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Everything posted by svj

  1. IF InParty("rqrev") !Dead("rqrev") Global("rqSpawnPentarchAmbush","GLOBAL",1) Global("rqSpawnPentarchsGoons","AR0500",0) AreaCheck("AR0500") THEN RESPONSE #100 SetGlobal("rqSpawnPentarchsGoons","AR0500",1) CreateCreature("rqfight9",[4409.285],0) // fighter CreateCreature("rqfight9",[4285.202],0) // fighter //CreateCreature("rqfight9",[3550.495],0) // fighter CreateCreature("rqcrobw9",[4294.172],0) // crossbowman CreateCreature("rqcrobw9",[4352.197],0) // crossbowman CreateCreature("rqcle13",[4381.111],0) // cleric //CreateCreature("rqcle13",[4437.257],0) // cleric CreateCreature("rqt12f13",[4407.276],0) // thief CreateCreature("rqt12f13",[4328.221],0) // thief CreateCreature("rqwizsla",[4437.168],0) // wizardslayer END You meant something like this? 0x407E AreaCheck(S:ResRef*) Returns true only if the active CRE is in the area specified.
  2. IF InParty("rqrev") !Dead("rqrev") Global("rqSpawnPentarchAmbush","GLOBAL",1) Global("rqSpawnPentarchsGoons","AR0500",0) THEN RESPONSE #100 SetGlobal("rqSpawnPentarchsGoons","AR0500",1) CreateCreature("rqfight9",[4409.285],0) // fighter CreateCreature("rqfight9",[4285.202],0) // fighter //CreateCreature("rqfight9",[3550.495],0) // fighter CreateCreature("rqcrobw9",[4294.172],0) // crossbowman CreateCreature("rqcrobw9",[4352.197],0) // crossbowman CreateCreature("rqcle13",[4381.111],0) // cleric //CreateCreature("rqcle13",[4437.257],0) // cleric CreateCreature("rqt12f13",[4407.276],0) // thief CreateCreature("rqt12f13",[4328.221],0) // thief CreateCreature("rqwizsla",[4437.168],0) // wizardslayer END So i have been using CreateCreature with Global to set to area code to create my creatures however this way the game will create creatures only if at the time of execution of script i am not in specified area. So should i move this createcreature code from my NPCs override script to area baf or is there other solution to my problem?
  3. IF ~~ THEN BEGIN RewardNegotiation SAY ~Listen i will give you 15000 no more no less.~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~No i wont do it.~ EXIT IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~Alright join my party.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~JoinParty() SetGlobal("rqrevanjoined","LOCALS",1) SetGlobal("rqAgreedtoJob","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT END I have this code in my join dialogue yet i do not see my rqprefixed GLOBAL in Near Infinity and of course my triggers do not work. Although i do see GLOBAL in game if i set it manually but it does not trigger desired action.
  4. This is my code for initial meeting notice the commented out condition that i used for testing even after commeting this condition out &(reinstalling the mod) the NPC has nothing to say. IF ~~ THEN BEGIN FirstMeeting SAY ~Greetings good <PRO_SIRMAAM> i would like to introduce myself to you. My name is Revan Artecratos formerly of mercenary persuasion and i would like to make a business proposition to you.~ IF ~/*!InParty("Jaheira")*/~ THEN REPLY ~What kind of proposition are talking about?~ GOTO rqProposition IF ~InParty("Jaheira")~ THEN REPLY ~(Suddenly his gaze notices Jaheira and his tone shifts completely) Apologies for wasting your time i will not bore you with this silly proposal, Farewell.~ EXIT IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~Not interested.~ GOTO OfferGold END
  5. This is on Linux and i have tolowered everything.
  6. My NPC is appearing successfully in game but when i talk to it the ingame it responds: Revan "has nothing to say to you." Yet i can see NPCs dialogue in Near Infinity.
  7. IF ~~ THEN BEGIN Rugos1HaveHead SAY ~Show it to me...Hmm....appearance matches. Here is your gold, Talk to me when you are ready to take another contract, Farewell.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~GiveGoldForce(12000) SetGlobal("rqcontractKamraarn","GLOBAL",1) EraseJournalEntry(~Assassination Contract Marcian Argent. I have agreed to kill Marcian Argent for Dwarf Rugos in Mithrest Inn. He is supposed to be somewhere in Graveyard District i should be expecting Marcian to be protected by at least two Priests, several Fighters and one Wizard.~)~ SOLVED_JOURNAL ~Assassination Contract: Marcian Argent completed.~ EXIT END [action list near line 95, column 28 of revan/d/rqrugos.d] PARSE WARNING at line 97 column 1-26 Near Text: syntax error WARNING: cannot verify action ~GiveGoldForce(12000) SetGlobal("rqcontractKamraarn","GLOBAL",1) EraseJournalEntry(~: Parsing.Parse_error [revan/d/rqrugos.d] PARSE ERROR at line 95 column 1-40 Near Text: Assassination syntax error [revan/d/rqrugos.d] ERROR at line 95 column 1-40 Near Text: Assassination Parsing.Parse_error ERROR: parsing [revan/d/rqrugos.d]: Parsing.Parse_error ERROR: compiling [revan/d/rqrugos.d]! Stopping installation because of error. ERROR Installing [Golden Horse mercenary company (Requires Throne of Bhaal)], rolling back to previous state Will uninstall 29 files for [SETUP_REVAN.TP2] component 0. Uninstalled 29 files for [SETUP_REVAN.TP2] component 0. ERROR: Parsing.Parse_error No workey sir.
  8. IF ~~ THEN BEGIN Rugos1HaveHead SAY ~Show it to me...Hmm....appearance matches. Here is your gold, Talk to me when you are ready to take another contract, Farewell.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~GiveGoldForce(12000) SetGlobal("rqcontractKamraarn","GLOBAL",1)~ SOLVED_JOURNAL ~Assassination Contract: Marcian Argent completed.~ EraseJournalEntry(~Assassination Contract Marcian Argent. I have agreed to kill Marcian Argent for Dwarf Rugos in Mithrest Inn. He is supposed to be somewhere in Graveyard District i should be expecting Marcian to be protected by at least two Priests, several Fighters and one Wizard.~) EXIT END This produces parse error you sure this is the right way to do it?
  9. EraseJournalEntry(RESOLVE_STR_REF(Assasination Contract Marcian Argent. I have agreed to kill Marcian Argent for Dwarf Rugos Mithrest Inn. He is supposed to be somewhere in Graveyard District i should be expecting Marcian to be protected by at least two Priests, several Fighters and one Wizard.)) I have grepped my entire unpacked modding/games folder and nobody is using this function. How is this thing supposed to be used?
  10. I had look at original game files and they do delete journal entries by specifying string reference number which i for obvious reasons i do not have. How do mods delete journal entries? Should i just add entries to user journal? and let users to delete entries?
  11. Anybody knows source for bg looking portraits?
  12. Right mod is installing now without warnings. I still have Journal entries to add and Inparty prattle.
  13. I do have few custom spell that would be used ONLY by NPCs against CHARNAME do i need to install them via the projectile method? What is minimal amount of coding to achieve this can you post some examples? Currently if i just want to copy spells into override Checking for required files ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Extending game scripts ... Copying 1 file ... ERROR: error loading [/revan/spl/rqmaze.spl] Stopping installation because of error. [svj@localhost Baldur's Gate 2]$ ls revan/spl/rqmaze.spl revan/spl/rqmaze.spl
  14. IF ~~ THEN BEGIN GalvareyInprisonment SAY ~Glad you've decided to cooperate. With my appointment as Herald more good like this can be done. As i said you need not to worry we shall put the spell on you and it will last until we transport you unharmed before High Harper council.~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~Yes cast the spell on me. I shall meet with this Harper Council.~ DO ~ReallyForceSpell(Player1,WIZARD_IMPRISONMENT) ReallyForceSpell(rqrev,WIZARD_IMPRISONMENT)~ EXIT END WARNING: cannot verify action ~ReallyForceSpell(Player1,WIZARD_IMPRISONMENT) ReallyForceSpell(rqrev,WIZARD_IMPRISONMENT)~: Not_found This snipped causes compiler warning what can i do about this?
  15. Both files rq5minti.d and rqrev.d exist and are in d folder and have content in them
  16. ERROR locating resource for 'CHAIN3' Resource [RQ5MINTI.DLG] not found in KEY file: [./chitin.key] ERROR: preprocessing APPEND_EARLY [revan/d/rqrev.d]: Failure("resource [RQ5MINTI.DLG] not found for 'CHAIN3'") Stopping installation because of error. I am now compiling the entire .d folder why i am getting this error RQ5MINTI is in d folder do i need to compile my d files separately?
  17. BEGIN rqrugos CHAIN IF ~Global("rqRevanMintiper","GLOBAL",1) InParty("rqrev") See("rqrev") !Dead("rqrev") !StateCheck("rqrev",STATE_SLEEPING)~ THEN rqrevJ rqrevrugos ~My dear friend Rugos...~ DO ~SetGlobal("rqRevanMintiper","GLOBAL",2)~ == rqrugos ~Likewise old Captain its good to see you alive.~ == rqrevJ ~They will have to put much more effort to get me under ground.~ == rqrugos ~Good to hear. Let us talk about our enemy.~ == rqrevJ ~Harpers namely Mintiper Moonsilver our old enemy from Moonsea.~ == rqrugos ~Ha! By chance i stumbled on their camp yesterday they are near in Umar Hills west from Umar Cave apparently they are searching for something there.~ == rqrevJ ~What about Mintiper Moonsilver did you saw him?~ == rqrugos ~Yes but he is accompanied by a rather large group of allies.~ == rqrevJ ~We shall pay them a visit sooner or later. By the way have found any work that we can do?~ == rqrugos ~Not yet but will visit old contact of mine as i have heard tavern rumor that he is searching for mercenaries.~ == rqrevJ ~When you will have something send messenger.~ == rqrugos ~Sending messages is not necessary and quite dangerous. Return here after you defeat Mintiper it would be quite dangerous to conduct bussiness while he is alive.~ DO ~SetGlobal("rqRevanMintiper","GLOBAL",3)~ EXIT /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- Rugos contract no.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------*/ IF ~Dead("rqmintip") Global("rqContractsRugosAvailable","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN BEGIN Rugos1OfferContract SAY ~Greetings, I am sure you are here for the mercenary contracts Revan talked to you about.~ IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~Yes he told me to talk to you.~ GOTO Rugos1Contract IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~Yeah that's not the case, Farewell.~ GOTO Rugos1Rejected END [revan/d/rqrugos.d] PARSE ERROR at line 41 column 1-2 Near Text: IF syntax error [revan/d/rqrugos.d] ERROR at line 41 column 1-2 Near Text: IF Parsing.Parse_error ERROR: parsing [revan/d/rqrugos.d]: Parsing.Parse_error ERROR: compiling [revan/d/rqrugos.d]! Stopping installation because of error. Despite compiler saying the problem is at 41 line if i comment out CHAIN the dialogue compiles
  18. So how do you do dialogue of four different NPCs in one file?
  19. This would be the code of four separate files Mr. Jmerry BEGIN rq3temo1 IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 1 SAY ~These two surely could have used to cooling down in jail.~ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN ~rq3temm1~ 2 END BEGIN rq3temm1 IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 2 SAY ~Could you ask this good for nothing flea bitten excuse for merchant to leave this place. I and High priest came to understanding that only i will have the right to be merchant near the temple.~ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN ~rq3temm2~ 3 END BEGIN rq3temm2 IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 3 SAY ~And where is parchment or document of some kind to prove this? Hmm??? why don't you show me your supposed right on paper?~ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN ~rq3temo2~ 4 END BEGIN rq3temo2 IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 4 SAY ~Alright you and me lets go!~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("rq3AmbushBattle","GLOBAL",1) ActionOverride("rq3temm1",EscapeArea()) ActionOverride("rq3temm2",EscapeArea()) ActionOverride("rq3temob1",EscapeArea()) ActionOverride("rq3temon1",EscapeArea())~ EXIT END
  20. If you would notice Mr. Jmerry i postfixed every label with number in order of an appearance in the dialogue. IF ~~ THEN BEGIN rq3tempamb1 IF ~~ THEN BEGIN rq3tempamb2
  21. Thank you Mr. Smith i have converted my alfanumeric string labels to numbers and now it compiles
  22. No in TP2 i have it separated // Temple Ambush no3 COMPILE ~revan/d/rq3temo1.d~ COMPILE ~revan/d/rq3temm1.d~ COMPILE ~revan/d/rq3temm2.d~ COMPILE ~revan/d/rq3temo2.d~
  23. rq3temo1.d BEGIN rq3temo1 IF ~~ THEN BEGIN rq3tempamb1 SAY ~These two surely could have used to cooling down in jail.~ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN ~rq3temm1~ rq3tempamb2 END rq3temm1.d BEGIN rq3temm1 IF ~~ THEN BEGIN rq3tempamb2 SAY ~Could you ask this good for nothing flea bitten excuse for merchant to leave this place. I and High priest came to understanding that only i will have the right to be merchant near the temple.~ IF ~~ THEN EXTERN ~rq3temm2~ rq3tempamb3 END ERROR: Cannot resolve external symbolic label [rq3tempamb2] for DLG [RQ3TEMM1] ERROR: postprocessing [RQ3TEMO1]: Failure("cannot resolve label") Stopping installation because of error. Any ideas this is as simple as i can get the code why is it not compiling?
  24. APPEND ~ribald.dlg~ ~revan/d/rq2ribald.d~ ~RibaldQuestionAboutRing~ ~RibaldTheathre1~ ~RibaldTheathre2~ ~RibaldTheathre3~ ~RibaldTheathre4~ ~RibaldRingSell~ ~RibaldGetRing~ ~RibaldNoMoney~ ~RibaldHadNoMoney~ ~RevanAfterRibaldTalk2~ ~RevanAfterRibaldTalk3~ ~RevanAfterRibaldTalk4~ ~RevanAfterRibaldTalk5~ ~RibaldRelieved~ ~RibaldBegging~ ~RibaldProtests~ ~RibaldEscalation~ END Is there mod in which this kind appending is performed so i can pinch its tp2 code? Code above is triggering parsing error
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