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Everything posted by svj

  1. Thanks polytope I have problem i do have critical quest item which i wish to catch players eye so i am thinking it could have blue sheen like magical items have. Does any of you know what exactly do i need to add to item global effect or some useable ability? Maybe i am overthinking this and only thing necessary is the critical item flag.
  2. My item uses the cast spell opcode which calls relevant spwi809 & spwi710. Question that i have will your mod spells>innates compatible with my mod? Should i then add incompatibility warning?
  3. I am worried about compatibility between mods so all my spell are custom however i cannot make custom versions of Spell Sequencer & Spell Trigger to work I copied & renamed both spells but second part *D.spl does not give the special ability to actually launch spells stored in sequencer.
  4. Thanks Jmerry&SubtleDoc but your replies are valid for EEstuff i am not making EE mod in fact it might be ToB only So anyway if anybody is interested below loop in Area Script does work. IF !Dead("rqnaelt3") THEN RESPONSE #100 ApplySpell("rqnaelt3",CLERIC_HEAL) Wait(6) Continue() END
  5. No i just want to heal to 100% every round https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Nature_elemental
  6. It works! I have applied this to area scrip though i am aware i should have postfaced it with Continue() Will test it tomorrow with Continue() later I have created creature which preferably should have no animation only insect plague effect from ring i gave it any suggestions here Bird does not work i cannot kill it Doom guard leave Dark outline on floor.
  7. Condition -Crash- / per round (10) does not work at all
  8. NI says in 232 opcode that per round will crash the game? Condition -Crash- / per round (10) Will test it.
  9. I have create Monster that heals all its wounds every round The problem i have is that when i say use hold effect its override script of applysspell(heal) stops executing is there way around this? If not i might append something to area script or use some other trick
  10. Is there way to restrict item to be usable to CHARNAME only?
  11. Specifically find references by right clicking on raver07.waw in NI
  12. Nope none of the sounds are in cre files they are only in 2da i did search for raver07.waw in NI with checkmark for .cre files Death sound belongs to creature with no speaking so i cannot search for strings.
  13. There is no string it is death sound.
  14. How do i find string number of raver07.waw so i can use it as death sound? Will it interfere with 2da animation sound if put death sound in cre file but leave the 2da sounds animation as there as it is default?
  15. So how does one make ONLY my evil NPCs to never leave due reputation? I had a look cdtweaks but it makes everyone to not leave by removing numerical values from happy.2da Tsjuatha does patch Dplayer2 but i do not understand the mechanism of action so i am leery to copy it since i do not understand if it will work for my NPCs
  16. IF Global("rqjaheira4ambush","GLOBAL",1) Dead("rqdermin") // Dermin Courtierdale Global("rqjaheira2tobambushSpawn","AR5004",0) THEN RESPONSE #100 CreateCreature("rqjah135",[557.636],0) // Jaheira SetGlobal("rqjaheira2tobambushSpawn","AR5004",1) SetGlobal("rqjaheira2tobambush","GLOBAL",1) END IF GlobalTimerExpired("SaradushSiegeTimer","GLOBAL") THEN RESPONSE #50 SetGlobalTimer("SaradushSiegeTimer","GLOBAL",50) RESPONSE #50 ScreenShake([20.20],3) PlaySound("AM5004S1") SetGlobalTimer("SaradushSiegeTimer","GLOBAL",50) RESPONSE #50 ScreenShake([20.20],3) PlaySound("AM5004S2") SetGlobalTimer("SaradushSiegeTimer","GLOBAL",50) END It appears at least to me that my code is smarter than you would think It copied contents from common areascript and pasted my content above.
  17. I am trying to add area script in Area which has no script at least in vanilla game How does one do such and how to do it in way so compatibility with other mods would be maintained? // This is in my tp2 as of now will it work? COPY_EXISTING ~ar5004.are~ ~override/ar5004.are~ WRITE_ASCII 0x94 ~ar5004~ EXTEND_TOP ~ar5004.bcs~ ~revan/baf/rqar5004.baf~
  18. IF GlobalTimerExpired("rqHornOfWilderness","AR1900") THEN RESPONSE #100 SetGlobalTimer("rqHornOfWilderness","AR1900",20) DisplayStringHead(Myself,~Uses Horn of Wilderness~) // Uses Horn of Wilderness PlaySound("rqhorn") ReallyForceSpellRES("rqwodbei",NearestEnemyOf(Myself)) // Summon Woodland Beings ReallyForceSpellRES("rqearele",NearestEnemyOf(Myself)) // Summon Earth Elemental ReallyForceSpellRES("rqfirele",NearestEnemyOf(Myself)) // Summon Fire Elemental END IF GlobalTimerExpired("ElectrifiedFloorTimer","AR6005") THEN RESPONSE #100 SetGlobalTimer("ElectrifiedFloorTimer","AR6005",21) DisplayString(Myself,72905) // Abazigal Shockwave PlaySound("am6005e") ReallyForceSpell(Myself,ABAZIGAL_SHOCKWAVE) // SPIN531.SPL (Abazigal Shockwave) END Why the code above does not work? Snippet below is from original game yet it in my testing the code above doesnt work at all.
  19. Why does weidu complain about it then? [revan/baf/rqgrun5c.baf] PARSE ERROR at line 16 column 16-82 Near Text: ) [DisplayStringHead] argument [Pauden! Use the the horn! Use the horn!] was expected to be an integer IF See(NearestEnemyOf(Myself)) Allegiance(Myself,ENEMY) //Global("rqcontract5battle","GLOBAL",1) Global("rqUsedHorn","LOCALS",0) THEN RESPONSE #100 DisplayStringHead(Myself,"Pauden! Use the the horn! Use the horn!") // Pauden! Use the the horn! Use the horn! SetGlobal("rqUsedHorn","LOCALS",1) END
  20. How does one append something to dialog tlk to be used in future for DisplayStringHead? I looked at weidu.org and nothing pops up to me to be suitable.
  21. IF See([ENEMY]) Allegiance(Myself,ENEMY) Global("rqTurnedToWehrwolf","LOCALS",0) THEN RESPONSE #100 ForceSpellRES("SPCL644",Myself) // Shapeshifts Greater Werewolf SetGlobal("rqTurnedToWehrwolf","LOCALS",1) END I would really like to know why this snipped will not turn NPC into Werewolf
  22. Yeah no longer necessary i just created new NPC thanks for reply though.
  23. BEGIN rqrugos CHAIN IF ~//True() Global("rqRevanMintiper","GLOBAL",3) InParty("rqrev") See("rqrev") !Dead("rqrev") !StateCheck("rqrev",STATE_SLEEPING)~ THEN rqrugos RugosIntro ~Greetings Captain.~ DO ~SetGlobal("rqRevanMintiper","GLOBAL",4)~ == rqrevJ ~We need to find out where is Mintiper Moonsilver our old enemy from Moonsea.~ == rqrugos ~Tell me what you have lets put this all together.~ == rqrevJ ~We have nothing but Mintipers name and i think most mercenaries are from same unit since they have same colors and they mostly use halberds and crossbows.~ = ~One more thing they recruited Prangl.~ == rqrugos ~Ha! i saw him outside of Umar Hills Tavern. Drink was always his weakness.~ == rqrevJ ~Umar Hills it is. Have you found any suitable mercenary contracts?~ == rqrugos ~Not yet but will visit old contact of mine as i have heard tavern rumor that he is searching for mercenaries.~ == rqrevJ ~When you will have something send messenger.~ == rqrugos ~Sending messages is not necessary and quite dangerous. Return here after you defeat Mintiper it would be quite dangerous to conduct business while he is alive.~ //DO ~SetGlobal("rqRevanMintiper","GLOBAL",5)~ EXIT /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- Rugos contract no.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------*/ IF ~Dead("rqmintip") Global("rqContractsRugosAvailable","GLOBAL",1) //Global("rqcontractMarcian","GLOBAL",1) ~ THEN BEGIN Rugos1OfferContract SAY ~Greetings, I am sure you are here for the mercenary contracts Revan talked to you about.~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~Yes he told me to talk to you.~ GOTO Rugos1Contract IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~Yeah that's not the case, Farewell.~ GOTO Rugos1Rejected END Compiling 37 dialogue files ... [revan/d/rqrugos.d] PARSE ERROR at line 37 column 1-2 Near Text: IF syntax error [revan/d/rqrugos.d] ERROR at line 37 column 1-2 Near Text: IF Parsing.Parse_error ERROR: parsing [revan/d/rqrugos.d]: Parsing.Parse_error ERROR: compiling [revan/d/rqrugos.d]! Stopping installation because of error. ERROR Installing [Golden Horse mercenary company (Requires Throne of Bhaal)], rolling back to previous state Will uninstall 33 files for [SETUP_REVAN.TP2] component 0. Uninstalled 33 files for [SETUP_REVAN.TP2] component 0. ERROR: Parsing.Parse_error Why this thing causes parse error? inaccurate at that. Both chain and second snippet do compile if they are in separate BEGINs but together they throw parse error
  24. EXTEND_BOTTOM BELMIN 0 IF ~See("rqrev") Inparty("rqrev") !StateCheck("rqrev",STATE_SLEEPING) Global("belminrevan","AR0700",0) ~ THEN GOTO BelminIntro END APPEND BELMIN IF ~~ THEN BEGIN BelminIntro SAY ~You! Vile and prideful! You dare to enter the city?!~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("belminrevan","AR0700",1)~ GOTO BelminDisbelief END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN BelminDisbelief SAY ~You! ELF! ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME?!~ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN ~rqrevJ~ RevanAnswerToBelmin END // IF ~Global("belminrevan","AR0700",1)~ THEN BEGIN RevanAnswerToBelmin // SAY ~Dog that barks doesn't bite.~ // IF ~~ THEN EXTERN ~BELMIN~ BelminsFinalWords // END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN RevanAnswer SAY ~Dog that barks doesn't bite.~ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN ~BELMIN~ BelminsFinalWords END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN BelminsFinalWords SAY ~YOU SHALL PAY FOR YOUR SINS ELF FILTH!!!~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~Enemy() Attack("rqrev")~ EXIT END END So i wrote this just in case and this also gives me a compiler error namely the commented out portion which i have put in BEGIN rqrevJ
  25. EXTEND_BOTTOM BELMIN 0 IF ~See("rqrev") Inparty("rqrev") !StateCheck("rqrev",STATE_SLEEPING) Global("belminrevan","AR0700",0) ~ THEN GOTO BelminIntro END EXTEND_BOTTOM BELMIN 0 IF ~See("rqrev") Inparty("rqrev") !StateCheck("rqrev",STATE_SLEEPING) Global("belminrevan","AR0700",0) ~ THEN GOTO BelminIntro END APPEND BELMIN CHAIN ~BELMIN~ BelminIntro ~You! Vile and prideful elf! You dare to enter the city?!~ == BELMIN ~You! ELF! ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME?!~ == rqrevJ ~Dog that barks doesn't bite.~ == BELMIN ~I BELMIN GERGAS SHALL MAKE YOU PAY FOR YOUR SINS ELF FILTH!!!~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~Enemy() Attack("rqrev")~ EXIT END I have wrote this reaction to Belmin Gergas the elf hater i am getting compiler errors anybody knows why? [revan/d/rqbelmin.d] ERROR at line 15 column 1-9 Near Text: CHAIN Parsing.Parse_error ERROR: parsing [revan/d/rqbelmin.d]: Parsing.Parse_error ERROR: compiling [revan/d/rqbelmin.d]! Stopping installation because of error.
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