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Everything posted by CrackBaby

  1. On 2.6, familiar HP seems to be buggy. Hit points are correct for levels one and two for tested familiars (the Chaotic cast; cat, faerie dragon and quasit), but after that start doing weird things. Sometimes the hit points go down, instead of increasing. Or they only increase by one or two points - this is still before level 10, when hit point gain should be four per level. At level 9, familiars only have 9 HP total. This was originally noticed on my EET installation, but was retested on a clean BGEE install with only modmerge used in addition to WTP Familiars. BG Radar Overlay was what first caused me to notice the inconsistencies, and I tested to make sure it wasn't simply outputting an incorrect value, primarily by having party members kick my poor cat with no weapons to see if it got knocked out with only a very small amount of damage compared to what its HP should be. Other features that are gained on level up, such as damage resistances for the quasit, appeared to be properly applied. This behavior remains in the 2.7 version that I just saw as I came to report this bug.
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