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Everything posted by herien_0

  1. I think there's an issue in MiH - EQ where black pudding slimes keeps re spawning indefinitely. Fire/acid damage does nothing to prevent this, or so it would seem. The puddings have magic immunity below level 2 spells I think. I'm specifically having issue with the Gnoll Stronghold black pudding who keep re-spawning and have magic immunity and making them immune to Melf's Minute Meteors and Fireball. EDIT: I'm pretty sure this is behavior related to MiH, but it could just as well be SCS. EDIT2: After doing a thorough investigation, I believe this behavior is from the Vanilla Black Pudding script and the Gnoll Stronghold slime additions are from the Expanded Encounters mod and not MiH. Sorry for the confusion.
  2. I've really enjoyed Morpheus' work and I hope he comes back. I know it's anecdotal, but I've been tangentially involved in other modding communities and I've never seen these kinds of disputes emerge as regularly as they do in the IE community. It doesn't seem like this is the first (or probably last) instance of this kind of conflict happening either, but I've only been playing IE games since 2021 so my knowledge is quite limited. From a purely sociological perspective, it doesn't make sense as to why the IE environment is more conducive to generating conflict, being as these games are ~25 years old and I'd imagine most of the people here and in similar places are in their 30's or even older. Is it the fact that the IE is more prone to mod conflict than other game engines?
  3. the icon for Bear's Endurance seems to be missing and/or blank. Not sure if this has been reported before.
  4. That indeed did the trick. I need to say thank you in return, you truly demonstrated some impressive dedication to your work here.
  5. Reduced to one warning in regards to SPPR525.SPL Setup-enhanced-powergaming-scripts.debug
  6. As requested; EDIT2: I see the image is compressed by the forum software as it is uploaded if the resolution is too high, here it is screencapped at a lower res, hopefully this is clear.
  7. Here are the attribute/values in addition to the RAW offsets for SPPR742.SPL
  8. According to NearInfinity, both are located in the override folder and SPPR742.SPL is Greater Divine Protection and SPPR525.SPL is Divine Protection
  9. Yeah my mistake, I see the critical strike warning is indeed gone, I had the previous version still up in Notepad++. Mods affecting SPPR742.SPL: Mods affecting SPPR525.SPL:
  10. Still receiving warning at the end, still seems to be getting hung up with the critical strike issue. The debug log is attached. Setup-enhanced-powergaming-scripts.debug
  11. I've deleted every attachment I've uploaded to this site and it still does not provide enough space for the baf file which is 1.03 MB. There is a maximum 1kb attachment limit for my user rank. I've attached an image of the limit being shown me to demonstrate. Perhaps if I upload it as a 7zip or rar to cut down space?
  12. mocore.baf exceeds the 1kb maximum limit just barely, so I've uploaded it to dropbox. If you'd like I can find another file host if this is an issue. I've also included the newest debug log once more just in case. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ny7gdqnaovmfr8tx44iw2/mocore.baf?rlkey=z07ggbepnwp548pc4qu5360lk&dl=0 Setup-enhanced-powergaming-scripts.debug
  13. Still getting installed with warnings Would it be worth starting a new install entirely from the beginning? Setup-enhanced-powergaming-scripts.debug
  14. Here is the debug log as attachment. Setup-enhanced-powergaming-scripts.debug
  15. I think I misunderstood. I posted the debug log from the prior PI attempt. Here is the debug log after attempting the installation with the most recent exe. I can't add as attachment as it exceeds the 222.48 kB limit.
  16. Will give your exe a try. Do I have to restart the installation all over in PI or is there a method to resume it? I did click "abort" after the failure.
  17. As requested: ProjectInfinity-WeiDU-Error-enhanced-powergaming-scripts-15.log
  18. Having an issue at the very end of an install of BG1EE with the Accelerated Pre-Buffing component. The error reads: Weidu log is attached. I mistakenly included the "Ease of Use AI" component which I did not intend to, but it doesn't seem that this is the culprit. For further clarification, here are the mods affecting SPLSTATE.IDS: WeiDU.log
  19. For some reason I cannot get Edwin to cast Stone Skin or Mind Blank when both offensive and defensive spells are enabled under the scripts menu or if I pick solo or group buffs. I've pressed both 'B' and 'N' and he doesn't ever cast it. I think I might be missing something obvious here but can't figure out what. I have Version 12.3.1 installed.
  20. I'm enjoying this mod very much. It makes late-game BG2 feel more dynamic as previously most non-caster level-ups would feel very lackluster. I've used it throughout BG1 and am almost done with BG2 using it. I think it does lower the difficulty curve by quite a bit (relative to my previous playthroughs on SCS Insane difficulty), but that may also be due to me foolishly installing TotLM mod in this playthrough as well, with its full exp setting, which completely screwed up my exp curve for BG2. I should do another BG2 playthrough with that corrected for. I would also like to mention that anyone using the Made In Heaven Spell mod should be forewarned that its epic spell selection has a minor redundancy with this mod. "Divine Insight" from MiH is available to Clerics and can be taken multiple times. It provides a +1 bonus to Wisdom in addition to +5% Magic Resistance which seems very OP and completely overshadows the "Great Wisdom" HLA in this mod. I'd avoid installing the Epic Spellpack portion of MiH altogether for now as it's still in beta and many of the HLA descriptions aren't explained or accounted for.
  21. I just completed The Ritual quest and was able to prevent the Countess from completing said ritual. Upon finishing, according to this old walkthrough https://sorcerers.net/Games/BG2/SCS2Guide/chapter8/ritual.php, there's supposed to be a showdown with the Posion Avatars. They had already confronted me once in a scene prior to finishing The Ritual, but now it I'm not being teleported to their area for the last showdown. Is there a specific way to trigger this last part of The Ritual? I don't have access to The Pocket Plane yet, as the writer of the walkthrough did.
  22. I'm witnessing an odd error when I have all five components of the Balduran set equipped. Normally, my strength is 19 which gives a 500 lb carrying capacity. When I have four pieces of the Balduran set, and equip the Shield of Balduran (which has a -1 STR penalty), my strength goes down to 18 as expected, however, my carrying capacity drops down to 200 lb, which is not at all what the 18 STR carrying capacity should yield.
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