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Posts posted by LCAMod

  1. 18 hours ago, maurvir said:

    That appears to have fixed the issue with Coran BG2. I moved Coran before LCA, not the other way around, since it doesn't appear to have any dependency issues with the other quest mods.

    @maurvirHi, what other mods have you installed? The reason I ask is I was able to install EET core, then LCA, then Coran BG2, without any errors. I didn't use Project Infinity, though. For EET, all I'm doing in LCA is adjusting the already existing trigger & transition for summoning Corwin through the fate spirit, so I'm not sure what could be causing your error. 


  2. 1 hour ago, maurvir said:

    I should have posted this here first, but I had an odd warning show up while installing Coran BG2 after adding LCA:

    //[D:\GOG Games\Project Infinity\Tools\WeiDU\249.00\weidu.exe] WeiDU version 24900
    //Using Language [English]
    //Using .\lang\en_us\dialog.tlk
    //Installing [Coran NPC MOD for Baldur's Gate II] [v9]
    //Copying 1 file ...
    //Copying 1 file ...
    //Copying 1 file ...
    //Copying 1 file ...
    //Copying 1 file ...
    //Copying 1 file ...
    //Copying 1 file ...
    //Copying 1 file ...
    //Copying 1 file ...
    //Copying 1 file ...
    //Copying 1 file ...
    //Copying 1 file ...
    //Copying 1 file ...
    //Copying 1 file ...
    //Copying 1 file ...
    //Copying 1 file ...
    //Copying 1 file ...
    //Copying 1 file ...
    //Copying 1 file ...
    //Copying 1 file ...
    //loading 1 tra file
    //Copying 1 file ...
    //Appending to files ...
    //Copying and patching 1 file ...
    //Copying 1 file ...
    //Compiling 4 dialogue files and 3 scripts ...
    //Extending game scripts ...
    //Copying and patching 1 file ...
    //Compiling 4 dialogue files and 1 script ...
    //Compiling 1 dialogue file ...
    //Extending game scripts ...
    //Copying and patching 1 file ...
    //Appending to files ...
    //Appending to files ...
    //EET_NPC_TRANSITION patching for O#Coran: BG2 NPC without BG1 content
    //Copying and patching 1 file ...
    //Copying and patching 1 file ...
    //Copying and patching 1 file ...
    //Patching O#COR25S.BCS
    //Extending game scripts ...
    //Patching O#CORANS.BCS
    //Extending game scripts ...
    //Extending game scripts ...
    //Copying and patching 1 file ...
    //Copying and patching 1 file ...
    //WARNING: Corwin position not found within FATESP.DLG << Corwin?
    //Compiling 1 dialogue file ...
    //Copying and patching 1 file ...
    //Compiling 1 dialogue file ...
    //Copying and patching 1 file ...
    //Patching AR4000.BCS: O#CoranSummoned
    //Extending game scripts ...
    //Patching AR4000.BCS: O#CoranParty
    //Extending game scripts ...
    //Copying and patching 1 file ...
    //Patching AR4500.BCS
    //Extending game scripts ...
    //Copying and patching 1 file ...
    //Extending game scripts ...
    //[.\lang\en_us\dialog.tlk] created, 325409 string entries
    //INSTALLED WITH WARNINGS     Coran NPC MOD for Baldur's Gate II
    //WARNING: unpausing installation will continue from next component.
    //WARNING: Coran:0 has encounter errors durring installation, exited with ExitCode = 3

    I'm pretty sure it was LCA as that was the last mod I added and the warning references Corwin, not Coran.

    @maurvirI'll take a look at the fatesp.dlg. I recall using the existing transition, so I'm not sure what the issue could be. In the meantime, you can try installing LCA after Coran BG2 to see if that fixes the problem.

  3. 2 hours ago, flynnP said:

    Hi. I'm on my first playthrough of BG:EET with LCA installed. I also have Transitions installed. I got all 6 Corwin love talks in SoD, but even with several playthroughs of the SoD epilogue I couldn't find a path that gave me any way to leave other than through the sewers, and Corwin always came to my room and asked me to sacrifice myself and then said goodbye, no matter which dialogue choices I made. Now I'm at the beginning of SoA, solved the Bridge District murders, and Brega only gives me the option to write a letter to Duncan. The option to write a letter to Corwin doesn't appear. All my CORWIN variables look like the romance should still be active:

    The LCA user guide says I will only get the option to write to Corwin if I escaped some other way than through the sewers but I couldn't find a path that takes me any other way. Where did I mess up? Or did Transitions mess things up? Is there any way to salvage at this point? 



    Update: I just saw the other post that talked about the "right dialogue choices" when encountering Corwin and Duncan in the sewers, but I didn't encounter them either. Is there a choice I need to make so that I encounter them?

    2nd update: I went back to my saved ending of SoD and found the path that takes me to the encounter with Corwin and Duncan in the sewer. I had never tried going on my own instead of following the guard. It would still be nice to know if there's any variable I could set to make my current game think that was the path I took, instead of needing to play through the entire beginning of SoA again.


    It seems one of the mods you have installed has made some conflicting changes with the ending of SoD. You'll need to manually set one of the CorwinContinue variables to correct the issue. Once the variable is set, you should have the option to send the dagger and letter to Corwin after completing the quest for Brega. Once the letter is sent, it will take a few days for Corwin to appear in Athkatla (You will be prompted to check the magistrate building when she is there).

    1. Open the LCA Assistant special ability
    2. Select the option to open the LCA Debugger
    3. Select option “Adjust Variables”
    4. Select either of the following options:
      1. ~Set XAA_CorwinContinue to 1 (Friend).~ // non-romance
      2. ~Set XAA_CorwinContinue to 2 (Continue Romance to BG2).~ // romance

    If you want to continue the romance, choose the second of the two options (CorwinContinue to 2).

    Let me know if this solves your problem. If it doesn't, send me a copy of your save game (lcamod@danielvalle.net) and I'll try and troubleshoot.

  4. 1 hour ago, megrimlock said:

    So I've found a bizarre bug. I also had Lichdom installed, and went through the motions to become a lich. Other good party members left immediately, but Corwin stayed for a while. Except after a couple days (perhaps? or was it because I was headed back to BG for the Cowled Menace quest) she suddenly said she couldn't stand me being a lich anymore and warned me never to enter BG. So far, seems like it's what you intended as the interaction between your two mods. Except... I suddenly saw the first frame of the cutscene showing Irenicus in Hell, then ToB started and I was in the Grove of the Ancients. WTF.


    I was able to fix the issue. There was a problem in a transition that called the wrong script. Sorry! The new release (LCA 1.1e) fixes that issue, the problem with the Djinn handing out multiple daggers when Cost of One Girl's Soul is installed, and allows the player to send the letter to Corwin if the sewer encounter was bypassed due to the Another Fine Hell mod.

  5. 1 hour ago, megrimlock said:

    So I've found a bizarre bug. I also had Lichdom installed, and went through the motions to become a lich. Other good party members left immediately, but Corwin stayed for a while. Except after a couple days (perhaps? or was it because I was headed back to BG for the Cowled Menace quest) she suddenly said she couldn't stand me being a lich anymore and warned me never to enter BG. So far, seems like it's what you intended as the interaction between your two mods. Except... I suddenly saw the first frame of the cutscene showing Irenicus in Hell, then ToB started and I was in the Grove of the Ancients. WTF.

    Hah, wow. That's pretty strange. Nothing jumps out at me as to a possible cause, but I'll take a look and get back to you.

  6. 1 hour ago, megrimlock said:

    @jastey- no I've left Transitions well alone after it broke one of my installs pretty badly!

    And to be clear, I was not suggesting that Corwin not leaving was the fault of AFH - that is clearly the fault of Roxanne's mod.

    Rather, it appears that given LCA's trigger to get Corwin back in BG2 depends on either avoiding the sewers altogether or else a specific conversation with Corwin when encountered in the sewers, then AFH's sewer scene probably means you need to have that conversation in order to get the LCA trigger to fire correctly. I instead asked the Fist to guide me out, which was outwith the trigger conditions it seems.

    In other words, if you end up in the sewers in vanilla, you are on the bad path. This is the logic that LCA works on. But unless I'm tripping, in AFH you end up in the sewers regardless, and that isn't currently aligned with how LCA's logic works in determining if you are "worthy" of getting Corwin to join you in BG2.

    I can add some logic to detect if AFH is installed (thanks jastey), and if so, give the option to send the letter to Corwin whether the player was exiled or not. It would be treated as having met condition two described earlier.

  7. 4 hours ago, megrimlock said:

    I am now playing LCA alongside Skie Cost of One Girl's Soul, and I have THREE soultaker daggers - one broken one from the Skie mod, and then for some reason the genie gave me another two... Skie Cost quest starts fine though, and I can also send one of the unbroken daggers via Brega as intended.

    And unless I'm misremembering how Skie Cost's quest starts, I think there is a problem stopping it from starting.

    However, I'm not convinced that the mod is actually compatible with Roxanne's Corwin (though the fault for this lies with Roxanne). I took Corwin in BG1 but she does not disappear during the transition to SoD, and hence stayed in my party, meaning at one point there were two Corwins, and then when the "real" Corwin asked to join the party, I might have ended up with the "wrong" one still in my party. Like I say, all of that is at Roxanne's feet, but the upshot is, when I ask Brega to send the letter to Baldur's Gate, the only option is to write to Bence Duncan, as if Corwin had never been in my party. I've spawned your Corwin in with the debugger, but thought I'd mention it anyway.

    Actually, this *might* not be the fault of Roxanne's Corwin, but an unintended interaction with jastey's Another Fine Hell. In jastey's mod, I *think* that the ending of SoD is modified so that you ALWAYS end up leaving the city via the sewers, even if you are not in disgrace. Does that trigger your "bad" ending with Corwin, even if you take the route which avoids running into her? i.e. is your trigger the area code, rather than the encounter?

    (I installed all the above mods specifically to test for conflicts)

    Thanks for reaching out, and for taking the time to test for potential conflicts.

    You can send the letter to Corwin if either of the following holds:

    - You had the "good" ending, meaning the player escaped through the tunnels beneath the Flaming Fist Headquarters. 

    - During the "bad" ending, you followed a very specific dialogue sequence during the confrontation with Corwin and Bence. If you escape without confronting the two of them, the condition won't hold. 

    As far as the dagger is concerned, this is an error on my part. I modified the Djinn transition to include the dagger as a quest reward, but did not first check if the Skie mod was installed. Obviously, if the Skie mod is installed, the Djinn should not provide the dagger. This issue was already corrected in the non-EET version of the mod, which I plan to release later this year. I'll issue a patch to the EET version of the mod later in the week.

    It's been a while since I played the CorwinEET mod, but I do not recall encountering the double Corwin issue you described. It could as you say be an unintended interaction with jastey's mod. In what area did you first notice the problem? Perhaps I can add some checks in LCA to detect and correct the issue. 


  8. 7 hours ago, Isewein said:

    Hi LCA, your mod looks very interesting. It's nice to see people integrating SoD more into the trilogy. Would you say that most of the content is gated behind the romance option or would Corwin be well-worth taking along without it, too? (There's too many romances out there and multi-romance patches break my immersion...) Which other characters (vanilla or mod) would you recommend taking along for interesting interactions? Also, what kind of personalities or alignments do you assume in your writing for Charname? I find that a very useful bit of information to add to a mod's documentation for those who like to plan their runs based on roleplay considerations.

    Also, since both mods seem to affect Illasera, have you checked whether this mod is compatible with Black Hearts?



    Only a relatively small amount of content is gated. You can still experience 80 - 85% of the mod content, so long as Corwin is in your party. For Charname, I assumed Neutral or Good. I'll add that note to the documentation once I publish the non-EET version of the mod, later in the year. For interactions, I recommend taking Aerie, Keldorn, Jaheira, Jan, Valygar, Viconia, Minsc, Rasaad, Anomen, Korgan and Sarevok. There are over 50 banters added, so each character gets at least one. I think Aerie gets the most however, since she asks about Corwin's and Charname's confrontation with Ashatiel from SoD.

    I haven't looked into the Black Hearts mod. If I have some time, I'll take a look.

    Hope you enjoy the mod!

  9. 16 hours ago, cccow said:

    Could be user error but in case it is useful (I am guessing it is that it assumes I have Eddard component in Lava's mod selected, whereas I had chosen not to) :

    "Cost of One Girl's Soul is installed.
    Compiling 2 dialogue files ...
    ERROR locating resource for 'CHAIN3'
    Resource [L#2EDDRD.DLG] not found in KEY file:
    ERROR: preprocessing APPEND_EARLY [tb#_compile_eval_buffer/LCA/COMPAT/CGS/D/XACGS1.D]: Failure("resource [L#2EDDRD.DLG] not found for 'CHAIN3'")
    Stopping installation because of error.
    Stopping installation because of error.
    ERROR Installing [Love Conquers All (LCA)], rolling back to previous state
    Will uninstall 625 files for [LCA\LCA.tp2] component 0.
    Uninstalled    625 files for [LCA\LCA.tp2] component 0.
    ERROR: Failure("resource [L#2EDDRD.DLG] not found for 'CHAIN3'")"


    EDIT: Yes installed without error when the above mentioned component was enabled.

    @cccowThe fixed installer has been uploaded, enjoy. Releases · LCA-EET/LCA (github.com)


  10. 4 hours ago, cccow said:

    Could be user error but in case it is useful (I am guessing it is that it assumes I have Eddard component in Lava's mod selected, whereas I had chosen not to) :

    "Cost of One Girl's Soul is installed.
    Compiling 2 dialogue files ...
    ERROR locating resource for 'CHAIN3'
    Resource [L#2EDDRD.DLG] not found in KEY file:
    ERROR: preprocessing APPEND_EARLY [tb#_compile_eval_buffer/LCA/COMPAT/CGS/D/XACGS1.D]: Failure("resource [L#2EDDRD.DLG] not found for 'CHAIN3'")
    Stopping installation because of error.
    Stopping installation because of error.
    ERROR Installing [Love Conquers All (LCA)], rolling back to previous state
    Will uninstall 625 files for [LCA\LCA.tp2] component 0.
    Uninstalled    625 files for [LCA\LCA.tp2] component 0.
    ERROR: Failure("resource [L#2EDDRD.DLG] not found for 'CHAIN3'")"


    EDIT: Yes installed without error when the above mentioned component was enabled.

    Thanks for catching that. I'll update the installer and post a new version before the end of the weekend.

  11. 1 hour ago, podcherk said:


    Hi, thank you for a quick feedback, however it did not seem to work...

    Cost of One Girl's Soul is installed.
    Compiling 2 dialogue files ...
    [LCA/TRA/english/XACGS.TRA] has 1 translation strings
    [LCA/TRA/english/XACGS1.TRA] has 4 translation strings
    Processing 1 dialogues/scripts ...
    [XACORWIJ.DLG] loaded
    [L#2EDDRD.DLG] loaded
    [L#2SDSKI.DLG] loaded
    [IDJINNI.DLG] loaded
    ERROR: Cannot resolve internal symbolic label [XA_BackToBG_ChainEnd_AndYou] for DLG [XACORWIJ]
    Known labels: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56

    Also, It looks like your release script does not include /compat/** when creating a .zip file. 


    Oh, good catch. Yes, the build script wasn't including the COMPAT folder. I tested in the local repo (which includes the folder), so that's why I missed it.

    I updated the release archive, it includes the folder now. Thanks 

  12. 5 hours ago, podcherk said:



    I get the following error trying to install the mod:

    Cost of One Girl's Soul is installed.
    Compiling 2 dialogue files ...
    [LCA/TRA/english/XACGS.TRA] has 1 translation strings
    [LCA/COMPAT/CGS/D/XACGS.D] loaded, 225 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XACGS1.TRA] has 4 translation strings
    [LCA/COMPAT/CGS/D/XACGS1.D] loaded, 987 bytes
    Processing 1 dialogues/scripts ...
    [./override/XACORWIJ.DLG] loaded, 530441 bytes
    [XACORWIJ.DLG] loaded
    [./override/L#2EDDRD.DLG] loaded, 1811 bytes
    [L#2EDDRD.DLG] loaded
    [./override/L#2SDSKI.DLG] loaded, 2131 bytes
    [L#2SDSKI.DLG] loaded
    [./override/IDJINNI.DLG] loaded, 2262 bytes
    [IDJINNI.DLG] loaded
    ERROR: Cannot resolve internal symbolic label [XA_BackToBG_ChainEnd_AndYou] for DLG [XACORWIJ]
    Known labels: Known labels: 0 1 2 3 4 5 ... 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195
    ERROR: processing .D actions [tb#_compile_eval_buffer/LCA/COMPAT/CGS/D/XACGS1.D]: Failure("cannot resolve label")

    I can get through by dropping /compat/ part and manually applying those changes to the relevant files, but I don't have enough knowledge of Weidu to figure out what exactly is the problem.

    Here is the full log before that 

      Reveal hidden contents
    Installing [Love Conquers All (LCA)]
    Compiling 116 dialogue files ...
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAPLR1.TRA] has 198 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XAPLR1.D] loaded, 56227 bytes
    BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [./CD1/DATA/DEFAULT.BIF]
    BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [./CD2/DATA/DEFAULT.BIF]
    BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [./CD3/DATA/DEFAULT.BIF]
    BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [./CD4/DATA/DEFAULT.BIF]
    BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [./CD5/DATA/DEFAULT.BIF]
    BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [./CD6/DATA/DEFAULT.BIF]
    BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [./DATA/DEFAULT.BIF]
    [./DATA/DEFAULT.BIF] 2850260 bytes, 507 files, 0 tilesets
    [./override/ACTION.IDS] loaded, 16619 bytes
    [./override/GTIMES.IDS] loaded, 2268 bytes
    [./override/DIR.IDS] loaded, 109 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAELF01.TRA] has 18 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XAELF01.D] loaded, 2933 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAFFVALI.TRA] has 17 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XAFFVALI.D] loaded, 2595 bytes
    [LCA/D/XAGOLSTO.D] loaded, 16 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XATHRIX.TRA] has 13 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XATHRIX.D] loaded, 2330 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAGIRL2.TRA] has 19 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XAGIRL2.D] loaded, 5060 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XACOMW.TRA] has 1 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XACOMW.D] loaded, 105 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XACHIMP5.TRA] has 6 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XACHIMP5.D] loaded, 969 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAMERCH.TRA] has 6 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XAMERCH.D] loaded, 899 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAWTREX.TRA] has 5 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XAWTREX.D] loaded, 992 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XALYRIEL.TRA] has 95 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XALYRIEL.D] loaded, 14031 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XATMARSD.TRA] has 17 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XATMARSD.D] loaded, 3496 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XABREVLK.TRA] has 33 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XABREVLK.D] loaded, 4537 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAGIRL.TRA] has 8 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XAGIRL.D] loaded, 1331 bytes
    BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [./CD1/DATA/PATCH2.BIF]
    BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [./CD2/DATA/PATCH2.BIF]
    BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [./CD3/DATA/PATCH2.BIF]
    BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [./CD4/DATA/PATCH2.BIF]
    BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [./CD5/DATA/PATCH2.BIF]
    BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [./CD6/DATA/PATCH2.BIF]
    BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [./DATA/PATCH2.BIF]
    [./DATA/PATCH2.BIF] 39745172 bytes, 1005 files, 0 tilesets
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAGORION.TRA] has 61 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XAGORION.D] loaded, 10317 bytes
    [./override/STATS.IDS] loaded, 4744 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XANTRJEX.TRA] has 183 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XANTRJEX.D] loaded, 44214 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAVIRGIL.TRA] has 65 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XAVIRGIL.D] loaded, 11652 bytes
    [LCA/D/XAORPH01.D] loaded, 16 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XABREGA.TRA] has 52 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XABREGA.D] loaded, 17936 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XASODCOR.TRA] has 11 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XASODCOR.D] loaded, 1187 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAAUN.TRA] has 29 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XAAUN.D] loaded, 4123 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XACAELA2.TRA] has 67 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XACAELA2.D] loaded, 8866 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XALANTAN.TRA] has 7 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XALANTAN.D] loaded, 1371 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAAUDAM.TRA] has 10 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XAAUDAM.D] loaded, 1959 bytes
    [LCA/D/XANEOMA.D] loaded, 15 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XATRIAL.TRA] has 12 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XATRIAL.D] loaded, 2584 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAALDETH.TRA] has 39 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XAALDETH.D] loaded, 6276 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAWVMER.TRA] has 11 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XAWVMER.D] loaded, 1481 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAMERCHG.TRA] has 4 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XAMERCHG.D] loaded, 558 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XALATH01.TRA] has 81 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XALATH01.D] loaded, 16413 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XABENOSP.TRA] has 18 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XABENOSP.D] loaded, 1620 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XACHICK.TRA] has 7 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XACHICK.D] loaded, 614 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XABENCE.TRA] has 18 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XABENCE.D] loaded, 3205 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAFFOFCR.TRA] has 24 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XAFFOFCR.D] loaded, 4357 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAJASPER.TRA] has 38 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XAJASPER.D] loaded, 8564 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XACC3.TRA] has 22 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XACC3.D] loaded, 2966 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAFORTHE.TRA] has 28 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XAFORTHE.D] loaded, 4409 bytes
    [LCA/D/XAORPH06.D] loaded, 16 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAHAMZA.TRA] has 60 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XAHAMZA.D] loaded, 17233 bytes
    [./override/STATE.IDS] loaded, 1399 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XALODOB.TRA] has 9 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XALODOB.D] loaded, 1091 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XALARZE.TRA] has 22 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XALARZE.D] loaded, 2866 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XACORWIP.TRA] has 104 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XACORWIP.D] loaded, 23196 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XA800M.TRA] has 5 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XA800M.D] loaded, 943 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XABELT.TRA] has 1 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XABELT.D] loaded, 232 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAWVGRD2.TRA] has 5 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XAWVGRD2.D] loaded, 655 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAGAMES2.TRA] has 6 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XAGAMES2.D] loaded, 1087 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAAMISC.TRA] has 401 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XAAMISC.D] loaded, 129116 bytes
    [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 27393 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XATOWNF.TRA] has 16 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XATOWNF.D] loaded, 3904 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XANOBLM.TRA] has 15 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XANOBLM.D] loaded, 4853 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XACAELAJ.TRA] has 5 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XACAELAJ.D] loaded, 1855 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XABDSCH2.TRA] has 124 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XABDSCH2.D] loaded, 43277 bytes
    [./override/SPECIFIC.IDS] loaded, 661 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XABRILLA.TRA] has 35 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XABRILLA.D] loaded, 6500 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAALATOS.TRA] has 38 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XAALATOS.D] loaded, 13155 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XANOBLW.TRA] has 16 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XANOBLW.D] loaded, 5301 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XACORWIB.TRA] has 893 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XACORWIB.D] loaded, 131947 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XALIIA.TRA] has 12 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XALIIA.D] loaded, 2030 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XABDBENC.TRA] has 6 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XABDBENC.D] loaded, 2483 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAORPH02.TRA] has 6 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XAORPH02.D] loaded, 726 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XASAREVO.TRA] has 14 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XASAREVO.D] loaded, 563 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XASKIE.TRA] has 79 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XASKIE.D] loaded, 9909 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XACSREAX.TRA] has 31 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XACSREAX.D] loaded, 20398 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XACC4.TRA] has 35 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XACC4.D] loaded, 6131 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XABDASHA.TRA] has 18 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XABDASHA.D] loaded, 2906 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XACAELAR.TRA] has 7 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XACAELAR.D] loaded, 747 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XANEB.TRA] has 9 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XANEB.D] loaded, 2172 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAILLASE.TRA] has 18 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XAILLASE.D] loaded, 3849 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAROHMA4.TRA] has 1 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XAROHMA4.D] loaded, 228 bytes
    [LCA/D/XAORPH04.D] loaded, 16 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XACORWIN.TRA] has 63 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XACORWIN.D] loaded, 9618 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAHEAD1.TRA] has 6 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XAHEAD1.D] loaded, 1488 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAKERRAC.TRA] has 21 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XAKERRAC.D] loaded, 3960 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XADIVINE.TRA] has 67 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XADIVINE.D] loaded, 7023 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAHALBAZ.TRA] has 55 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XAHALBAZ.D] loaded, 11686 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAHARBOR.TRA] has 39 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XAHARBOR.D] loaded, 6466 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAALYTH.TRA] has 43 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XAALYTH.D] loaded, 7378 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XATOBNED.TRA] has 8 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XATOBNED.D] loaded, 1167 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XALATH02.TRA] has 4 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XALATH02.D] loaded, 882 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XABELAND.TRA] has 33 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XABELAND.D] loaded, 7288 bytes
    [LCA/D/XAORPH05.D] loaded, 16 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XACOMM.TRA] has 1 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XACOMM.D] loaded, 100 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAMELKOR.TRA] has 85 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XAMELKOR.D] loaded, 16318 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XABITE.TRA] has 34 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XABITE.D] loaded, 10541 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAGLINT.TRA] has 33 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XAGLINT.D] loaded, 4512 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAKANA1.TRA] has 19 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XAKANA1.D] loaded, 1827 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAROHMA.TRA] has 79 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XAROHMA.D] loaded, 14950 bytes
    [LCA/D/XAVAI.D] loaded, 15 bytes
    [LCA/D/XAFFEXEC.D] loaded, 16 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAELTAN.TRA] has 26 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XAELTAN.D] loaded, 3794 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XACAELAB.TRA] has 127 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XACAELAB.D] loaded, 18136 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XACURATO.TRA] has 20 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XACURATO.D] loaded, 3160 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XABENO2.TRA] has 36 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XABENO2.D] loaded, 6437 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XACOOK.TRA] has 21 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XACOOK.D] loaded, 3025 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAFISTEX.TRA] has 5 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XAFISTEX.D] loaded, 979 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAADBG.TRA] has 799 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XAADBG.D] loaded, 121014 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAWVGRD1.TRA] has 16 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XAWVGRD1.D] loaded, 3636 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XABENO.TRA] has 5 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XABENO.D] loaded, 735 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAKENT.TRA] has 2 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XAKENT.D] loaded, 207 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAFERGUS.TRA] has 16 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XAFERGUS.D] loaded, 2378 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XACAELAP.TRA] has 13 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XACAELAP.D] loaded, 1490 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XATIANNA.TRA] has 81 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XATIANNA.D] loaded, 12555 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XALATH03.TRA] has 4 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XALATH03.D] loaded, 882 bytes
    [LCA/D/XABENOAM.D] loaded, 18 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAASHASP.TRA] has 63 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XAASHASP.D] loaded, 12507 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAENTAR.TRA] has 0 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XAENTAR.D] loaded, 17 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAAVBOSS.TRA] has 28 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XAAVBOSS.D] loaded, 4147 bytes
    [LCA/D/XAORPH03.D] loaded, 16 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XABRIELB.TRA] has 27 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XABRIELB.D] loaded, 3998 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XATOWNM.TRA] has 19 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XATOWNM.D] loaded, 4010 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XABENCE2.TRA] has 10 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XABENCE2.D] loaded, 1338 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAWVBART.TRA] has 80 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XAWVBART.D] loaded, 17689 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XACORWIJ.TRA] has 1816 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XACORWIJ.D] loaded, 361036 bytes
    [./override/SHOUTIDS.IDS] loaded, 106 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XA800W.TRA] has 5 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XA800W.D] loaded, 943 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XANEDERL.TRA] has 129 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XANEDERL.D] loaded, 33903 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAINCUB.TRA] has 90 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XAINCUB.D] loaded, 24940 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAJHASSO.TRA] has 52 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XAJHASSO.D] loaded, 9647 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAMERLEA.TRA] has 7 translation strings
    [LCA/D/XAMERLEA.D] loaded, 1060 bytes
    Processing 1 dialogues/scripts ...
    Adding XAMERLEA to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XAJHASSO to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XAINCUB to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XANEDERL to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XA800W to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XACORWIJ to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XAWVBART to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XABENCE2 to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XATOWNM to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XABRIELB to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XAORPH03 to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XAAVBOSS to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XAENTAR to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XAASHASP to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XABENOAM to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XALATH03 to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XATIANNA to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XACAELAP to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XAFERGUS to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XAKENT to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XABENO to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XAWVGRD1 to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XAADBG to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XAFISTEX to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XACOOK to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XABENO2 to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XACURATO to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XACAELAB to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XAELTAN to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XAFFEXEC to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XAVAI to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XAROHMA to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XAKANA1 to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XAGLINT to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XAMELKOR to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XACOMM to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XAORPH05 to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XABELAND to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XALATH02 to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XATOBNED to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XAALYTH to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XAHARBOR to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XAHALBAZ to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XADIVINE to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XAKERRAC to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XAHEAD1 to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XACORWIN to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XAORPH04 to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XAROHMA4 to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XAILLASE to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XANEB to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XACAELAR to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XACC4 to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XASKIE to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XASAREVO to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XAORPH02 to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XABDBENC to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XALIIA to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XACORWIB to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XANOBLW to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XAALATOS to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XABRILLA to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XABDSCH2 to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XACAELAJ to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XANOBLM to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XATOWNF to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XAGAMES2 to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XAWVGRD2 to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XABELT to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XA800M to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XACORWIP to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XALARZE to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XALODOB to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XAHAMZA to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XAORPH06 to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XAFORTHE to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XACC3 to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XAJASPER to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XAFFOFCR to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XABENCE to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XACHICK to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XABENOSP to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XALATH01 to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XAMERCHG to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XAWVMER to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XAALDETH to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XANEOMA to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XAAUDAM to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XALANTAN to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XACAELA2 to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XAAUN to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XAORPH01 to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XAVIRGIL to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XAGORION to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XAGIRL to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XABREVLK to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XATMARSD to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XALYRIEL to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XAWTREX to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XAMERCH to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XACHIMP5 to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XACOMW to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XAGIRL2 to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XATHRIX to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XAGOLSTO to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XAFFVALI to internal list of available DLGs
    Adding XAELF01 to internal list of available DLGs
    [./override/VALYGARJ.DLG] loaded, 354764 bytes
    [VALYGARJ.DLG] loaded
    [./override/VICONIJ.DLG] loaded, 437237 bytes
    [VICONIJ.DLG] loaded
    [./override/AERIEJ.DLG] loaded, 673966 bytes
    [AERIEJ.DLG] loaded
    [./override/IMOEN2J.DLG] loaded, 714706 bytes
    [IMOEN2J.DLG] loaded
    [./override/JAHEIRAJ.DLG] loaded, 635347 bytes
    [JAHEIRAJ.DLG] loaded
    [./override/NALIAJ.DLG] loaded, 667334 bytes
    [NALIAJ.DLG] loaded
    [./override/NEERAJ.DLG] loaded, 401104 bytes
    [NEERAJ.DLG] loaded
    [./override/HABREGA.DLG] loaded, 36001 bytes
    [HABREGA.DLG] loaded
    [./override/KENT.DLG] loaded, 2073 bytes
    [KENT.DLG] loaded
    [./override/AMTGEN01.DLG] loaded, 6361 bytes
    [AMTGEN01.DLG] loaded
    [./override/IMOEN2.DLG] loaded, 62385 bytes
    [IMOEN2.DLG] loaded
    [./override/C6WULF1.DLG] loaded, 292 bytes
    [C6WULF1.DLG] loaded
    [./override/C6BRUEN1.DLG] loaded, 1547 bytes
    [C6BRUEN1.DLG] loaded
    [./override/C6REGIS1.DLG] loaded, 2463 bytes
    [C6REGIS1.DLG] loaded
    [./override/C6CATTI1.DLG] loaded, 244 bytes
    [C6CATTI1.DLG] loaded
    [./override/C6DRIZZ1.DLG] loaded, 229624 bytes
    [C6DRIZZ1.DLG] loaded
    [./override/MAZZYJ.DLG] loaded, 420426 bytes
    [MAZZYJ.DLG] loaded
    [./override/JANJ.DLG] loaded, 367724 bytes
    [JANJ.DLG] loaded
    [./override/EDWINJ.DLG] loaded, 510390 bytes
    [EDWINJ.DLG] loaded
    [./override/MINSCJ.DLG] loaded, 733424 bytes
    [MINSCJ.DLG] loaded
    [./override/HAERDAJ.DLG] loaded, 423165 bytes
    [HAERDAJ.DLG] loaded
    [./override/KORGANJ.DLG] loaded, 753509 bytes
    [KORGANJ.DLG] loaded
    [./override/KELDORJ.DLG] loaded, 466892 bytes
    [KELDORJ.DLG] loaded
    [./override/ANOMENJ.DLG] loaded, 556666 bytes
    [ANOMENJ.DLG] loaded
    [./override/DORNJ.DLG] loaded, 414131 bytes
    [DORNJ.DLG] loaded
    [./override/CERNDJ.DLG] loaded, 340437 bytes
    [CERNDJ.DLG] loaded
    [./override/RASAADJ.DLG] loaded, 337837 bytes
    [RASAADJ.DLG] loaded
    [./override/PPIRENI2.DLG] loaded, 18213 bytes
    [PPIRENI2.DLG] loaded
    [./override/SAREV25J.DLG] loaded, 246643 bytes
    [SAREV25J.DLG] loaded
    [./override/WARSAGE.DLG] loaded, 4468 bytes
    [WARSAGE.DLG] loaded
    [./override/OGHMONK1.DLG] loaded, 8748 bytes
    [OGHMONK1.DLG] loaded
    [./override/IMNBOOK1.DLG] loaded, 8295 bytes
    [IMNBOOK1.DLG] loaded
    [./override/DOGHMA.DLG] loaded, 23604 bytes
    [DOGHMA.DLG] loaded
    [./override/C6ELHAN2.DLG] loaded, 79192 bytes
    [C6ELHAN2.DLG] loaded
    [./override/SUDEMIN.DLG] loaded, 26438 bytes
    [SUDEMIN.DLG] loaded
    [./override/C6BODHI.DLG] loaded, 52078 bytes
    [C6BODHI.DLG] loaded
    [./override/BDASHATI.DLG] loaded, 1264 bytes
    [BDASHATI.DLG] loaded
    [./override/BDCORWIJ.DLG] loaded, 92176 bytes
    [BDCORWIJ.DLG] loaded
    [./override/YOSHJ.DLG] loaded, 363457 bytes
    [YOSHJ.DLG] loaded
    [./override/IMOENJ.DLG] loaded, 17610 bytes
    [IMOENJ.DLG] loaded
    [./override/HEXXATJ.DLG] loaded, 321352 bytes
    [HEXXATJ.DLG] loaded
    [./override/SALVANAS.DLG] loaded, 19283 bytes
    [SALVANAS.DLG] loaded
    [./override/BDSCHAEL.DLG] loaded, 69009 bytes
    [BDSCHAEL.DLG] loaded
    [./override/BOY3.DLG] loaded, 415 bytes
    [BOY3.DLG] loaded
    [./override/GIRL1.DLG] loaded, 612 bytes
    [GIRL1.DLG] loaded
    [./override/BDCAELAR.DLG] loaded, 14286 bytes
    [BDCAELAR.DLG] loaded
    [./override/KERRAC.DLG] loaded, 1019 bytes
    [KERRAC.DLG] loaded
    [./override/FORTHE.DLG] loaded, 5397 bytes
    [FORTHE.DLG] loaded
    [./override/BDIMOEN.DLG] loaded, 64011 bytes
    [BDIMOEN.DLG] loaded
    [./override/JARLAXLE.DLG] loaded, 12039 bytes
    [JARLAXLE.DLG] loaded
    [./override/UDPHAE01.DLG] loaded, 61383 bytes
    [UDPHAE01.DLG] loaded
    [./override/SHOP06_.DLG] loaded, 204 bytes
    [SHOP06_.DLG] loaded
    [./override/SHOP08_.DLG] loaded, 204 bytes
    [SHOP08_.DLG] loaded
    [./override/LUCKY.DLG] loaded, 2236 bytes
    [LUCKY.DLG] loaded
    [./override/AMBAR01.DLG] loaded, 8358 bytes
    [AMBAR01.DLG] loaded
    [./override/FLAMGG.DLG] loaded, 717 bytes
    [FLAMGG.DLG] loaded
    [./override/IDJINNI.DLG] loaded, 2214 bytes
    [IDJINNI.DLG] loaded
    [./override/BDBELT.DLG] loaded, 15346 bytes
    [BDBELT.DLG] loaded
    [./override/LARZE.DLG] loaded, 2048 bytes
    [LARZE.DLG] loaded
    [./override/ALDETH.DLG] loaded, 14788 bytes
    [ALDETH.DLG] loaded
    [./override/VAI.DLG] loaded, 8956 bytes
    [VAI.DLG] loaded
    [./override/BDBENCE.DLG] loaded, 18812 bytes
    [BDBENCE.DLG] loaded
    [./override/CALAHA.DLG] loaded, 5213 bytes
    [CALAHA.DLG] loaded
    [./override/PPGUY01.DLG] loaded, 4071 bytes
    [PPGUY01.DLG] loaded
    [./override/FATESP.DLG] loaded, 57577 bytes
    [FATESP.DLG] loaded
    [./override/FINSOL01.DLG] loaded, 75681 bytes
    [FINSOL01.DLG] loaded
    [./override/BOTSMITH.DLG] loaded, 183311 bytes
    [BOTSMITH.DLG] loaded
    [./override/SARMEL01.DLG] loaded, 20809 bytes
    [SARMEL01.DLG] loaded
    [./override/SARPROVF.DLG] loaded, 4767 bytes
    [SARPROVF.DLG] loaded
    [./override/SARPRO01.DLG] loaded, 5811 bytes
    [SARPRO01.DLG] loaded
    [./override/HGWRA01.DLG] loaded, 34527 bytes
    [HGWRA01.DLG] loaded
    [./override/SARVOLO.DLG] loaded, 35609 bytes
    [SARVOLO.DLG] loaded
    [./override/CONNOL.DLG] loaded, 402 bytes
    [CONNOL.DLG] loaded
    [./override/MCOOK4.DLG] loaded, 258 bytes
    [MCOOK4.DLG] loaded
    [./override/SUTHIE.DLG] loaded, 1063 bytes
    [SUTHIE.DLG] loaded
    [./override/BART8.DLG] loaded, 935 bytes
    [BART8.DLG] loaded
    [./override/PPIRENI1.DLG] loaded, 10816 bytes
    [PPIRENI1.DLG] loaded
    [./override/BAERIE.DLG] loaded, 170263 bytes
    [BAERIE.DLG] loaded
    [./override/SAREV25A.DLG] loaded, 20936 bytes
    [SAREV25A.DLG] loaded
    [./override/RBALDU.DLG] loaded, 2579 bytes
    [RBALDU.DLG] loaded
    [./override/HOUSG3.DLG] loaded, 1203 bytes
    [HOUSG3.DLG] loaded
    [./override/SERVA2.DLG] loaded, 1802 bytes
    [SERVA2.DLG] loaded
    [./override/LOBAR.DLG] loaded, 2652 bytes
    [LOBAR.DLG] loaded
    [./override/NOBW9.DLG] loaded, 655 bytes
    [NOBW9.DLG] loaded
    [./override/BART0133.DLG] loaded, 204 bytes
    [BART0133.DLG] loaded
    [./override/PROST3.DLG] loaded, 368 bytes
    [PROST3.DLG] loaded
    [./override/DILLAR.DLG] loaded, 991 bytes
    [DILLAR.DLG] loaded
    [./override/PROST8.DLG] loaded, 398 bytes
    [PROST8.DLG] loaded
    [./override/PROST7.DLG] loaded, 573 bytes
    [PROST7.DLG] loaded
    [./override/PROST6.DLG] loaded, 306 bytes
    [PROST6.DLG] loaded
    [./override/PROST5.DLG] loaded, 601 bytes
    [PROST5.DLG] loaded
    [./override/KESHEE.DLG] loaded, 574 bytes
    [KESHEE.DLG] loaded
    [./override/THIEFM.DLG] loaded, 556 bytes
    [THIEFM.DLG] loaded
    [./override/MERLEA.DLG] loaded, 893 bytes
    [MERLEA.DLG] loaded
    [./override/BRIELB.DLG] loaded, 6256 bytes
    [BRIELB.DLG] loaded
    [./override/FLAMBG.DLG] loaded, 2276 bytes
    [FLAMBG.DLG] loaded
    [./override/THIEFG.DLG] loaded, 587 bytes
    [THIEFG.DLG] loaded
    [./override/FATMBA.DLG] loaded, 804 bytes
    [FATMBA.DLG] loaded
    [./override/MICK.DLG] loaded, 140 bytes
    [MICK.DLG] loaded
    [./override/OGRELEAD.DLG] loaded, 135 bytes
    [OGRELEAD.DLG] loaded
    [./override/SUELLE2.DLG] loaded, 16233 bytes
    [SUELLE2.DLG] loaded
    [./override/SUJON.DLG] loaded, 4443 bytes
    [SUJON.DLG] loaded
    [./override/UDSVIR03.DLG] loaded, 19546 bytes
    [UDSVIR03.DLG] loaded
    [./override/DADROW3.DLG] loaded, 5081 bytes
    [DADROW3.DLG] loaded
    [./override/BODHIAMB.DLG] loaded, 33031 bytes
    [BODHIAMB.DLG] loaded
    [./override/MADAM.DLG] loaded, 19117 bytes
    [MADAM.DLG] loaded
    [./override/HELLJON.DLG] loaded, 280718 bytes
    [HELLJON.DLG] loaded
    [./override/NEB.DLG] loaded, 12552 bytes
    [NEB.DLG] loaded
    [./override/GORODR1.DLG] loaded, 31178 bytes
    [GORODR1.DLG] loaded
    [./override/DEGARD.DLG] loaded, 3927 bytes
    [DEGARD.DLG] loaded
    [./override/DELCIA.DLG] loaded, 35078 bytes
    [DELCIA.DLG] loaded
    [./override/INSPECT.DLG] loaded, 15922 bytes
    [INSPECT.DLG] loaded
    [./override/PIRMUR01.DLG] loaded, 4284 bytes
    [PIRMUR01.DLG] loaded
    [./override/DELTOW01.DLG] loaded, 1649 bytes
    [DELTOW01.DLG] loaded
    [./override/BPROST2.DLG] loaded, 3216 bytes
    [BPROST2.DLG] loaded
    [./override/HAEGAN.DLG] loaded, 13770 bytes
    [HAEGAN.DLG] loaded
    [./override/DHARLOT2.DLG] loaded, 4441 bytes
    [DHARLOT2.DLG] loaded
    [./override/MAEVAR.DLG] loaded, 27909 bytes
    [MAEVAR.DLG] loaded
    [./override/FFCUST04.DLG] loaded, 1477 bytes
    [FFCUST04.DLG] loaded
    [./override/DALESON.DLG] loaded, 6734 bytes
    [DALESON.DLG] loaded
    [./override/C6SAFA.DLG] loaded, 761 bytes
    [C6SAFA.DLG] loaded
    [./override/BMINSC.DLG] loaded, 98317 bytes
    [BMINSC.DLG] loaded
    [./override/CLMOM.DLG] loaded, 3587 bytes
    [CLMOM.DLG] loaded
    [./override/CLKID.DLG] loaded, 700 bytes
    [CLKID.DLG] loaded
    [./override/FIRKRA02.DLG] loaded, 51238 bytes
    [FIRKRA02.DLG] loaded
    [./override/SCDUR.DLG] loaded, 5691 bytes
    [SCDUR.DLG] loaded
    [./override/GORMAD1.DLG] loaded, 26631 bytes
    [GORMAD1.DLG] loaded
    [./override/SARBUL05.DLG] loaded, 5182 bytes
    [SARBUL05.DLG] loaded
    [./override/BSAREV25.DLG] loaded, 84991 bytes
    [BSAREV25.DLG] loaded
    [./override/UDSILVER.DLG] loaded, 49486 bytes
    [UDSILVER.DLG] loaded
    [./override/SBWENCH.DLG] loaded, 2976 bytes
    [SBWENCH.DLG] loaded
    [./override/PPSAEM.DLG] loaded, 44134 bytes
    [PPSAEM.DLG] loaded
    [./override/ROGER.DLG] loaded, 9077 bytes
    [ROGER.DLG] loaded
    [./override/DRUSH.DLG] loaded, 6904 bytes
    [DRUSH.DLG] loaded
    [./override/GORAPP1.DLG] loaded, 14694 bytes
    [GORAPP1.DLG] loaded
    [./override/TOLGER.DLG] loaded, 43707 bytes
    [TOLGER.DLG] loaded
    [./override/ARAN.DLG] loaded, 140235 bytes
    [ARAN.DLG] loaded
    [./override/BMAZZY.DLG] loaded, 82671 bytes
    [BMAZZY.DLG] loaded
    [./override/VICG1.DLG] loaded, 7782 bytes
    [VICG1.DLG] loaded
    [./override/EMBARL.DLG] loaded, 10641 bytes
    [EMBARL.DLG] loaded
    [./override/RUFFIAN.DLG] loaded, 2510 bytes
    [RUFFIAN.DLG] loaded
    [./override/DELON.DLG] loaded, 19233 bytes
    [DELON.DLG] loaded
    [./override/MARIA.DLG] loaded, 7682 bytes
    [MARIA.DLG] loaded
    [./override/GORDEMO.DLG] loaded, 21327 bytes
    [GORDEMO.DLG] loaded
    [./override/YUSUF.DLG] loaded, 3346 bytes
    [YUSUF.DLG] loaded
    [./override/MAZZY.DLG] loaded, 12413 bytes
    [MAZZY.DLG] loaded
    [./override/UHMAY01.DLG] loaded, 37932 bytes
    [UHMAY01.DLG] loaded
    [./override/UDLESA.DLG] loaded, 5233 bytes
    [UDLESA.DLG] loaded
    [./override/UDSIMYAZ.DLG] loaded, 13682 bytes
    [UDSIMYAZ.DLG] loaded
    [./override/HENDAK.DLG] loaded, 52660 bytes
    [HENDAK.DLG] loaded
    [./override/LEHTIN.DLG] loaded, 13468 bytes
    [LEHTIN.DLG] loaded
    [./override/BODHI.DLG] loaded, 110069 bytes
    [BODHI.DLG] loaded
    [./override/VALYGAR.DLG] loaded, 72284 bytes
    [VALYGAR.DLG] loaded
    [./override/HEXXAT.DLG] loaded, 29719 bytes
    [HEXXAT.DLG] loaded
    [./override/BANOMEN.DLG] loaded, 221060 bytes
    [BANOMEN.DLG] loaded
    [./override/DORN.DLG] loaded, 10419 bytes
    [DORN.DLG] loaded
    [./override/BDORN.DLG] loaded, 24337 bytes
    [BDORN.DLG] loaded
    [./override/BJAN25.DLG] loaded, 32100 bytes
    [BJAN25.DLG] loaded
    [./override/BHAERDA.DLG] loaded, 130964 bytes
    [BHAERDA.DLG] loaded
    [./override/BMINSC25.DLG] loaded, 35079 bytes
    [BMINSC25.DLG] loaded
    [./override/BNEERA25.DLG] loaded, 20496 bytes
    [BNEERA25.DLG] loaded
    [./override/BNALIA.DLG] loaded, 80409 bytes
    [BNALIA.DLG] loaded
    [./override/PLAYER1.DLG] loaded, 349138 bytes
    [PLAYER1.DLG] loaded
    [TOLGER.DLG] saved	104 states, 314 trans, 9 strig, 157 ttrig, 133 actions
    override/TOLGER.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/TOLGER.dlg, 43707 bytes
    [BART8.DLG] saved	6 states, 10 trans, 4 strig, 2 ttrig, 6 actions
    override/BART8.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/BART8.dlg, 935 bytes
    [C6CATTI1.DLG] saved	5 states, 5 trans, 0 strig, 0 ttrig, 0 actions
    override/C6CATTI1.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/C6CATTI1.dlg, 244 bytes
    [JAHEIRAJ.DLG] saved	1728 states, 6441 trans, 83 strig, 4009 ttrig, 842 actions
    override/JAHEIRAJ.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/JAHEIRAJ.dlg, 635347 bytes
    [XACORWIN.DLG] saved	32 states, 51 trans, 4 strig, 19 ttrig, 13 actions
    [XAKENT.DLG] saved	5 states, 8 trans, 2 strig, 3 ttrig, 0 actions
    [INSPECT.DLG] saved	62 states, 143 trans, 3 strig, 79 ttrig, 44 actions
    override/INSPECT.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/INSPECT.dlg, 15922 bytes
    [XAHAMZA.DLG] saved	31 states, 73 trans, 6 strig, 52 ttrig, 36 actions
    [UDSILVER.DLG] saved	109 states, 376 trans, 9 strig, 263 ttrig, 167 actions
    override/UDSILVER.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/UDSILVER.dlg, 49486 bytes
    [DADROW3.DLG] saved	30 states, 67 trans, 1 strig, 22 ttrig, 16 actions
    override/DADROW3.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/DADROW3.dlg, 5081 bytes
    [THIEFG.DLG] saved	12 states, 29 trans, 1 strig, 6 ttrig, 3 actions
    override/THIEFG.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/THIEFG.dlg, 587 bytes
    [PPGUY01.DLG] saved	13 states, 35 trans, 2 strig, 17 ttrig, 18 actions
    override/PPGUY01.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/PPGUY01.dlg, 4071 bytes
    [XAWTREX.DLG] saved	5 states, 5 trans, 4 strig, 0 ttrig, 0 actions
    [XAFISTEX.DLG] saved	5 states, 5 trans, 4 strig, 0 ttrig, 0 actions
    [XABENCE.DLG] saved	11 states, 14 trans, 4 strig, 2 ttrig, 7 actions
    [LEHTIN.DLG] saved	32 states, 115 trans, 4 strig, 67 ttrig, 48 actions
    override/LEHTIN.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/LEHTIN.dlg, 13468 bytes
    [UDLESA.DLG] saved	15 states, 33 trans, 3 strig, 18 ttrig, 27 actions
    override/UDLESA.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/UDLESA.dlg, 5233 bytes
    [PPSAEM.DLG] saved	109 states, 282 trans, 10 strig, 161 ttrig, 149 actions
    override/PPSAEM.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/PPSAEM.dlg, 44134 bytes
    [XAMERLEA.DLG] saved	7 states, 7 trans, 7 strig, 0 ttrig, 0 actions
    [MAZZYJ.DLG] saved	735 states, 4049 trans, 46 strig, 3001 ttrig, 294 actions
    override/MAZZYJ.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/MAZZYJ.dlg, 420426 bytes
    [XAADBG.DLG] saved	25 states, 798 trans, 1 strig, 64 ttrig, 695 actions
    [XAVIRGIL.DLG] saved	39 states, 52 trans, 4 strig, 13 ttrig, 8 actions
    [XACOMM.DLG] saved	1 states, 1 trans, 0 strig, 0 ttrig, 0 actions
    [CONNOL.DLG] saved	5 states, 10 trans, 1 strig, 5 ttrig, 3 actions
    override/CONNOL.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/CONNOL.dlg, 402 bytes
    [XATHRIX.DLG] saved	7 states, 11 trans, 1 strig, 0 ttrig, 6 actions
    [XAGORION.DLG] saved	31 states, 51 trans, 1 strig, 16 ttrig, 17 actions
    [IMNBOOK1.DLG] saved	22 states, 52 trans, 2 strig, 22 ttrig, 3 actions
    override/IMNBOOK1.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/IMNBOOK1.dlg, 8295 bytes
    [MAZZY.DLG] saved	66 states, 135 trans, 7 strig, 53 ttrig, 51 actions
    override/MAZZY.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/MAZZY.dlg, 12413 bytes
    [HOUSG3.DLG] saved	14 states, 20 trans, 7 strig, 4 ttrig, 4 actions
    override/HOUSG3.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/HOUSG3.dlg, 1203 bytes
    [OGHMONK1.DLG] saved	56 states, 96 trans, 27 strig, 8 ttrig, 17 actions
    override/OGHMONK1.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/OGHMONK1.dlg, 8748 bytes
    [XAWVGRD2.DLG] saved	5 states, 5 trans, 5 strig, 0 ttrig, 0 actions
    [XAHEAD1.DLG] saved	6 states, 6 trans, 1 strig, 0 ttrig, 1 actions
    [XAAVBOSS.DLG] saved	12 states, 15 trans, 3 strig, 2 ttrig, 5 actions
    [KELDORJ.DLG] saved	769 states, 4392 trans, 35 strig, 3307 ttrig, 394 actions
    override/KELDORJ.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/KELDORJ.dlg, 466892 bytes
    [PIRMUR01.DLG] saved	9 states, 32 trans, 1 strig, 24 ttrig, 8 actions
    override/PIRMUR01.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/PIRMUR01.dlg, 4284 bytes
    [XABDBENC.DLG] saved	10 states, 11 trans, 0 strig, 0 ttrig, 4 actions
    [MERLEA.DLG] saved	15 states, 19 trans, 11 strig, 1 ttrig, 1 actions
    override/MERLEA.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/MERLEA.dlg, 893 bytes
    [XACURATO.DLG] saved	21 states, 31 trans, 5 strig, 7 ttrig, 7 actions
    [MARIA.DLG] saved	35 states, 60 trans, 12 strig, 26 ttrig, 20 actions
    override/MARIA.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/MARIA.dlg, 7682 bytes
    [AMBAR01.DLG] saved	48 states, 109 trans, 3 strig, 38 ttrig, 25 actions
    override/AMBAR01.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/AMBAR01.dlg, 8358 bytes
    [HGWRA01.DLG] saved	147 states, 353 trans, 7 strig, 162 ttrig, 128 actions
    override/HGWRA01.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/HGWRA01.dlg, 34527 bytes
    [XAALDETH.DLG] saved	22 states, 31 trans, 4 strig, 5 ttrig, 4 actions
    [BDCAELAR.DLG] saved	96 states, 172 trans, 12 strig, 46 ttrig, 59 actions
    override/BDCAELAR.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/BDCAELAR.dlg, 14286 bytes
    [GORAPP1.DLG] saved	18 states, 103 trans, 1 strig, 69 ttrig, 62 actions
    override/GORAPP1.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/GORAPP1.dlg, 14694 bytes
    [C6WULF1.DLG] saved	7 states, 7 trans, 0 strig, 0 ttrig, 0 actions
    override/C6WULF1.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/C6WULF1.dlg, 292 bytes
    [XAMERCHG.DLG] saved	4 states, 4 trans, 4 strig, 0 ttrig, 0 actions
    [XAFFEXEC.DLG] saved	2 states, 2 trans, 0 strig, 0 ttrig, 0 actions
    [KERRAC.DLG] saved	7 states, 13 trans, 1 strig, 2 ttrig, 6 actions
    override/KERRAC.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/KERRAC.dlg, 1019 bytes
    [XANEOMA.DLG] saved	5 states, 8 trans, 0 strig, 3 ttrig, 0 actions
    [DEGARD.DLG] saved	13 states, 33 trans, 3 strig, 25 ttrig, 16 actions
    override/DEGARD.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/DEGARD.dlg, 3927 bytes
    [SARPRO01.DLG] saved	18 states, 54 trans, 6 strig, 28 ttrig, 14 actions
    override/SARPRO01.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/SARPRO01.dlg, 5811 bytes
    [FFCUST04.DLG] saved	10 states, 11 trans, 10 strig, 2 ttrig, 7 actions
    override/FFCUST04.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/FFCUST04.dlg, 1477 bytes
    [UDSVIR03.DLG] saved	123 states, 237 trans, 6 strig, 71 ttrig, 50 actions
    override/UDSVIR03.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/UDSVIR03.dlg, 19546 bytes
    [XALODOB.DLG] saved	3 states, 6 trans, 1 strig, 1 ttrig, 6 actions
    [SUDEMIN.DLG] saved	94 states, 248 trans, 7 strig, 122 ttrig, 81 actions
    override/SUDEMIN.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/SUDEMIN.dlg, 26438 bytes
    [VAI.DLG] saved	32 states, 83 trans, 6 strig, 31 ttrig, 53 actions
    override/VAI.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/VAI.dlg, 8956 bytes
    [XALARZE.DLG] saved	9 states, 15 trans, 1 strig, 1 ttrig, 5 actions
    [XACORWIP.DLG] saved	56 states, 92 trans, 18 strig, 31 ttrig, 38 actions
    [XATOBNED.DLG] saved	5 states, 5 trans, 1 strig, 0 ttrig, 2 actions
    [DILLAR.DLG] saved	12 states, 18 trans, 4 strig, 4 ttrig, 2 actions
    override/DILLAR.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/DILLAR.dlg, 991 bytes
    [XAROHMA.DLG] saved	71 states, 87 trans, 10 strig, 21 ttrig, 17 actions
    [SBWENCH.DLG] saved	14 states, 23 trans, 9 strig, 10 ttrig, 13 actions
    override/SBWENCH.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/SBWENCH.dlg, 2976 bytes
    [XAAUDAM.DLG] saved	23 states, 23 trans, 6 strig, 0 ttrig, 3 actions
    [XAFORTHE.DLG] saved	14 states, 22 trans, 1 strig, 2 ttrig, 2 actions
    [XALATH02.DLG] saved	4 states, 7 trans, 0 strig, 3 ttrig, 0 actions
    [XAFFOFCR.DLG] saved	13 states, 23 trans, 4 strig, 0 ttrig, 9 actions
    [FLAMBG.DLG] saved	17 states, 24 trans, 7 strig, 6 ttrig, 6 actions
    override/FLAMBG.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/FLAMBG.dlg, 2276 bytes
    [SHOP06_.DLG] saved	5 states, 9 trans, 1 strig, 3 ttrig, 3 actions
    override/SHOP06_.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/SHOP06_.dlg, 204 bytes
    [IMOEN2.DLG] saved	125 states, 681 trans, 2 strig, 495 ttrig, 39 actions
    override/IMOEN2.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/IMOEN2.dlg, 62385 bytes
    [DORNJ.DLG] saved	1214 states, 4177 trans, 73 strig, 2370 ttrig, 521 actions
    override/DORNJ.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/DORNJ.dlg, 414131 bytes
    [XABENO2.DLG] saved	18 states, 27 trans, 1 strig, 9 ttrig, 9 actions
    [BMINSC.DLG] saved	985 states, 1264 trans, 92 strig, 268 ttrig, 112 actions
    override/BMINSC.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/BMINSC.dlg, 98317 bytes
    [C6SAFA.DLG] saved	5 states, 9 trans, 0 strig, 5 ttrig, 3 actions
    override/C6SAFA.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/C6SAFA.dlg, 761 bytes
    [IDJINNI.DLG] saved	21 states, 36 trans, 4 strig, 0 ttrig, 6 actions
    override/IDJINNI.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/IDJINNI.dlg, 2214 bytes
    [KESHEE.DLG] saved	12 states, 18 trans, 1 strig, 5 ttrig, 6 actions
    override/KESHEE.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/KESHEE.dlg, 574 bytes
    [FINSOL01.DLG] saved	80 states, 495 trans, 2 strig, 421 ttrig, 244 actions
    override/FINSOL01.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/FINSOL01.dlg, 75681 bytes
    [THIEFM.DLG] saved	8 states, 8 trans, 8 strig, 0 ttrig, 0 actions
    override/THIEFM.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/THIEFM.dlg, 556 bytes
    [SARPROVF.DLG] saved	10 states, 32 trans, 5 strig, 23 ttrig, 16 actions
    override/SARPROVF.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/SARPROVF.dlg, 4767 bytes
    [XAROHMA4.DLG] saved	4 states, 4 trans, 1 strig, 0 ttrig, 1 actions
    [GORDEMO.DLG] saved	36 states, 158 trans, 8 strig, 87 ttrig, 95 actions
    override/GORDEMO.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/GORDEMO.dlg, 21327 bytes
    [CERNDJ.DLG] saved	713 states, 3473 trans, 30 strig, 2350 ttrig, 294 actions
    override/CERNDJ.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/CERNDJ.dlg, 340437 bytes
    [XANOBLW.DLG] saved	17 states, 26 trans, 13 strig, 11 ttrig, 8 actions
    [HEXXAT.DLG] saved	176 states, 438 trans, 6 strig, 76 ttrig, 115 actions
    override/HEXXAT.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/HEXXAT.dlg, 29719 bytes
    [XADIVINE.DLG] saved	23 states, 46 trans, 4 strig, 20 ttrig, 10 actions
    [GORMAD1.DLG] saved	55 states, 203 trans, 5 strig, 101 ttrig, 87 actions
    override/GORMAD1.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/GORMAD1.dlg, 26631 bytes
    [XATMARSD.DLG] saved	10 states, 17 trans, 6 strig, 7 ttrig, 2 actions
    [XACAELAP.DLG] saved	6 states, 10 trans, 3 strig, 0 ttrig, 4 actions
    [DOGHMA.DLG] saved	59 states, 188 trans, 2 strig, 117 ttrig, 35 actions
    override/DOGHMA.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/DOGHMA.dlg, 23604 bytes
    [BDASHATI.DLG] saved	8 states, 16 trans, 2 strig, 3 ttrig, 4 actions
    override/BDASHATI.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/BDASHATI.dlg, 1264 bytes
    [XAALATOS.DLG] saved	33 states, 50 trans, 6 strig, 21 ttrig, 19 actions
    [XAHARBOR.DLG] saved	26 states, 30 trans, 7 strig, 8 ttrig, 11 actions
    [CLKID.DLG] saved	8 states, 12 trans, 4 strig, 4 ttrig, 2 actions
    override/CLKID.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/CLKID.dlg, 700 bytes
    [XALATH01.DLG] saved	36 states, 71 trans, 3 strig, 38 ttrig, 15 actions
    [XABRIELB.DLG] saved	17 states, 26 trans, 1 strig, 5 ttrig, 7 actions
    [XATOWNM.DLG] saved	15 states, 15 trans, 10 strig, 0 ttrig, 4 actions
    [AERIEJ.DLG] saved	1415 states, 6409 trans, 77 strig, 4443 ttrig, 818 actions
    override/AERIEJ.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/AERIEJ.dlg, 673966 bytes
    [CALAHA.DLG] saved	26 states, 82 trans, 2 strig, 35 ttrig, 10 actions
    override/CALAHA.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/CALAHA.dlg, 5213 bytes
    [RASAADJ.DLG] saved	939 states, 3711 trans, 43 strig, 2178 ttrig, 398 actions
    override/RASAADJ.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/RASAADJ.dlg, 337837 bytes
    [DORN.DLG] saved	44 states, 122 trans, 1 strig, 48 ttrig, 32 actions
    override/DORN.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/DORN.dlg, 10419 bytes
    [PROST8.DLG] saved	6 states, 6 trans, 4 strig, 0 ttrig, 0 actions
    override/PROST8.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/PROST8.dlg, 398 bytes
    [XAHALBAZ.DLG] saved	30 states, 54 trans, 3 strig, 21 ttrig, 21 actions
    [SERVA2.DLG] saved	20 states, 32 trans, 9 strig, 9 ttrig, 3 actions
    override/SERVA2.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/SERVA2.dlg, 1802 bytes
    [XABRILLA.DLG] saved	20 states, 31 trans, 3 strig, 14 ttrig, 8 actions
    [FIRKRA02.DLG] saved	67 states, 309 trans, 3 strig, 220 ttrig, 177 actions
    override/FIRKRA02.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/FIRKRA02.dlg, 51238 bytes
    [XALANTAN.DLG] saved	4 states, 5 trans, 1 strig, 0 ttrig, 2 actions
    [EMBARL.DLG] saved	14 states, 70 trans, 1 strig, 55 ttrig, 52 actions
    override/EMBARL.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/EMBARL.dlg, 10641 bytes
    [XABELT.DLG] saved	18 states, 19 trans, 1 strig, 1 ttrig, 3 actions
    [DHARLOT2.DLG] saved	15 states, 52 trans, 2 strig, 31 ttrig, 8 actions
    override/DHARLOT2.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/DHARLOT2.dlg, 4441 bytes
    [FATESP.DLG] saved	13 states, 297 trans, 2 strig, 280 ttrig, 286 actions
    override/FATESP.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/FATESP.dlg, 57577 bytes
    [XAVAI.DLG] saved	0 states, 0 trans, 0 strig, 0 ttrig, 0 actions
    [PPIRENI2.DLG] saved	95 states, 195 trans, 8 strig, 63 ttrig, 57 actions
    override/PPIRENI2.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/PPIRENI2.dlg, 18213 bytes
    [BMAZZY.DLG] saved	922 states, 1139 trans, 64 strig, 195 ttrig, 134 actions
    override/BMAZZY.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/BMAZZY.dlg, 82671 bytes
    [CLMOM.DLG] saved	30 states, 55 trans, 8 strig, 22 ttrig, 15 actions
    override/CLMOM.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/CLMOM.dlg, 3587 bytes
    [SUELLE2.DLG] saved	107 states, 216 trans, 2 strig, 90 ttrig, 39 actions
    override/SUELLE2.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/SUELLE2.dlg, 16233 bytes
    [XA800M.DLG] saved	4 states, 4 trans, 2 strig, 0 ttrig, 4 actions
    [AMTGEN01.DLG] saved	14 states, 57 trans, 1 strig, 35 ttrig, 23 actions
    override/AMTGEN01.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/AMTGEN01.dlg, 6361 bytes
    [XANEDERL.DLG] saved	98 states, 149 trans, 9 strig, 59 ttrig, 37 actions
    [XAKERRAC.DLG] saved	11 states, 15 trans, 2 strig, 4 ttrig, 2 actions
    [IMOENJ.DLG] saved	159 states, 270 trans, 16 strig, 39 ttrig, 47 actions
    override/IMOENJ.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/IMOENJ.dlg, 17610 bytes
    [DALESON.DLG] saved	48 states, 94 trans, 8 strig, 23 ttrig, 22 actions
    override/DALESON.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/DALESON.dlg, 6734 bytes
    [FORTHE.DLG] saved	17 states, 58 trans, 1 strig, 23 ttrig, 12 actions
    override/FORTHE.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/FORTHE.dlg, 5397 bytes
    [C6ELHAN2.DLG] saved	240 states, 715 trans, 9 strig, 404 ttrig, 219 actions
    override/C6ELHAN2.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/C6ELHAN2.dlg, 79192 bytes
    [BJAN25.DLG] saved	386 states, 419 trans, 47 strig, 33 ttrig, 49 actions
    override/BJAN25.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/BJAN25.dlg, 32100 bytes
    [NOBW9.DLG] saved	11 states, 15 trans, 3 strig, 2 ttrig, 0 actions
    override/NOBW9.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/NOBW9.dlg, 655 bytes
    [UHMAY01.DLG] saved	154 states, 317 trans, 31 strig, 153 ttrig, 93 actions
    override/UHMAY01.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/UHMAY01.dlg, 37932 bytes
    [BOTSMITH.DLG] saved	290 states, 1914 trans, 27 strig, 1708 ttrig, 320 actions
    override/BOTSMITH.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/BOTSMITH.dlg, 183311 bytes
    [XALYRIEL.DLG] saved	44 states, 71 trans, 6 strig, 17 ttrig, 28 actions
    [XAJHASSO.DLG] saved	33 states, 49 trans, 5 strig, 15 ttrig, 8 actions
    [SCDUR.DLG] saved	46 states, 75 trans, 7 strig, 17 ttrig, 20 actions
    override/SCDUR.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/SCDUR.dlg, 5691 bytes
    [ANOMENJ.DLG] saved	1368 states, 5784 trans, 80 strig, 3824 ttrig, 913 actions
    override/ANOMENJ.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/ANOMENJ.dlg, 556666 bytes
    [BODHIAMB.DLG] saved	159 states, 242 trans, 9 strig, 111 ttrig, 57 actions
    override/BODHIAMB.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/BODHIAMB.dlg, 33031 bytes
    [IMOEN2J.DLG] saved	3157 states, 8761 trans, 121 strig, 4010 ttrig, 619 actions
    override/IMOEN2J.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/IMOEN2J.dlg, 714706 bytes
    [XAWVGRD1.DLG] saved	14 states, 18 trans, 7 strig, 3 ttrig, 6 actions
    [XALIIA.DLG] saved	25 states, 27 trans, 1 strig, 2 ttrig, 0 actions
    [BRIELB.DLG] saved	36 states, 59 trans, 8 strig, 18 ttrig, 26 actions
    override/BRIELB.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/BRIELB.dlg, 6256 bytes
    [BDORN.DLG] saved	318 states, 351 trans, 31 strig, 22 ttrig, 44 actions
    override/BDORN.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/BDORN.dlg, 24337 bytes
    [ALDETH.DLG] saved	64 states, 127 trans, 14 strig, 45 ttrig, 48 actions
    override/ALDETH.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/ALDETH.dlg, 14788 bytes
    [SALVANAS.DLG] saved	216 states, 238 trans, 51 strig, 14 ttrig, 42 actions
    override/SALVANAS.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/SALVANAS.dlg, 19283 bytes
    [XAWVMER.DLG] saved	8 states, 8 trans, 6 strig, 0 ttrig, 1 actions
    [SUJON.DLG] saved	19 states, 39 trans, 3 strig, 21 ttrig, 23 actions
    override/SUJON.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/SUJON.dlg, 4443 bytes
    [JARLAXLE.DLG] saved	78 states, 148 trans, 5 strig, 44 ttrig, 32 actions
    override/JARLAXLE.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/JARLAXLE.dlg, 12039 bytes
    [KORGANJ.DLG] saved	1060 states, 5943 trans, 49 strig, 4305 ttrig, 485 actions
    override/KORGANJ.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/KORGANJ.dlg, 753509 bytes
    [XAGAMES2.DLG] saved	6 states, 6 trans, 6 strig, 0 ttrig, 0 actions
    [BNEERA25.DLG] saved	254 states, 294 trans, 20 strig, 35 ttrig, 23 actions
    override/BNEERA25.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/BNEERA25.dlg, 20496 bytes
    [XAGIRL.DLG] saved	4 states, 5 trans, 1 strig, 0 ttrig, 2 actions
    [VALYGAR.DLG] saved	74 states, 440 trans, 2 strig, 334 ttrig, 293 actions
    override/VALYGAR.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/VALYGAR.dlg, 72284 bytes
    [SARBUL05.DLG] saved	7 states, 35 trans, 1 strig, 22 ttrig, 26 actions
    override/SARBUL05.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/SARBUL05.dlg, 5182 bytes
    [MINSCJ.DLG] saved	1260 states, 6589 trans, 56 strig, 4687 ttrig, 922 actions
    override/MINSCJ.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/MINSCJ.dlg, 733424 bytes
    [BAERIE.DLG] saved	1540 states, 2161 trans, 122 strig, 478 ttrig, 258 actions
    override/BAERIE.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/BAERIE.dlg, 170263 bytes
    [XACAELAJ.DLG] saved	9 states, 164 trans, 2 strig, 156 ttrig, 111 actions
    [XAKANA1.DLG] saved	8 states, 12 trans, 3 strig, 0 ttrig, 7 actions
    [XALATH03.DLG] saved	4 states, 7 trans, 0 strig, 3 ttrig, 0 actions
    [BOY3.DLG] saved	2 states, 3 trans, 1 strig, 1 ttrig, 3 actions
    override/BOY3.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/BOY3.dlg, 415 bytes
    [BODHI.DLG] saved	210 states, 736 trans, 22 strig, 428 ttrig, 322 actions
    override/BODHI.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/BODHI.dlg, 110069 bytes
    [LUCKY.DLG] saved	9 states, 25 trans, 1 strig, 11 ttrig, 14 actions
    override/LUCKY.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/LUCKY.dlg, 2236 bytes
    [HENDAK.DLG] saved	123 states, 420 trans, 17 strig, 273 ttrig, 192 actions
    override/HENDAK.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/HENDAK.dlg, 52660 bytes
    [JANJ.DLG] saved	552 states, 3374 trans, 13 strig, 2717 ttrig, 426 actions
    override/JANJ.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/JANJ.dlg, 367724 bytes
    [XAORPH02.DLG] saved	2 states, 4 trans, 0 strig, 0 ttrig, 1 actions
    [XAORPH05.DLG] saved	1 states, 1 trans, 0 strig, 0 ttrig, 0 actions
    [DELON.DLG] saved	53 states, 188 trans, 7 strig, 89 ttrig, 81 actions
    override/DELON.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/DELON.dlg, 19233 bytes
    [SARVOLO.DLG] saved	226 states, 453 trans, 3 strig, 260 ttrig, 14 actions
    override/SARVOLO.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/SARVOLO.dlg, 35609 bytes
    [NEB.DLG] saved	23 states, 95 trans, 2 strig, 75 ttrig, 57 actions
    override/NEB.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/NEB.dlg, 12552 bytes
    [XAORPH01.DLG] saved	4 states, 5 trans, 0 strig, 1 ttrig, 0 actions
    [XAORPH04.DLG] saved	1 states, 1 trans, 0 strig, 0 ttrig, 0 actions
    [XAFERGUS.DLG] saved	10 states, 11 trans, 7 strig, 0 ttrig, 1 actions
    [XAASHASP.DLG] saved	36 states, 60 trans, 8 strig, 7 ttrig, 18 actions
    [XACAELAR.DLG] saved	4 states, 6 trans, 2 strig, 0 ttrig, 2 actions
    [NALIAJ.DLG] saved	1990 states, 6509 trans, 76 strig, 3730 ttrig, 825 actions
    override/NALIAJ.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/NALIAJ.dlg, 667334 bytes
    [GORODR1.DLG] saved	72 states, 255 trans, 10 strig, 153 ttrig, 111 actions
    override/GORODR1.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/GORODR1.dlg, 31178 bytes
    [FLAMGG.DLG] saved	8 states, 13 trans, 5 strig, 0 ttrig, 9 actions
    override/FLAMGG.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/FLAMGG.dlg, 717 bytes
    [MADAM.DLG] saved	44 states, 102 trans, 31 strig, 65 ttrig, 26 actions
    override/MADAM.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/MADAM.dlg, 19117 bytes
    [XABDSCH2.DLG] saved	113 states, 206 trans, 6 strig, 23 ttrig, 28 actions
    [XA800W.DLG] saved	4 states, 4 trans, 2 strig, 0 ttrig, 4 actions
    [XAILLASE.DLG] saved	16 states, 22 trans, 1 strig, 6 ttrig, 4 actions
    [XAELF01.DLG] saved	9 states, 13 trans, 1 strig, 4 ttrig, 4 actions
    [XACC4.DLG] saved	21 states, 31 trans, 2 strig, 8 ttrig, 11 actions
    [BDIMOEN.DLG] saved	208 states, 569 trans, 23 strig, 305 ttrig, 182 actions
    override/BDIMOEN.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/BDIMOEN.dlg, 64011 bytes
    [XAGLINT.DLG] saved	21 states, 25 trans, 4 strig, 4 ttrig, 5 actions
    [XACHIMP5.DLG] saved	6 states, 6 trans, 6 strig, 0 ttrig, 0 actions
    [RUFFIAN.DLG] saved	20 states, 47 trans, 5 strig, 3 ttrig, 5 actions
    override/RUFFIAN.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/RUFFIAN.dlg, 2510 bytes
    [XASKIE.DLG] saved	51 states, 60 trans, 9 strig, 3 ttrig, 5 actions
    [NEERAJ.DLG] saved	710 states, 3640 trans, 56 strig, 2616 ttrig, 581 actions
    override/NEERAJ.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/NEERAJ.dlg, 401104 bytes
    [XACHICK.DLG] saved	4 states, 5 trans, 3 strig, 0 ttrig, 1 actions
    [XANEB.DLG] saved	7 states, 12 trans, 1 strig, 4 ttrig, 8 actions
    [HABREGA.DLG] saved	235 states, 470 trans, 21 strig, 178 ttrig, 134 actions
    override/HABREGA.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/HABREGA.dlg, 36001 bytes
    [XAJASPER.DLG] saved	20 states, 31 trans, 4 strig, 17 ttrig, 12 actions
    [ROGER.DLG] saved	42 states, 104 trans, 4 strig, 43 ttrig, 23 actions
    override/ROGER.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/ROGER.dlg, 9077 bytes
    [OGRELEAD.DLG] saved	2 states, 2 trans, 2 strig, 0 ttrig, 2 actions
    override/OGRELEAD.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/OGRELEAD.dlg, 135 bytes
    [C6DRIZZ1.DLG] saved	167 states, 1062 trans, 4 strig, 950 ttrig, 896 actions
    override/C6DRIZZ1.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/C6DRIZZ1.dlg, 229624 bytes
    [BART0133.DLG] saved	2 states, 4 trans, 2 strig, 0 ttrig, 2 actions
    override/BART0133.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/BART0133.dlg, 204 bytes
    [BDBELT.DLG] saved	69 states, 129 trans, 10 strig, 37 ttrig, 43 actions
    override/BDBELT.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/BDBELT.dlg, 15346 bytes
    [MCOOK4.DLG] saved	3 states, 3 trans, 2 strig, 0 ttrig, 0 actions
    override/MCOOK4.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/MCOOK4.dlg, 258 bytes
    [KENT.DLG] saved	13 states, 33 trans, 3 strig, 15 ttrig, 9 actions
    override/KENT.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/KENT.dlg, 2073 bytes
    [XASAREVO.DLG] saved	4 states, 6 trans, 1 strig, 0 ttrig, 2 actions
    [XAAUN.DLG] saved	16 states, 19 trans, 2 strig, 1 ttrig, 3 actions
    [PLAYER1.DLG] saved	730 states, 2791 trans, 153 strig, 1759 ttrig, 1054 actions
    override/PLAYER1.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/PLAYER1.dlg, 349138 bytes
    [XAMERCH.DLG] saved	6 states, 6 trans, 6 strig, 0 ttrig, 0 actions
    [PROST7.DLG] saved	9 states, 9 trans, 5 strig, 0 ttrig, 0 actions
    override/PROST7.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/PROST7.dlg, 573 bytes
    [HEXXATJ.DLG] saved	828 states, 3298 trans, 65 strig, 1933 ttrig, 344 actions
    override/HEXXATJ.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/HEXXATJ.dlg, 321352 bytes
    [HAERDAJ.DLG] saved	875 states, 4057 trans, 37 strig, 2742 ttrig, 179 actions
    override/HAERDAJ.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/HAERDAJ.dlg, 423165 bytes
    [BANOMEN.DLG] saved	1669 states, 2623 trans, 138 strig, 612 ttrig, 307 actions
    override/BANOMEN.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/BANOMEN.dlg, 221060 bytes
    [MICK.DLG] saved	2 states, 2 trans, 2 strig, 0 ttrig, 2 actions
    override/MICK.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/MICK.dlg, 140 bytes
    [DELTOW01.DLG] saved	14 states, 15 trans, 13 strig, 1 ttrig, 8 actions
    override/DELTOW01.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/DELTOW01.dlg, 1649 bytes
    [DRUSH.DLG] saved	21 states, 60 trans, 4 strig, 30 ttrig, 35 actions
    override/DRUSH.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/DRUSH.dlg, 6904 bytes
    [XABENO.DLG] saved	4 states, 5 trans, 0 strig, 2 ttrig, 0 actions
    [VICONIJ.DLG] saved	1498 states, 4734 trans, 80 strig, 2818 ttrig, 755 actions
    override/VICONIJ.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/VICONIJ.dlg, 437237 bytes
    [XAWVBART.DLG] saved	52 states, 68 trans, 7 strig, 21 ttrig, 21 actions
    [XATOWNF.DLG] saved	14 states, 14 trans, 10 strig, 0 ttrig, 4 actions
    [C6BRUEN1.DLG] saved	14 states, 24 trans, 0 strig, 7 ttrig, 2 actions
    override/C6BRUEN1.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/C6BRUEN1.dlg, 1547 bytes
    [XACORWIJ.DLG] saved	1196 states, 3692 trans, 100 strig, 2414 ttrig, 1527 actions
    [XABENCE2.DLG] saved	5 states, 6 trans, 1 strig, 1 ttrig, 3 actions
    [SARMEL01.DLG] saved	97 states, 231 trans, 6 strig, 64 ttrig, 68 actions
    override/SARMEL01.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/SARMEL01.dlg, 20809 bytes
    [XAENTAR.DLG] saved	11 states, 11 trans, 0 strig, 0 ttrig, 0 actions
    [GIRL1.DLG] saved	2 states, 5 trans, 1 strig, 2 ttrig, 3 actions
    override/GIRL1.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/GIRL1.dlg, 612 bytes
    [LOBAR.DLG] saved	22 states, 39 trans, 6 strig, 16 ttrig, 11 actions
    override/LOBAR.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/LOBAR.dlg, 2652 bytes
    [BDSCHAEL.DLG] saved	329 states, 813 trans, 46 strig, 345 ttrig, 139 actions
    override/BDSCHAEL.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/BDSCHAEL.dlg, 69009 bytes
    [VICG1.DLG] saved	16 states, 52 trans, 3 strig, 37 ttrig, 33 actions
    override/VICG1.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/VICG1.dlg, 7782 bytes
    [PPIRENI1.DLG] saved	51 states, 104 trans, 8 strig, 37 ttrig, 34 actions
    override/PPIRENI1.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/PPIRENI1.dlg, 10816 bytes
    [YUSUF.DLG] saved	16 states, 29 trans, 3 strig, 14 ttrig, 10 actions
    override/YUSUF.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/YUSUF.dlg, 3346 bytes
    [SAREV25J.DLG] saved	429 states, 3020 trans, 18 strig, 2340 ttrig, 92 actions
    override/SAREV25J.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/SAREV25J.dlg, 246643 bytes
    [XACORWIB.DLG] saved	645 states, 1452 trans, 77 strig, 811 ttrig, 501 actions
    [XACOOK.DLG] saved	8 states, 15 trans, 4 strig, 6 ttrig, 4 actions
    [ARAN.DLG] saved	615 states, 1383 trans, 61 strig, 546 ttrig, 469 actions
    override/ARAN.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/ARAN.dlg, 140235 bytes
    [PROST6.DLG] saved	5 states, 5 trans, 3 strig, 0 ttrig, 0 actions
    override/PROST6.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/PROST6.dlg, 306 bytes
    [VALYGARJ.DLG] saved	854 states, 3897 trans, 44 strig, 2522 ttrig, 355 actions
    override/VALYGARJ.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/VALYGARJ.dlg, 354764 bytes
    [XAINCUB.DLG] saved	40 states, 117 trans, 6 strig, 81 ttrig, 50 actions
    [XAMELKOR.DLG] saved	37 states, 64 trans, 8 strig, 27 ttrig, 23 actions
    [SUTHIE.DLG] saved	11 states, 20 trans, 5 strig, 0 ttrig, 2 actions
    override/SUTHIE.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/SUTHIE.dlg, 1063 bytes
    [PROST5.DLG] saved	7 states, 7 trans, 5 strig, 0 ttrig, 0 actions
    override/PROST5.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/PROST5.dlg, 601 bytes
    [BSAREV25.DLG] saved	697 states, 1112 trans, 62 strig, 228 ttrig, 162 actions
    override/BSAREV25.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/BSAREV25.dlg, 84991 bytes
    [XACAELA2.DLG] saved	33 states, 50 trans, 4 strig, 3 ttrig, 20 actions
    [RBALDU.DLG] saved	24 states, 28 trans, 24 strig, 8 ttrig, 0 actions
    override/RBALDU.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/RBALDU.dlg, 2579 bytes
    [YOSHJ.DLG] saved	603 states, 3362 trans, 25 strig, 2436 ttrig, 246 actions
    override/YOSHJ.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/YOSHJ.dlg, 363457 bytes
    [XACAELAB.DLG] saved	71 states, 85 trans, 7 strig, 6 ttrig, 14 actions
    [XAORPH03.DLG] saved	1 states, 1 trans, 0 strig, 0 ttrig, 0 actions
    [UDPHAE01.DLG] saved	238 states, 488 trans, 50 strig, 181 ttrig, 151 actions
    override/UDPHAE01.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/UDPHAE01.dlg, 61383 bytes
    [XAORPH06.DLG] saved	1 states, 1 trans, 0 strig, 0 ttrig, 0 actions
    [C6BODHI.DLG] saved	163 states, 521 trans, 4 strig, 329 ttrig, 100 actions
    override/C6BODHI.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/C6BODHI.dlg, 52078 bytes
    [SHOP08_.DLG] saved	5 states, 9 trans, 1 strig, 3 ttrig, 3 actions
    override/SHOP08_.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/SHOP08_.dlg, 204 bytes
    [XAELTAN.DLG] saved	23 states, 28 trans, 3 strig, 2 ttrig, 1 actions
    [C6REGIS1.DLG] saved	6 states, 18 trans, 0 strig, 13 ttrig, 7 actions
    override/C6REGIS1.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/C6REGIS1.dlg, 2463 bytes
    [PROST3.DLG] saved	6 states, 6 trans, 5 strig, 0 ttrig, 0 actions
    override/PROST3.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/PROST3.dlg, 368 bytes
    [BDCORWIJ.DLG] saved	567 states, 1274 trans, 53 strig, 465 ttrig, 251 actions
    override/BDCORWIJ.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/BDCORWIJ.dlg, 92176 bytes
    [EDWINJ.DLG] saved	941 states, 4989 trans, 59 strig, 3331 ttrig, 509 actions
    override/EDWINJ.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/EDWINJ.dlg, 510390 bytes
    [XABREVLK.DLG] saved	18 states, 25 trans, 5 strig, 5 ttrig, 7 actions
    [BNALIA.DLG] saved	967 states, 1191 trans, 62 strig, 220 ttrig, 84 actions
    override/BNALIA.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/BNALIA.dlg, 80409 bytes
    [SAREV25A.DLG] saved	81 states, 210 trans, 9 strig, 102 ttrig, 66 actions
    override/SAREV25A.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/SAREV25A.dlg, 20936 bytes
    [XABENOSP.DLG] saved	10 states, 13 trans, 1 strig, 3 ttrig, 2 actions
    [XACOMW.DLG] saved	1 states, 1 trans, 0 strig, 0 ttrig, 0 actions
    [XACC3.DLG] saved	9 states, 13 trans, 2 strig, 4 ttrig, 2 actions
    [MAEVAR.DLG] saved	75 states, 215 trans, 15 strig, 121 ttrig, 125 actions
    override/MAEVAR.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/MAEVAR.dlg, 27909 bytes
    [XAALYTH.DLG] saved	23 states, 37 trans, 5 strig, 8 ttrig, 8 actions
    [BHAERDA.DLG] saved	1012 states, 1307 trans, 105 strig, 283 ttrig, 138 actions
    override/BHAERDA.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/BHAERDA.dlg, 130964 bytes
    [WARSAGE.DLG] saved	13 states, 55 trans, 1 strig, 42 ttrig, 0 actions
    override/WARSAGE.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/WARSAGE.dlg, 4468 bytes
    [XAGOLSTO.DLG] saved	1 states, 1 trans, 0 strig, 0 ttrig, 0 actions
    [XANOBLM.DLG] saved	16 states, 25 trans, 12 strig, 11 ttrig, 8 actions
    [UDSIMYAZ.DLG] saved	60 states, 129 trans, 9 strig, 62 ttrig, 56 actions
    override/UDSIMYAZ.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/UDSIMYAZ.dlg, 13682 bytes
    [HAEGAN.DLG] saved	23 states, 112 trans, 4 strig, 88 ttrig, 82 actions
    override/HAEGAN.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/HAEGAN.dlg, 13770 bytes
    [XABELAND.DLG] saved	20 states, 36 trans, 2 strig, 14 ttrig, 13 actions
    [FATMBA.DLG] saved	6 states, 8 trans, 6 strig, 2 ttrig, 2 actions
    override/FATMBA.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/FATMBA.dlg, 804 bytes
    [XAFFVALI.DLG] saved	12 states, 15 trans, 9 strig, 2 ttrig, 2 actions
    [BPROST2.DLG] saved	21 states, 24 trans, 16 strig, 2 ttrig, 14 actions
    override/BPROST2.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/BPROST2.dlg, 3216 bytes
    [BDBENCE.DLG] saved	112 states, 195 trans, 17 strig, 60 ttrig, 89 actions
    override/BDBENCE.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/BDBENCE.dlg, 18812 bytes
    [DELCIA.DLG] saved	86 states, 270 trans, 6 strig, 194 ttrig, 91 actions
    override/DELCIA.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/DELCIA.dlg, 35078 bytes
    [XATIANNA.DLG] saved	42 states, 72 trans, 7 strig, 26 ttrig, 12 actions
    [XABENOAM.DLG] saved	0 states, 0 trans, 0 strig, 0 ttrig, 0 actions
    [BMINSC25.DLG] saved	334 states, 440 trans, 37 strig, 99 ttrig, 41 actions
    override/BMINSC25.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/BMINSC25.dlg, 35079 bytes
    [XAGIRL2.DLG] saved	10 states, 22 trans, 1 strig, 14 ttrig, 14 actions
    [HELLJON.DLG] saved	32 states, 1088 trans, 1 strig, 1068 ttrig, 760 actions
    override/HELLJON.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/HELLJON.dlg, 280718 bytes
    [LARZE.DLG] saved	8 states, 18 trans, 1 strig, 7 ttrig, 11 actions
    override/LARZE.dlg copied to LCA/BACKUP/0/LARZE.dlg, 2048 bytes
    Compiling 340 scripts ...
    [LCA/BAF/XATWNFOV.BAF] loaded, 165 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XA4000.TRA] has 3 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XA4000.BAF] loaded, 23845 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XAACS09C.BAF] loaded, 139 bytes
    BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [./CD1/DATA/25DEFLT.BIF]
    BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [./CD2/DATA/25DEFLT.BIF]
    BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [./CD3/DATA/25DEFLT.BIF]
    BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [./CD4/DATA/25DEFLT.BIF]
    BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [./CD5/DATA/25DEFLT.BIF]
    BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [./CD6/DATA/25DEFLT.BIF]
    BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [./DATA/25DEFLT.BIF]
    [./DATA/25DEFLT.BIF] 2927244 bytes, 163 files, 0 tilesets
    [LCA/BAF/XABG1100.BAF] loaded, 140 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XADEBREF.BAF] loaded, 1399 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XABODAMB.BAF] loaded, 306 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XADUC3.BAF] loaded, 482 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XABG0128.BAF] loaded, 1327 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XACUT59B.BAF] loaded, 189 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XABG0607.BAF] loaded, 1002 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XALBPROF.BAF] loaded, 448 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XABG0116.BAF] loaded, 1599 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XABG0900.BAF] loaded, 7766 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XA41CS01.BAF] loaded, 221 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAACS05C.TRA] has 9 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XAACS05C.BAF] loaded, 1632 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XA4500T3.BAF] loaded, 622 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XADOPP.BAF] loaded, 89 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAINFO.TRA] has 2 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XAINFO.BAF] loaded, 240 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAACS08D.TRA] has 10 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XAACS08D.BAF] loaded, 1294 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAEX02EX.TRA] has 1 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XAEX02EX.BAF] loaded, 342 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XAUCEND1.BAF] loaded, 699 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XAINITP1.BAF] loaded, 239 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XABG0109.BAF] loaded, 135 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XAACS03A.BAF] loaded, 900 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XAACSEX.BAF] loaded, 430 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XABG0726.BAF] loaded, 482 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XACELL.BAF] loaded, 328 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XA5300T1.TRA] has 1 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XA5300T1.BAF] loaded, 301 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XABENOF.BAF] loaded, 276 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAALYTH.TRA] has 43 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XAALYTH.BAF] loaded, 403 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XASKIE.TRA] has 79 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XASKIE.BAF] loaded, 82 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XANOBMOV.BAF] loaded, 165 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XAWLKH01.BAF] loaded, 563 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XAENTRG2.BAF] loaded, 605 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XAACS60A.BAF] loaded, 4879 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XACRTYRD.BAF] loaded, 120 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XABYE.BAF] loaded, 715 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XA1002.BAF] loaded, 5073 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XAAR5000.BAF] loaded, 133 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XAROHMA1.BAF] loaded, 108 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAILBENO.TRA] has 4 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XAILBENO.BAF] loaded, 1662 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XAP1D.BAF] loaded, 7057 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XABENORS.TRA] has 10 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XABENORS.BAF] loaded, 1742 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XABG0614.BAF] loaded, 955 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XABG0200.BAF] loaded, 1000 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XADINN00.BAF] loaded, 509 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XABG0130.BAF] loaded, 1264 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XACUT41G.BAF] loaded, 3368 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAUCEND2.TRA] has 2 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XAUCEND2.BAF] loaded, 254 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XAACS59B.BAF] loaded, 2607 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAGORION.TRA] has 61 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XAGORION.BAF] loaded, 374 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XATHRIX.TRA] has 13 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XATHRIX.BAF] loaded, 8347 bytes
    [./override/RACE.IDS] loaded, 1414 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XACHICK.TRA] has 7 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XACHICK.BAF] loaded, 595 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XAENTRG1.BAF] loaded, 605 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XACLRNG.BAF] loaded, 336 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XATOBNED.TRA] has 8 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XATOBNED.BAF] loaded, 256 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XACS13.TRA] has 2 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XACS13.BAF] loaded, 12318 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XAGO4500.BAF] loaded, 667 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XACS14A.BAF] loaded, 218 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XADESRBG.BAF] loaded, 82 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XASENT1.BAF] loaded, 642 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XALATH01.TRA] has 81 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XALATH01.BAF] loaded, 209 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XABENCE.TRA] has 18 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XABENCE.BAF] loaded, 895 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XABG0613.BAF] loaded, 534 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XALYRIEL.TRA] has 95 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XALYRIEL.BAF] loaded, 1199 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XAGOTOBG.BAF] loaded, 3587 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XACAESUI.TRA] has 1 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XACAESUI.BAF] loaded, 586 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XABG0300.BAF] loaded, 441 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XADINLOT.TRA] has 1 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XADINLOT.BAF] loaded, 193 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XACAESCR.BAF] loaded, 43958 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XABG0114.BAF] loaded, 780 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XAACS59A.BAF] loaded, 2039 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAUCEND3.TRA] has 1 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XAUCEND3.BAF] loaded, 172 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XASARA4.BAF] loaded, 247 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAVIRGIL.TRA] has 65 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XAVIRGIL.BAF] loaded, 557 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XAEXPLEX.BAF] loaded, 172 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XALARZE.TRA] has 22 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XALARZE.BAF] loaded, 299 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XACC3.TRA] has 22 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XACC3.BAF] loaded, 522 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XA4700T1.BAF] loaded, 265 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XA59ATOB.BAF] loaded, 761 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XAACS04A.BAF] loaded, 712 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XANEB.TRA] has 9 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XANEB.BAF] loaded, 2651 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XA100D.BAF] loaded, 380 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAACS07B.TRA] has 1 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XAACS07B.BAF] loaded, 667 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XAGORGE.BAF] loaded, 261 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XAPAINT1.BAF] loaded, 1763 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XAACS08X.BAF] loaded, 262 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XAG2ENT.BAF] loaded, 279 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XAGO5300.BAF] loaded, 608 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XA41CS02.TRA] has 1 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XA41CS02.BAF] loaded, 374 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XACURATO.TRA] has 20 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XACURATO.BAF] loaded, 431 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XADEMDED.BAF] loaded, 310 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XA1317DS.BAF] loaded, 52 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XALATHEX.TRA] has 1 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XALATHEX.BAF] loaded, 626 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XABG0705.TRA] has 1 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XABG0705.BAF] loaded, 836 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XABG0704.BAF] loaded, 340 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XACSG2B.TRA] has 7 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XACSG2B.BAF] loaded, 1419 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XACSHAM2.TRA] has 1 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XACSHAM2.BAF] loaded, 180 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XATNTSCR.BAF] loaded, 149 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XADEBRST.BAF] loaded, 444 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XABG0603.BAF] loaded, 258 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XABSPAWN.BAF] loaded, 770 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XABDCORW.BAF] loaded, 4305 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XACS15.TRA] has 2 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XACS15.BAF] loaded, 478 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XALBPRO3.BAF] loaded, 219 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XACSHOW2.BAF] loaded, 502 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XACOALSP.BAF] loaded, 86 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XANEOMA.BAF] loaded, 837 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XAPROPO1.BAF] loaded, 244 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAADBG.TRA] has 799 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XAADBG.BAF] loaded, 180 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XABG0112.BAF] loaded, 287 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XABG0800.TRA] has 2 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XABG0800.BAF] loaded, 3416 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XAAR5501.BAF] loaded, 386 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XABG0601.BAF] loaded, 312 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XACLEAN.BAF] loaded, 1301 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XA100B.BAF] loaded, 1089 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XABGEND1.TRA] has 2 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XABGEND1.BAF] loaded, 628 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XAARREST.BAF] loaded, 682 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XASUMMON.BAF] loaded, 177 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAEX01EX.TRA] has 1 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XAEX01EX.BAF] loaded, 883 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XAGO4700.BAF] loaded, 737 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XAENTRG3.BAF] loaded, 605 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XATNTCS.TRA] has 1 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XATNTCS.BAF] loaded, 1166 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XABLKBG1.BAF] loaded, 422 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XAPAINT.BAF] loaded, 768 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XATNTEND.BAF] loaded, 493 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XASARA1.BAF] loaded, 247 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAEX03EX.TRA] has 1 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XAEX03EX.BAF] loaded, 309 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XA100A.BAF] loaded, 1082 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XATRIGG1.TRA] has 2 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XATRIGG1.BAF] loaded, 442 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XAAR4500.BAF] loaded, 950 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XABALDUR.TRA] has 32 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XABALDUR.BAF] loaded, 22233 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAACS09B.TRA] has 9 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XAACS09B.BAF] loaded, 392 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XADREAM.BAF] loaded, 327 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAWVGRD2.TRA] has 5 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XAWVGRD2.BAF] loaded, 126 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XACORINV.BAF] loaded, 632 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAMERCHG.TRA] has 4 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XAMERCHG.BAF] loaded, 170 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XASARA3.BAF] loaded, 247 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XAUC.BAF] loaded, 467 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XAHOME.BAF] loaded, 603 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XA4500T1.BAF] loaded, 637 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XAACS06A.BAF] loaded, 285 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAACS06B.TRA] has 55 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XAACS06B.BAF] loaded, 5963 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XAFFHUNT.BAF] loaded, 80 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XABDADS.BAF] loaded, 110 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XATRIGG2.TRA] has 2 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XATRIGG2.BAF] loaded, 442 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XASENT.BAF] loaded, 693 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XADREAMX.BAF] loaded, 197 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XAKIDNAP.BAF] loaded, 157 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XABG0127.BAF] loaded, 277 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XAPROPOS.BAF] loaded, 608 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XACSWRA1.BAF] loaded, 225 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAACS05B.TRA] has 23 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XAACS05B.BAF] loaded, 2800 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XADAG1.BAF] loaded, 533 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XASAREVO.TRA] has 14 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XASAREVO.BAF] loaded, 375 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XADINROM.BAF] loaded, 143 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XA4500.TRA] has 1 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XA4500.BAF] loaded, 1503 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XATIANNA.TRA] has 81 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XATIANNA.BAF] loaded, 459 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XAACS11B.BAF] loaded, 179 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XAG1ENT.BAF] loaded, 591 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XADUCAL.BAF] loaded, 302 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XATMARSU.TRA] has 2 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XATMARSU.BAF] loaded, 815 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XAGUARD.BAF] loaded, 735 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAACS04C.TRA] has 11 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XAACS04C.BAF] loaded, 1817 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XAP1DSEX.BAF] loaded, 325 bytes
    [./override/AREATYPE.IDS] loaded, 209 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAACS06D.TRA] has 55 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XAACS06D.BAF] loaded, 5770 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XASARA.BAF] loaded, 668 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XAACS06C.BAF] loaded, 285 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XACRUSSP.BAF] loaded, 86 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XA470003.TRA] has 17 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XA470003.BAF] loaded, 1525 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XABGEND5.TRA] has 5 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XABGEND5.BAF] loaded, 729 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XADINN01.BAF] loaded, 155 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XAAVDOOR.BAF] loaded, 188 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XAKIDN01.BAF] loaded, 201 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XABG0608.BAF] loaded, 1067 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XASARA2.BAF] loaded, 247 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XACAJAIL.BAF] loaded, 743 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XACRUG.TRA] has 13 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XACRUG.BAF] loaded, 4671 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XABYE2.TRA] has 8 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XABYE2.BAF] loaded, 1617 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XATRIGG3.TRA] has 2 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XATRIGG3.BAF] loaded, 442 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XACAJOIN.BAF] loaded, 286 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XA100EX.BAF] loaded, 268 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XATWNMOV.BAF] loaded, 165 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XADEM1.BAF] loaded, 177 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XADAG3A.TRA] has 2 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XADAG3A.BAF] loaded, 527 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XARUN.TRA] has 6 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XARUN.BAF] loaded, 1271 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XAACS05A.BAF] loaded, 710 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XACSG2A.TRA] has 9 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XACSG2A.BAF] loaded, 673 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XAGOHOME.BAF] loaded, 619 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XABD4400.BAF] loaded, 154 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XADAG2B.BAF] loaded, 1365 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XAWLKHOM.BAF] loaded, 344 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XAHEADS.BAF] loaded, 395 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XABG7245.BAF] loaded, 438 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XA204G.BAF] loaded, 922 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XAGIRLOV.BAF] loaded, 138 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XAACS08A.BAF] loaded, 388 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XACORSCR.TRA] has 28 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XACORSCR.BAF] loaded, 160455 bytes
    [./override/SPLSTATE.IDS] loaded, 2691 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XACESPY.BAF] loaded, 942 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XAENEMY.BAF] loaded, 123 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XACSHAM1.TRA] has 1 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XACSHAM1.BAF] loaded, 180 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XABG0153.BAF] loaded, 1232 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XACSHOW.BAF] loaded, 519 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XASEMAJ.BAF] loaded, 4215 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XACOFFIN.TRA] has 3 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XACOFFIN.BAF] loaded, 3365 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XACHMPOV.BAF] loaded, 166 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XASLEEP.BAF] loaded, 169 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAINCSUM.TRA] has 2 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XAINCSUM.BAF] loaded, 766 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XAG3ENT.BAF] loaded, 279 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XADAG2A.BAF] loaded, 779 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XA100C.BAF] loaded, 373 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XAKILLP1.BAF] loaded, 101 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XAUCITY.BAF] loaded, 577 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XAHOWSPY.BAF] loaded, 216 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XABG0225.BAF] loaded, 2020 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAAR1516.TRA] has 5 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XAAR1516.BAF] loaded, 1538 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XAACS02A.BAF] loaded, 902 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XA1316FP.TRA] has 1 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XA1316FP.BAF] loaded, 248 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAACS09A.TRA] has 2 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XAACS09A.BAF] loaded, 355 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XATWOHOM.BAF] loaded, 285 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAGLINT.TRA] has 33 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XAGLINT.BAF] loaded, 326 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XADELRBG.BAF] loaded, 84 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XACS16B.TRA] has 12 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XACS16B.BAF] loaded, 1291 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAACS08B.TRA] has 10 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XAACS08B.BAF] loaded, 1357 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XAUCTEMP.BAF] loaded, 1001 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAG3.TRA] has 1 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XAG3.BAF] loaded, 798 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XABD6000.BAF] loaded, 267 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XAWLKH02.BAF] loaded, 330 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XATNTCS2.BAF] loaded, 271 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XABGEND3.BAF] loaded, 328 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XASVIR.BAF] loaded, 255 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XACAEBYE.BAF] loaded, 275 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XAAR1512.BAF] loaded, 181 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XAPEXIT.BAF] loaded, 1145 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XADEBR04.BAF] loaded, 954 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XABG0100.BAF] loaded, 658 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XAAR0602.BAF] loaded, 503 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XARATCHL.BAF] loaded, 80 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAP0706.TRA] has 2 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XAP0706.BAF] loaded, 511 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XACUT41J.BAF] loaded, 1858 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAG1.TRA] has 2 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XAG1.BAF] loaded, 3826 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XACS16A.BAF] loaded, 673 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XABENO2.TRA] has 36 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XABENO2.BAF] loaded, 316 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XABRATHL.BAF] loaded, 80 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAACS04B.TRA] has 23 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XAACS04B.BAF] loaded, 2811 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XABG0616.BAF] loaded, 642 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XADOORAV.BAF] loaded, 433 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XADAG3B.TRA] has 2 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XADAG3B.BAF] loaded, 615 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XAPORTAL.BAF] loaded, 367 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XACSHOWX.BAF] loaded, 431 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XABG1200.BAF] loaded, 2397 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XACSHOW3.TRA] has 17 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XACSHOW3.BAF] loaded, 1437 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAILLASE.TRA] has 18 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XAILLASE.BAF] loaded, 3120 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XABG0706.TRA] has 5 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XABG0706.BAF] loaded, 3827 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XABELAND.TRA] has 33 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XABELAND.BAF] loaded, 416 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XADEBR02.TRA] has 1 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XADEBR02.BAF] loaded, 475 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XANEB1.BAF] loaded, 57 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAAUDAM.TRA] has 10 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XAAUDAM.BAF] loaded, 108 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XABG0702.BAF] loaded, 499 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XABG0611.BAF] loaded, 258 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAAVBOSS.TRA] has 28 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XAAVBOSS.BAF] loaded, 4250 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XA470001.BAF] loaded, 579 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XASUJON.BAF] loaded, 167 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XACAELAG.BAF] loaded, 13275 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XABGEND2.TRA] has 5 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XABGEND2.BAF] loaded, 773 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XADEM23.TRA] has 1 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XADEM23.BAF] loaded, 392 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XABD5300.BAF] loaded, 887 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XAAR2802.BAF] loaded, 213 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XABG0602.BAF] loaded, 687 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XABG0166.BAF] loaded, 202 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XABG1317.BAF] loaded, 428 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XABRVSPW.BAF] loaded, 946 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAACS07A.TRA] has 1 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XAACS07A.BAF] loaded, 857 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XAACS10B.BAF] loaded, 195 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XACAHOME.BAF] loaded, 734 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XA4700.BAF] loaded, 3457 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAFFOFCR.TRA] has 24 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XAFFOFCR.BAF] loaded, 176 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XACAAUN.BAF] loaded, 753 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XALBPRO2.TRA] has 3 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XALBPRO2.BAF] loaded, 576 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XAPENT.BAF] loaded, 599 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAGIRBA3.TRA] has 1 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XAGIRBA3.BAF] loaded, 908 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XA470004.BAF] loaded, 536 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XA801T0.TRA] has 1 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XA801T0.BAF] loaded, 217 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XABG1300.TRA] has 1 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XABG1300.BAF] loaded, 2537 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XACS14.TRA] has 3 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XACS14.BAF] loaded, 479 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XARTBG.BAF] loaded, 80 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XADINNER.BAF] loaded, 163 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XABENORH.TRA] has 10 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XABENORH.BAF] loaded, 1461 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAINCUB.TRA] has 90 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XAINCUB.BAF] loaded, 5321 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XACAELA2.TRA] has 67 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XACAELA2.BAF] loaded, 207 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XAKIDN02.BAF] loaded, 208 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XAAR4000.BAF] loaded, 994 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XABG0119.BAF] loaded, 599 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XACHWRAI.TRA] has 10 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XACHWRAI.BAF] loaded, 2782 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XATRIGS.TRA] has 1 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XATRIGS.BAF] loaded, 548 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAACS02B.TRA] has 7 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XAACS02B.BAF] loaded, 806 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XANEBSEW.TRA] has 3 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XANEBSEW.BAF] loaded, 790 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XABREVLK.TRA] has 33 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XABREVLK.BAF] loaded, 193 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XA470002.BAF] loaded, 582 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XA204A.BAF] loaded, 795 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XAGORP.BAF] loaded, 82 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XABG0700.BAF] loaded, 728 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XANOBWOV.BAF] loaded, 165 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XADEMSAN.BAF] loaded, 1412 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XAACS08C.BAF] loaded, 282 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAFERGUS.TRA] has 16 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XAFERGUS.BAF] loaded, 168 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XA4500T2.BAF] loaded, 815 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XACAELAC.TRA] has 2 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XACAELAC.BAF] loaded, 19633 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XABD0104.BAF] loaded, 483 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XALBPRO1.TRA] has 11 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XALBPRO1.BAF] loaded, 1308 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XABG0134.BAF] loaded, 429 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XAPEXIT2.BAF] loaded, 1143 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XABG4200.BAF] loaded, 151 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XABG0131.BAF] loaded, 190 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XADEM4.TRA] has 1 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XADEM4.BAF] loaded, 562 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XAAR6200.BAF] loaded, 5749 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XAFUGUE.BAF] loaded, 680 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XALBTRAP.BAF] loaded, 159 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XADEBR01.TRA] has 1 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XADEBR01.BAF] loaded, 351 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XAAR5500.BAF] loaded, 1105 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XA5300.TRA] has 2 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XA5300.BAF] loaded, 2898 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAG2.TRA] has 1 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XAG2.BAF] loaded, 1598 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XA218G.BAF] loaded, 170 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XADEBR03.BAF] loaded, 911 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XABGEND4.BAF] loaded, 534 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XABG0703.BAF] loaded, 587 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XABG0600.BAF] loaded, 1153 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAACS03B.TRA] has 7 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XAACS03B.BAF] loaded, 799 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XANEDEX.BAF] loaded, 190 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XALODOB.TRA] has 9 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XALODOB.BAF] loaded, 2386 bytes
    [./override/CLASS.IDS] loaded, 2230 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAAR2000.TRA] has 1 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XAAR2000.BAF] loaded, 1603 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XACOREX.BAF] loaded, 243 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XABG0102.BAF] loaded, 2107 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XABG0612.BAF] loaded, 474 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XABG0165.BAF] loaded, 774 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XAMAZHEX.BAF] loaded, 2040 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XABG0615.BAF] loaded, 1141 bytes
    [LCA/BAF/XABG0103.BAF] loaded, 905 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XAMELKOR.TRA] has 85 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XAMELKOR.BAF] loaded, 778 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XA5300T2.TRA] has 1 translation strings
    [LCA/BAF/XA5300T2.BAF] loaded, 78 bytes
    Processing 1 dialogues/scripts ...
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100000.WAV] loaded, 115244 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100000.WAV] to [override/XA100000.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100001.WAV] loaded, 401662 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100001.WAV] to [override/XA100001.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100002.WAV] loaded, 209964 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100002.WAV] to [override/XA100002.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100003.WAV] loaded, 265436 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100003.WAV] to [override/XA100003.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100004.WAV] loaded, 167496 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100004.WAV] to [override/XA100004.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100005.WAV] loaded, 216838 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100005.WAV] to [override/XA100005.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100006.WAV] loaded, 327666 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100006.WAV] to [override/XA100006.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100007.WAV] loaded, 110872 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100007.WAV] to [override/XA100007.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100008.WAV] loaded, 133732 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100008.WAV] to [override/XA100008.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100009.WAV] loaded, 406990 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100009.WAV] to [override/XA100009.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100010.WAV] loaded, 334458 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100010.WAV] to [override/XA100010.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100011.WAV] loaded, 470060 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100011.WAV] to [override/XA100011.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100012.WAV] loaded, 646188 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100012.WAV] to [override/XA100012.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100013.WAV] loaded, 704556 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100013.WAV] to [override/XA100013.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100014.WAV] loaded, 97324 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100014.WAV] to [override/XA100014.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100015.WAV] loaded, 200818 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100015.WAV] to [override/XA100015.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100016.WAV] loaded, 349228 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100016.WAV] to [override/XA100016.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100017.WAV] loaded, 732204 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100017.WAV] to [override/XA100017.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100018.WAV] loaded, 115244 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100018.WAV] to [override/XA100018.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100019.WAV] loaded, 334892 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100019.WAV] to [override/XA100019.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100020.WAV] loaded, 393260 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100020.WAV] to [override/XA100020.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100021.WAV] loaded, 95928 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100021.WAV] to [override/XA100021.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100023.WAV] loaded, 159788 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100023.WAV] to [override/XA100023.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100024.WAV] loaded, 546648 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100024.WAV] to [override/XA100024.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100025.WAV] loaded, 586796 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100025.WAV] to [override/XA100025.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100026.WAV] loaded, 153644 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100026.WAV] to [override/XA100026.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100027.WAV] loaded, 536620 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100027.WAV] to [override/XA100027.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100028.WAV] loaded, 500780 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100028.WAV] to [override/XA100028.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100029.WAV] loaded, 129068 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100029.WAV] to [override/XA100029.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100030.WAV] loaded, 53292 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100030.WAV] to [override/XA100030.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100031.WAV] loaded, 65580 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100031.WAV] to [override/XA100031.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100032.WAV] loaded, 60460 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100032.WAV] to [override/XA100032.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100033.WAV] loaded, 158764 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100033.WAV] to [override/XA100033.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100034.WAV] loaded, 162860 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100034.WAV] to [override/XA100034.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100035.WAV] loaded, 79978 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100035.WAV] to [override/XA100035.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100036.WAV] loaded, 109612 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100036.WAV] to [override/XA100036.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100037.WAV] loaded, 106540 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100037.WAV] to [override/XA100037.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100038.WAV] loaded, 340012 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100038.WAV] to [override/XA100038.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100039.WAV] loaded, 179244 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100039.WAV] to [override/XA100039.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100040.WAV] loaded, 236588 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100040.WAV] to [override/XA100040.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100041.WAV] loaded, 415788 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100041.WAV] to [override/XA100041.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100042.WAV] loaded, 807980 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100042.WAV] to [override/XA100042.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100043.WAV] loaded, 397356 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100043.WAV] to [override/XA100043.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100044.WAV] loaded, 81964 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100044.WAV] to [override/XA100044.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100045.WAV] loaded, 92732 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100045.WAV] to [override/XA100045.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100046.WAV] loaded, 145452 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100046.WAV] to [override/XA100046.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100047.WAV] loaded, 282668 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100047.WAV] to [override/XA100047.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100048.WAV] loaded, 305064 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100048.WAV] to [override/XA100048.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100049.WAV] loaded, 342292 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100049.WAV] to [override/XA100049.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100050.WAV] loaded, 340904 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100050.WAV] to [override/XA100050.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100051.WAV] loaded, 37932 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100051.WAV] to [override/XA100051.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100052.WAV] loaded, 133164 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100052.WAV] to [override/XA100052.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100053.WAV] loaded, 778320 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100053.WAV] to [override/XA100053.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100054.WAV] loaded, 62866 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100054.WAV] to [override/XA100054.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100055.WAV] loaded, 45100 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100055.WAV] to [override/XA100055.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100056.WAV] loaded, 1129630 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100056.WAV] to [override/XA100056.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100057.WAV] loaded, 728950 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100057.WAV] to [override/XA100057.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100058.WAV] loaded, 530212 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100058.WAV] to [override/XA100058.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100059.WAV] loaded, 240908 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100059.WAV] to [override/XA100059.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100060.WAV] loaded, 584104 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100060.WAV] to [override/XA100060.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100061.WAV] loaded, 16598528 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100061.WAV] to [override/XA100061.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100062.WAV] loaded, 8112072 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100062.WAV] to [override/XA100062.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100063.WAV] loaded, 13365684 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100063.WAV] to [override/XA100063.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100064.WAV] loaded, 187480 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100064.WAV] to [override/XA100064.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100065.WAV] loaded, 1262852 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100065.WAV] to [override/XA100065.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100066.WAV] loaded, 17129292 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100066.WAV] to [override/XA100066.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100067.WAV] loaded, 14380 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100067.WAV] to [override/XA100067.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100068.WAV] loaded, 259078 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100068.WAV] to [override/XA100068.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100069.WAV] loaded, 293560 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100069.WAV] to [override/XA100069.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100070.WAV] loaded, 312636 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100070.WAV] to [override/XA100070.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100071.WAV] loaded, 347180 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100071.WAV] to [override/XA100071.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100072.WAV] loaded, 197418 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100072.WAV] to [override/XA100072.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100073.WAV] loaded, 122880 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100073.WAV] to [override/XA100073.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100074.WAV] loaded, 165122 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100074.WAV] to [override/XA100074.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100075.WAV] loaded, 130162 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100075.WAV] to [override/XA100075.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100076.WAV] loaded, 83076 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100076.WAV] to [override/XA100076.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100077.WAV] loaded, 232660 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100077.WAV] to [override/XA100077.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100078.WAV] loaded, 195254 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100078.WAV] to [override/XA100078.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100079.WAV] loaded, 60374 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100079.WAV] to [override/XA100079.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100080.WAV] loaded, 419626 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100080.WAV] to [override/XA100080.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100081.WAV] loaded, 442714 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100081.WAV] to [override/XA100081.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100082.WAV] loaded, 446938 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100082.WAV] to [override/XA100082.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100083.WAV] loaded, 77246 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100083.WAV] to [override/XA100083.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100084.WAV] loaded, 92422 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100084.WAV] to [override/XA100084.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100085.WAV] loaded, 192364 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100085.WAV] to [override/XA100085.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100086.WAV] loaded, 292308 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100086.WAV] to [override/XA100086.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100087.WAV] loaded, 196830 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100087.WAV] to [override/XA100087.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100088.WAV] loaded, 186632 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100088.WAV] to [override/XA100088.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100089.WAV] loaded, 242800 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100089.WAV] to [override/XA100089.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100090.WAV] loaded, 182962 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100090.WAV] to [override/XA100090.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100091.WAV] loaded, 60318 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100091.WAV] to [override/XA100091.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100092.WAV] loaded, 125722 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100092.WAV] to [override/XA100092.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100093.WAV] loaded, 192406 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100093.WAV] to [override/XA100093.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100094.WAV] loaded, 193690 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100094.WAV] to [override/XA100094.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100095.WAV] loaded, 92378 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100095.WAV] to [override/XA100095.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100096.WAV] loaded, 35206 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100096.WAV] to [override/XA100096.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100097.WAV] loaded, 44724 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100097.WAV] to [override/XA100097.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100098.WAV] loaded, 66604 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100098.WAV] to [override/XA100098.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100099.WAV] loaded, 238636 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100099.WAV] to [override/XA100099.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100100.WAV] loaded, 60530 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100100.WAV] to [override/XA100100.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100101.WAV] loaded, 131098 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100101.WAV] to [override/XA100101.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100102.WAV] loaded, 192390 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100102.WAV] to [override/XA100102.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100103.WAV] loaded, 440264 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100103.WAV] to [override/XA100103.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100104.WAV] loaded, 147760 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100104.WAV] to [override/XA100104.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100105.WAV] loaded, 262680 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100105.WAV] to [override/XA100105.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100106.WAV] loaded, 95910 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100106.WAV] to [override/XA100106.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100107.WAV] loaded, 60604 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100107.WAV] to [override/XA100107.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100108.WAV] loaded, 373468 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100108.WAV] to [override/XA100108.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100109.WAV] loaded, 90914 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100109.WAV] to [override/XA100109.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100110.WAV] loaded, 163232 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100110.WAV] to [override/XA100110.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100111.WAV] loaded, 335916 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100111.WAV] to [override/XA100111.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100112.WAV] loaded, 46810 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100112.WAV] to [override/XA100112.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100113.WAV] loaded, 173070 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100113.WAV] to [override/XA100113.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100114.WAV] loaded, 240950 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100114.WAV] to [override/XA100114.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100115.WAV] loaded, 955800 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100115.WAV] to [override/XA100115.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100116.WAV] loaded, 353354 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100116.WAV] to [override/XA100116.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100117.WAV] loaded, 95748 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100117.WAV] to [override/XA100117.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100118.WAV] loaded, 361278 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100118.WAV] to [override/XA100118.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100119.WAV] loaded, 118396 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100119.WAV] to [override/XA100119.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100120.WAV] loaded, 61484 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100120.WAV] to [override/XA100120.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100121.WAV] loaded, 615804 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100121.WAV] to [override/XA100121.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100122.WAV] loaded, 78216 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100122.WAV] to [override/XA100122.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100123.WAV] loaded, 304786 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100123.WAV] to [override/XA100123.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100124.WAV] loaded, 8112072 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100124.WAV] to [override/XA100124.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100125.WAV] loaded, 192694 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100125.WAV] to [override/XA100125.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100126.WAV] loaded, 137260 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100126.WAV] to [override/XA100126.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100127.WAV] loaded, 51530 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100127.WAV] to [override/XA100127.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100128.WAV] loaded, 399792 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100128.WAV] to [override/XA100128.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100129.WAV] loaded, 189694 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100129.WAV] to [override/XA100129.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100130.WAV] loaded, 392148 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100130.WAV] to [override/XA100130.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100131.WAV] loaded, 18100276 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100131.WAV] to [override/XA100131.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100132.WAV] loaded, 19312664 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100132.WAV] to [override/XA100132.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100133.WAV] loaded, 21350968 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100133.WAV] to [override/XA100133.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100134.WAV] loaded, 20086072 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100134.WAV] to [override/XA100134.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100135.WAV] loaded, 18302268 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100135.WAV] to [override/XA100135.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100136.WAV] loaded, 17059280 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100136.WAV] to [override/XA100136.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100137.WAV] loaded, 17540808 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100137.WAV] to [override/XA100137.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100138.WAV] loaded, 18644124 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100138.WAV] to [override/XA100138.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/WAV/XA100139.WAV] loaded, 159788 bytes
    Copied [LCA/WAV/XA100139.WAV] to [override/XA100139.WAV]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/MOS/XAPTSARA.MOS] loaded, 983832 bytes
    Copied [LCA/MOS/XAPTSARA.MOS] to [override/XAPTSARA.MOS]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/MOS/XABG.MOS] loaded, 983832 bytes
    Copied [LCA/MOS/XABG.MOS] to [override/XABG.MOS]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/MOS/XADINNER.MOS] loaded, 983832 bytes
    Copied [LCA/MOS/XADINNER.MOS] to [override/XADINNER.MOS]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [LCA/MOS/XABADEND.MOS] loaded, 983832 bytes
    Copied [LCA/MOS/XABADEND.MOS] to [override/XABADEND.MOS]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [LCA/2DA/XASARA1.2DA] loaded, 120 bytes
    Copied [LCA/2DA/XASARA1.2DA] to [override/XASARA1.2DA]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [LCA/2DA/XASARA2.2DA] loaded, 120 bytes
    Copied [LCA/2DA/XASARA2.2DA] to [override/XASARA2.2DA]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [LCA/2DA/XASARA3.2DA] loaded, 120 bytes
    Copied [LCA/2DA/XASARA3.2DA] to [override/XASARA3.2DA]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [LCA/2DA/XASARA4.2DA] loaded, 120 bytes
    Copied [LCA/2DA/XASARA4.2DA] to [override/XASARA4.2DA]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [LCA/2DA/XABGROM.2DA] loaded, 116 bytes
    Copied [LCA/2DA/XABGROM.2DA] to [override/XABGROM.2DA]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [LCA/2DA/XABG.2DA] loaded, 116 bytes
    Copied [LCA/2DA/XABG.2DA] to [override/XABG.2DA]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [LCA/2DA/XADINNER.2DA] loaded, 120 bytes
    Copied [LCA/2DA/XADINNER.2DA] to [override/XADINNER.2DA]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [LCA/2DA/XADINROM.2DA] loaded, 120 bytes
    Copied [LCA/2DA/XADINROM.2DA] to [override/XADINROM.2DA]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [LCA/2DA/XADINROM.2DA] loaded, 120 bytes
    Copied [LCA/2DA/XADINROM.2DA] to [override/XADINROM.2DA]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [LCA/2DA/XABAD1.2DA] loaded, 120 bytes
    Copied [LCA/2DA/XABAD1.2DA] to [override/XABAD1.2DA]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [LCA/2DA/XABAD2.2DA] loaded, 120 bytes
    Copied [LCA/2DA/XABAD2.2DA] to [override/XABAD2.2DA]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [LCA/2DA/XABAD3.2DA] loaded, 120 bytes
    Copied [LCA/2DA/XABAD3.2DA] to [override/XABAD3.2DA]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [LCA/2DA/XACAEEND.2DA] loaded, 1092 bytes
    Copied [LCA/2DA/XACAEEND.2DA] to [override/XACAEEND.2DA]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [LCA/2DA/XACORND1.2DA] loaded, 1092 bytes
    Copied [LCA/2DA/XACORND1.2DA] to [override/XACORND1.2DA]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [LCA/2DA/XACORND2.2DA] loaded, 1092 bytes
    Copied [LCA/2DA/XACORND2.2DA] to [override/XACORND2.2DA]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [LCA/2DA/XACORND3.2DA] loaded, 1092 bytes
    Copied [LCA/2DA/XACORND3.2DA] to [override/XACORND3.2DA]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [LCA/2DA/XACORND4.2DA] loaded, 1092 bytes
    Copied [LCA/2DA/XACORND4.2DA] to [override/XACORND4.2DA]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [LCA/2DA/XACORND5.2DA] loaded, 1092 bytes
    Copied [LCA/2DA/XACORND5.2DA] to [override/XACORND5.2DA]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [LCA/2DA/XACORND6.2DA] loaded, 1092 bytes
    Copied [LCA/2DA/XACORND6.2DA] to [override/XACORND6.2DA]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [LCA/2DA/XALCAND1.2DA] loaded, 1093 bytes
    Copied [LCA/2DA/XALCAND1.2DA] to [override/XALCAND1.2DA]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [LCA/2DA/XALCAND2.2DA] loaded, 1093 bytes
    Copied [LCA/2DA/XALCAND2.2DA] to [override/XALCAND2.2DA]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [LCA/2DA/XALCAND3.2DA] loaded, 1093 bytes
    Copied [LCA/2DA/XALCAND3.2DA] to [override/XALCAND3.2DA]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [LCA/2DA/XALCAND4.2DA] loaded, 1093 bytes
    Copied [LCA/2DA/XALCAND4.2DA] to [override/XALCAND4.2DA]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [LCA/2DA/XALCAND5.2DA] loaded, 1093 bytes
    Copied [LCA/2DA/XALCAND5.2DA] to [override/XALCAND5.2DA]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [LCA/2DA/XALCAND6.2DA] loaded, 1093 bytes
    Copied [LCA/2DA/XALCAND6.2DA] to [override/XALCAND6.2DA]
    CorwinEET is installed. String sets skipped!
    Cost of One Girl's Soul is installed.
    Compiling 2 dialogue files ...
    [LCA/TRA/english/XACGS.TRA] has 1 translation strings
    [LCA/COMPAT/CGS/D/XACGS.D] loaded, 225 bytes
    [LCA/TRA/english/XACGS1.TRA] has 4 translation strings
    [LCA/COMPAT/CGS/D/XACGS1.D] loaded, 987 bytes
    Processing 1 dialogues/scripts ...
    [./override/XACORWIJ.DLG] loaded, 530441 bytes
    [XACORWIJ.DLG] loaded
    [./override/L#2EDDRD.DLG] loaded, 1811 bytes
    [L#2EDDRD.DLG] loaded
    [./override/L#2SDSKI.DLG] loaded, 2131 bytes
    [L#2SDSKI.DLG] loaded
    [./override/IDJINNI.DLG] loaded, 2262 bytes
    [IDJINNI.DLG] loaded
    ERROR: Cannot resolve internal symbolic label [XA_BackToBG_ChainEnd_AndYou] for DLG [XACORWIJ]
    Known labels: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 1147 1148 1149 1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195
    ERROR: processing .D actions [tb#_compile_eval_buffer/LCA/COMPAT/CGS/D/XACGS1.D]: Failure("cannot resolve label")
    Stopping installation because of error.
    Stopping installation because of error.



    Thanks, I'll take a look tonight and let you know once a fix is ready.

  13. 8 hours ago, Guest Confused said:

    Mod just does not work for me. Most recent update doesn't have the setup file in it. And the second most recent gives me this error. Just can't figure out why this doesn't work. 

    ERROR: error loading [LCA/COMPAT/CGS/D]
    ERROR: compiling [LCA/COMPAT/CGS/D]!
    Stopping installation because of error.
    Stopping installation because of error.

    ERROR Installing [Love Conquers All (LCA)], rolling back to previous state
    Will uninstall 764 files for [LCA/LCA.TP2] component 0.
    Uninstalled    764 files for [LCA/LCA.TP2] component 0.
    ERROR: Unix.Unix_error(20, "stat", "LCA/COMPAT/CGS/D")

    Hey, sorry about that. I packaged that one when I was on the road. The setup file is included now. If you run into any problems, let me know, thanks.

    Release v1.0.2b · LCA-EET/LCA (github.com)

  14. 5 hours ago, megrimlock said:

    Some further issues:

    - I went to the Low Lantern and spoke to Tianna, but she didn't appear to have any problem (contrary to the quest name listed)

    - I went to the Iron Throne building. I am directed to Virgil who has nothing of note to say. I guess that might be tied up with something else, but there is a small error - the merchant I speak to immediately on entering tells me (correctly) that Virgil is on the fourth floor. A guard then approaches me and says Virgil is on the third floor. Doesn't seem to be any point to the guard lying or being wrong, so it justs looks like an error.

    - The front door of Seven Suns is lying open, but there is no cursor icon when I try to click on it to go inside.

    - The user guide suggested I check out the Hall of Wonders. I didn't find anything new there.

    - The Helm and Cloak inn has two identical barkeeps. I didn't go in all the other inns to check them.

    - And the timer for the debrief doesn't appear to work, because after 24 hours nothing happens and if I go in the Ducal Palace, nothing is going on. Same after 48 hours. So I used the debug assistant to play the debrief cutscene, which it does, but I don't advance beyond that, because the "Defender of Baldur's Gate" scrawl after it just keeps looping. Not sure what to do from here.

    All of these issues have now been fixed. I also updated the user guide to make it a bit more clear what triggers certain things to happen. Thanks!

  15. 6 minutes ago, megrimlock said:

    Re 2, I was able to speak to the Marshall about the slave girl even though I didn't do the quest in SoA. He sent me to the Harbormaster.

    I am not confident I can install the newest build without breaking my EET install. But nothing ventured nothing gained, right? Kinda reluctant to start the whole saga over a third time from the beginning. But I do like this mod, especially the feel of BG city having moved on from the crusade.

    Oh, I see what you mean. I'll double check the conditions on that quest, in any case. Thanks! If at some point you do run the mod again, I suggest trying it while in a romance with Corwin. It's a romance mod after all, and there's a lot of content that you won't see otherwise.

  16. 9 minutes ago, megrimlock said:

    Some further issues:

    - I went to the Low Lantern and spoke to Tianna, but she didn't appear to have any problem (contrary to the quest name listed)

    - I went to the Iron Throne building. I am directed to Virgil who has nothing of note to say. I guess that might be tied up with something else, but there is a small error - the merchant I speak to immediately on entering tells me (correctly) that Virgil is on the fourth floor. A guard then approaches me and says Virgil is on the third floor. Doesn't seem to be any point to the guard lying or being wrong, so it justs looks like an error.

    - The front door of Seven Suns is lying open, but there is no cursor icon when I try to click on it to go inside.

    - The user guide suggested I check out the Hall of Wonders. I didn't find anything new there.

    - The Helm and Cloak inn has two identical barkeeps. I didn't go in all the other inns to check them.

    - And the timer for the debrief doesn't appear to work, because after 24 hours nothing happens and if I go in the Ducal Palace, nothing is going on. Same after 48 hours. So I used the debug assistant to play the debrief cutscene, which it does, but I don't advance beyond that, because the "Defender of Baldur's Gate" scrawl after it just keeps looping. Not sure what to do from here.

    1. For the Tianna's Problem quest, Corwin needs to be in your party.

    2. If memory serves, the Slaver Conspiracy quest is only available if you rescue the slave girl from the stockade in Athkatla, while Corwin is in your party. The slave girl, when rescued, tells the party that she was a refugee from Caelar's crusade, and she was sent initially to Baldur's Gate, then sold to someone in Amn. I'll double check the conditions that trigger the quest, but I'm pretty sure my memory is correct (in this rare instance)

    3. Odd, I'll check it out.

    4. Corwin needs to be in your party for the Hall of Wonders cutscene.

    5. Will check on that.

    6. The debrief timer was fixed in the most recent build. I tested it yesterday by just resting three times and it worked. Are you running v0.2.8 (posted early this morning), or an earlier version? The update also fixes the Defender of Baldur's Gate scrawl, so that you can progress further. There's a separate issue in the transition from Baldur's Gate to Saradush that I will fix tonight.


  17. 6 hours ago, megrimlock said:

    This time I returned to Baldur's Gate as intended. I did the Elfsong quest (and also checked that I could do the Cowled Menace quest in this section of the city - I could), however Corwin then said she needed to get back to her family. If I say "not yet", she just repeats it. But when I gave in and said "lead the way", I teleported to her house, and yet she kept saying it over and over, reloading the house and stalling the game from progressing.

    I got round this by loading an older save and going straight to her house and dropping her off with her family to allow me to continue from here.

    This has been fixed in the current release. The bug you encountered was due to a scripting error regarding the timers associated with the Return to Baldur's Gate quest. There's an outstanding issue with the transition from the end of the Return to Baldur's Gate quest to Saradush. I'll fix it tomorrow. Thanks again for your help.

  18. 2 hours ago, megrimlock said:

    This time I returned to Baldur's Gate as intended. I did the Elfsong quest (and also checked that I could do the Cowled Menace quest in this section of the city - I could), however Corwin then said she needed to get back to her family. If I say "not yet", she just repeats it. But when I gave in and said "lead the way", I teleported to her house, and yet she kept saying it over and over, reloading the house and stalling the game from progressing.

    I got round this by loading an older save and going straight to her house and dropping her off with her family to allow me to continue from here.

    Thanks, I'll fix that on the next release. She's supposed to prompt to return to her family four times (waiting an hour between prompts), afterwards she will return on her own. I have a feeling I forgot to reset the timer upon declining to return.

  19. 19 hours ago, megrimlock said:

    So running the series of incompatible mods I mentioned earlier in the thread, I've hit my first problem.

    When I am captured by Irenicus in Spellhold, Corwin has a shouting match with Jon from her cell immediately after me berating Yoshimo for his betrayal, ending with something like Jon saying to her "enjoy your last moments of autonomy, child". Then the game hangs and I can't move on. I loaded an autosave from outside the Asylum and sent Corwin back to Athkatla, thankfully she was still there waiting after I fast-tracked through the Underdark and she rejoined me to fight Bodhi.

    No problems until then, other than the cognitive dissonance of having two Soultaker daggers when exiting Chateau Irenicus...

    The bug you described has been fixed. It helped when you explained how Corwin was in a cell. She's supposed to be in the main chamber, with Irenicus, Bodhi and the player. A video showing how the encounter is supposed to progress is here: Spellhold Encounter - Corwin in Party - YouTube

    Thanks again for reporting the issue. I'm a little over halfway through playtesting. I'll get to the compatibility issue you described before the v1 release.

  20. 3 hours ago, megrimlock said:

    So running the series of incompatible mods I mentioned earlier in the thread, I've hit my first problem.

    When I am captured by Irenicus in Spellhold, Corwin has a shouting match with Jon from her cell immediately after me berating Yoshimo for his betrayal, ending with something like Jon saying to her "enjoy your last moments of autonomy, child". Then the game hangs and I can't move on. I loaded an autosave from outside the Asylum and sent Corwin back to Athkatla, thankfully she was still there waiting after I fast-tracked through the Underdark and she rejoined me to fight Bodhi.

    No problems until then, other than the cognitive dissonance of having two Soultaker daggers when exiting Chateau Irenicus...

    Thanks! I'll see if it's something I can reproduce on my end. If so I should be able to fix it. 

  21. 8 hours ago, Morgoth said:

    1) I see no appeal on going back to old areas where no one will react to you; nor any point to stash things in a secure place in bg1 (saw a few players here suggesting this) to avoid losing your stuff when starting bg2.

    2) I see no appeal on continuous npc(s). I think I considered feeding a manual only to Xzar to dual class him to cleric (and I still haven’t given any manual to him or anyone else to this day).

    3) I start my games on BG1 to end in ToB (usually). My playthroughs take long, because I do them once in a while (I would say 1 every 2 years), so I’m going to explore every tidbit and cranny. I also experience dialogues slowly and take time to read them.
    If I take 6 months to play Bg1, you can be sure that in the meanwhile new mods and updates for the mods I’ve been using will be released. So why would I force myself to install it everything at once, while I can do it months later to get a better experience?

    4) If someone in particular, that has good mods, releases a peculiar mod that I have absolutely to try, I don’t need to stop my current install and I can risk (and I did it more than once and it worked well) to install the “new” mods on my current install, even if they are in the last line of Weidu, and may not benefit the slick of features added by other mods.  But I've got a choice. With EET_end discussions I read around, I’m not sure that’s possible for EET.


    Thanks for sharing your insight. In this mod (at least), the reactions to the player change. There are new things to do. It doesn't invalidate your point, of course.

  22. 5 hours ago, megrimlock said:

    To counter-balance Morgoth's post, I've regarded EET as the only way to fly since returning to the BG series a couple of years ago. I would normally have started from BG1 too, just have been doing a lot of test runs recently...

    Update: the transitions from SoA to Baldur's Gate have been fixed, and are included in the current playtest release. Thanks for reporting the issue.


  23. 1 hour ago, Lava said:

    There are many reasons why some (including myself) may prefer to keep BG games separate:

    1. There are fewer mods that work on EET, because a grand majority of mods are developed as expansions for a specific game (BGEE, BG2EE, SoD, ToB...)
    2. It's easier for me to maintain a properly working installation of BG(2)EE (rather than EET), because there are still new mods developed, and it's normal for bugs to happen. When you play EET and there is a really serious bug, it kinda dooms not just your BG1EE or BG2EE run. It dooms the trilogy run what may be discouraging at best.
    3. Some people simply prefer one game to another: I prefer BG2 to BG1. I always did. There is a huge portion of BG1EE I simply dislike. But I wrote SotSC, right? Because I find it hard to like the BG1 portion the way it is and I wanted it to be at least... acceptable, I guess? I know there are people who love how BG1EE gives freedom etc, but... to me, it means I am free to roam a boring world with wilderness areas that have no real quests, no interesting encounters, or places to loot, no characters to talk to. Important parts like Ulcaster Ruins do not offer much to me. So, as I play 1 BG1EE run per 4 BG2EE runs (more or less), then who should I install EET? To skip BG1EE portion most of the time? And yes, I know there are people who love BG1EE more than they do BG2EE. But there is also no reason why they should play EET. But that doesn't mean I dislike characters the first part of the game or Siege introduce: like Skie. Or Glint. Or many others. It's just... I would rather see new content for them in BG2 rather than see the same talks in BG1EE / SoD.
    4. And finally, there are just some who don't want to spend more time on installing EET, because they never needed "continuous NPCs" or stuff like that. 

    I think it's quite obvious that to me point 3 is most important. So yeah, once I see a mod is EET-only, that means I simply won't play it. And I am not saying I "EET is bad". It's just not the way some players (me included, as I am not only a modder, but I do play the game, too) want to experience the trilogy. I am sure there are also other reasons, not just those I mentioned.

    That's because you asked. Cool to see new mods that introduce SoD characters into SoD, but due to requirements, I suppose this one will be mostly enjoyed by EET fans rahter than those like me.

    I appreciate your insight, and I agree that it comes down to personal preference. I do plan on making a version of this mod that doesn't require EET, but it won't be ready until late next year. I wish I could have it out sooner, but there are a couple of other projects in the pipeline and my time is limited.

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