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Posts posted by Granger77

  1. 3 hours ago, subtledoctor said:

    In fact... this gives me an idea for how to make this mod work with SoD, rather than only instead of it.

    Yay!! While I really like the ideas you've put forth here, I also really enjoy SoD, so to have the option to still get to play through it would be amazing. Really excited to see how this progresses!

    I think BG1 has a lot of storytelling potential, and your motif of mirrors/reflections is very fitting.

  2. Hi @AWizardDidIt,

    I need to add my voice as well and say that Black Hearts is incredibly good. I played it for the first time last year, and it will continue to be a staple of all my future installs.

    I know impostor syndrome very well, as do others here, I'm sure; it can be downright crippling. Just, take heart in knowing that people have enjoyed what you've created 😃

  3. @Lurker, hello!
    Apologies for my late reply as well!

    "One "reason" to give the diary to Illasera instead of Nerys could be that, since it's her show, she's less likely to bug out in her own story... "

    This makes sense. In any case, I did give the diary to Illasera, and the only hiccup I noticed was, like you, in the fight with Cherise, the dialogue proceeded as if both paths were activated. I then reloaded, started the scene over again, and everything was fine; no parallel dialogues or anything. Weird.

    "When approaching the Sanctum Portal with the Astral Gemstones, dialog option 2 was just "@3131"; the following dialog option 2 had actual text ("*Enter the Portal*")"

    Can confirm this happened to me as well.

    And yea, what was with that little goblin?? I did Detect Illusion in that area, and nothing showed. Oh well....


    Kind of an anticlimactic ending, if I do say so myself. Of course, I play with Endless BG1, so it's understandable if Illasera doesn't have any dialogue after the Sarevok fight. Still, very jarring, lol.

    All in all, I thought that Black Hearts, despite its bugs, was great. I can't wait to play it again.

    "Also, if it isn't obvious by the slow down of progress reports here, my playthrough is on hold for the time being."

    All good. Sometimes you need to catch a break every now and then. I'm in SoD right now and resisting the urge to restart with DavidW's new Talents. It's not that I dislike my PC currently (a TN Bard who is drenched in melancholy and death, akin to Xan); I actually like him a lot. Just, there's so many cool runs/characters to do, and so little time....

  4. I love SoD. It has some really great moments that have stuck with me since I first played.

    I think someone on Reddit said that it felt too much like the climax of the saga, which...I can kind of agree with. At times it feels a bit TOO epic and grand. But, it's a game about a war, so that's understandable I think.

    Overall, I tend to like it more than SoA (I know, I know).

  5. Hi again, Lurker!

    Alright, so, regarding my playthrough with Black Hearts:

    I also experienced the Nerys house bug; luckily, the console command you gave to spawn her saved my butt.

    Second, with what you said in this comment here: https://www.gibberlings3.net/forums/topic/37301-lurkers-eet-install-eet-modpack_2023-09-17_v2/?do=findComment&comment=330265 -- am I correct in thinking that giving the diary to Nerys will lead to a game-breaking incident? I'm trying to not completely spoil myself with this mod, but I also want to do everything I can to avoid having to resort to consoling and/or finding extensive workarounds with quests (the Ascension + Wheels of Prophecy incompatibilities have scarred me for life).

    As you have said, it's crazy that up until Nerys' house, the mod has gone really well.

    Thanks again for these notes!!

  6. jastey -

    Thank you so incredibly much for all that you've done for this community. We are in your debt, as it's clear that you've been staple of the BG modding world for years.

    Take care of yourself, do what you need to do, and please know that because of you and your dedication, we got to experience some amazing content that will not be forgotten.

    Words really can't describe the gratitude that you deserve, but nevertheless - thank you, again!

  7. Hi there, Lurker!

    First of all, I'd like to thank you for this thread, and for chronicling your run! It really helps knowing whether a problem with a mod is widespread, whether the problem is connected to another certain mod, etc. etc.

    Secondly, in regards to your issue with Black Hearts for EET and you comment here: "tl;dr: If you don't tolerate bugs, don't use Black Hearts for EET. The mod's content falls apart at the later stages."

    Damn, that really sucks; out of all the new mods that I installed for my new run, BH was among those I was looking forward to the most. But now after reading about your issues...I'm fairly nervous to proceed (I've only done the first quest). Having to console and find workarounds is, undoubtedly, corrosive to immersion. And that's even IF a workaround is possible.
    I will for surely be on the lookout for issues with it,  and will report accordingly.

    Thanks again!

  8. Ahh yes, I had forgotten that a "save Caelar" quest resides in LCA. I'll have to check that out.

    I read a little bit more about the Roxanne mod (specifically pertaining to Caelar's motivations after you rescue her) and am hesitant to download. Joining the crusade would definitely be a cool thing to do with it, though.

    Thanks for your reply, megrimlock!

  9. Hey subtledoctor!

    I am setting up an EET run, and am receiving the following error when installing this mod, specifically component 30:


    //ERROR: No translation provided for @12389
    //[weidu_external/Combat_Skill_Proficiencies/compile/d5cs110.d]  ERROR at line 13 column 1-117
    //Near Text: @12389
    //    Not_found
    //ERROR: parsing [weidu_external/Combat_Skill_Proficiencies/compile/d5cs110.d]: Not_found
    //ERROR: compiling [weidu_external/Combat_Skill_Proficiencies/compile/d5cs110.d]!
    //Stopping installation because of error.
    //Stopping installation because of error.
    //ERROR Installing [Combat Skill Points], rolling back to previous state
    //Will uninstall 1255 files for [Combat_Skill_Proficiencies\Combat_Skill_Proficiencies.tp2] component 30.
    //Uninstalled    1255 files for [Combat_Skill_Proficiencies\Combat_Skill_Proficiencies.tp2] component 30.
    //ERROR: Not_found
    //Please make a backup of the file: Setup-Combat_Skill_Proficiencies.debug and look for support at: SubtleD
    //Automatically Skipping [Combat Skill Points] because of error.
    //Using Language [English]
    //[.\lang\en_us\dialog.tlk] created, 362248 string entries
    //NOT INSTALLED DUE TO ERRORS Combat Skill Points


    I've searched, and tried multiple times with clean installs and it always reaches this result. I'm a severe noob to modding, so I apologize if there was a simpler way to troubleshoot this.

  10. 38 minutes ago, moggadeet said:

    An improved ToB would, for me, involve two plot elements: 1) knowing that you can remain mortal or become a non-evil god, and being able to act towards that end outside of the Solar dialogues and the very very end and 2) not being forced to be Melissan's cat's paw.

    Yep, agreed.

    I really enjoy ToB, but I do wish that we could attempt to undermine Melissan when her plan becomes more apparent.

    Knowing about our heritage and acting accordingly also sounds neat, and could afford some good RP at the very end of the saga.

  11. 13 minutes ago, Guest Faster than Jesus said:

    Playing through EET with this for the first time.


    Upon completion of BG1 and beginning SoD, after completing the Sarevok Sword quest and talking to Belt to I get a final save but the cut scene freezes and the game will not progress.

    This happened on my last playthrough as well. What worked for me is that I went to the main menu and chose the SoD campaign, then loaded my last save.

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