopping installation because of error.
    Stopping installation because of error.
    ERROR Installing [Spell Revisions], rolling back to previous state
    Will uninstall 7575 files for [spell_rev\setup-spell_rev.tp2] component 0.
    Uninstalled    7575 files for [spell_rev\setup-spell_rev.tp2] component 0.
    ERROR: Invalid_argument("String.sub / Bytes.sub")
    Please make a backup of the file: Setup-spell_rev.debug and look for support at: Bartimaeus in the SR Revised thread at forums.gibberlings3.net
    Automatically Skipping [Spell Revisions] because of error.
    Using Language [English]
    [.\lang\en_us\dialog.tlk] created, 997623 string entries


    ERROR: [ca#plan.cre] -> [override/ca#plan.cre] Patching Failed (COPY) (Invalid_argument("String.sub / Bytes.sub"))
    Stopping installation because of error.
    Stopping installation because of error.
    Stopping installation because of error.
    ERROR Installing [Deva and Planetar Animations], rolling back to previous state
    Will uninstall  47 files for [spell_rev\setup-spell_rev.tp2] component 10.
    Uninstalled     47 files for [spell_rev\setup-spell_rev.tp2] component 10.
    ERROR: Invalid_argument("String.sub / Bytes.sub")
    Please make a backup of the file: Setup-spell_rev.debug and look for support at: Bartimaeus in the SR Revised thread at forums.gibberlings3.net
    Automatically Skipping [Deva and Planetar Animations] because of error.
    Using Language [English]
    NOT INSTALLED DUE TO ERRORS Deva and Planetar Animations

    And, the mod that gave me warnings about too many Kits, Faith and Powers, crashed at the"Install Ranger Kits" component, again warning that I need ToBEx or GemRB to support more than 256 kits.  I do have a dummy file named tobex.ini in the directory, but something else must be needed.


    Adding D5RBARB Kit ...
    Stopping installation because of error.
    Stopping installation because of error.
    Stopping installation because of error.
    ERROR Installing [Install Ranger kits], rolling back to previous state
    Will uninstall 698 files for [faiths_and_powers\Faiths_and_Powers.tp2] component 37.
    Uninstalled    698 files for [faiths_and_powers\Faiths_and_Powers.tp2] component 37.
    ERROR: Failure("The game requires ToBEx or GemRB to support more than 256 kits.")
    Please make a backup of the file: Setup-Faiths_and_Powers.debug and look for support at: SubtleD and Grammarsalad
    Automatically Skipping [Install Ranger kits] because of error.
    Using Language [English]
    [.\lang\en_us\dialog.tlk] created, 1001640 string entries
    NOT INSTALLED DUE TO ERRORS Install Ranger kits


  10. Thank you!!

    Had to pause my install at the Item Revisions.  It installed fine yesterday (I think), but that was before I downloaded Item Revisions Revised, unzipped it and put the contents in the IR folder.

    It was first crashing because the Iconv folder wasn't in the languages folder in the game drive.  It was in the unzipped version in my downloaded mods file, so I copied it.  Then it was crashing due to the absence of a file in the components folder.  Comparing the drive, there were quite a few missing files, so I just copied over the entire folder.  Seems to be working now, but I think I'll check Spell Revisions just to make sure I don't have the same vulnerability there....


  11. Ah, OK.  "Static Backup" = the unmodded backups I use a copy of for each installation.

    When I started my fresh install, I saw that 0 is now "German," and 1 is English.  So, I didn't notice the change for my initial install with PI 1.0.

    2 hours ago, Graion Dilach said:

    Regarding InfinityLoader - I think your antivirus program deleted the launcher.

    Well, that sucks.  Nothing in my recycle bin, and I didn't get any alerts from my antivirus.  Not sure how to repair/replace.

  12. 54 minutes ago, Graion Dilach said:

    If you started the game up with the new desktop EET icon, yes, that won't work and you have an InfinityLoader executable you should shortcut to.


    I see the 3 files below that say "InfinityLoader," but none of them launch the game...where else could it be/what other name?



  13. In-game dialogue is in English, barring a few variables (Breagar just called me "Madschen").  Journal entries are in English.  But the interface is German ("Ein neuer Eintrag im Tagebuch" instead of "Journal Entry", for example).  I think I can manage, with the occasional reference to Google, but it looks like I will be doing a reinstall sooner rather than later.... 

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